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    Foxing, Game shooting, Rough Shooting, Lamping, Clay Pigeon Shooting, Farming, Rugby, Motorsport, Cars

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  1. Hi, having seen one of these at my local gun shop and they look mighty impressive... Has anyone got/had one of these and what are your thoughts on the gun? Also how durble is the carbon coating as the gun would be used mostly for rough shooting!!
  2. Having had the SX3 for over a year now, and really pleased with it, as it's light, balanced very paintable and cycles faultlessly. But due to the adverse weather here in West wales, i am very tempted to purchase another auto for my rough shooting which will require less stripping/cleaning. Therefore i am considering purchasing the remington versa max. I would really appreciate owners/users opinions of the versa max, the only thing which is putting me off is the weight of the gun (as it will be getting carried during long walks), any comment may be appreciated!!
  3. That does seem quite reasonable for a new barrel, although might be worth thinking about looking for another complete secondhand maxus which you'd possible pick up for around £600!!
  4. Hi, i am in two minds to change my winchester SX3 (auto) for another O/U. My SX3 has been in my ownership for roughly 6 months, but after really begetting the hang of the O/U market i am tempted to trade in for another `O/U which would be used for rough shooting/hunting!!! What would you guys value my SX3 at (mint condition)? After having a browse through my local RFD's stock, a Rizzini B Premier (black action) caught my eye, of which had 3" chamber, 30" barrels, selective barrels, and balanced + fitted nicely. I would like to know what users have to day about the Rizzini B Premier Shotguns!!!
  5. Long shot, but do you still have these forsale??
  6. any pictures of the gun slip, what make/manufacture is it?
  7. FOR SALE Invector DS Chokes 1x genuine browning 1/2 flush choke 1x genuine browning 1/4 flush choke £75for both or £40 ono 2 x SKEET - SOLD extended briley browning ds spectrum black oxide shotgun choke (only used once) £80 for both
  8. Exact the same as my 2006 525 Sporter. Wether the gun is a sporter or field comes down to the rib on the gun!! Narrow = Field... Wide = Sporter. Looks like a sporter from the given images as the barrels are ventilated!
  9. A friend of mine has one and it's been faultless since he's owned it!! He's considering selling it for a change to a auto
  10. We didn't repair the old one as it was apparently knackered!! Got a very good deal on the same battery by them though!! You'd be better off giving Deben a call!!
  11. Our's done this the other week... We spoke to Deben and sent it back, but unfortually as not under warranty had to buy a new one (at a discounted price from them) as the old was knackered they said!! Might be worth you having a chat with them mate!!
  12. I think Telpyn has gone down hill big time...
  13. I would also recommend a winchester SX3.. although mines 3 1/2" it still cycles everything which I've put through it. Had a Hatsan Escort before as my first semi, enjoyed it through my ownership, but now after haven the SX3 (6 months ish) i'd never go back.. i find it very soft to shoot aswel!!
  14. Hi, Been looking at the anglo italian events list. Noticing the Wiltshire Rod and Gun Open/Demo day. Does anyone know where will this be held? Do they have their own ground to shoot on? Are these demo days worth the visit? Considering i will be traveling nearly 300 miles round trip!! Have handled quite a few CG's but haven't had the chance to try them out properly, which i would like to do before spending my money. Do you have a good go with the guns or only 10 clays or something? Any information would be greatly appreciated
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