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Everything posted by toxo

  1. Comparing the cost of testing against years and years of not having to treat so many illnesses/diseases is just wrong. (won't say what I was tempted to say) The cost of re-vamping the whole NHS pales into insignificance when compared to the savings. Anyway I can't be ***** to even try to work out you lot any more so this is adieu. I'll leave you to squirm (Or not in most of your cases) while your precious leader tells a lot more lies in the house in a few minutes. BYE
  2. Sigh... Don't know why I expected anything different really.
  3. This is the place for all you armchair critics. I'll start. Imagine a doctor calling you and telling you what's wrong with you even though you have no symptoms. Imagine how easy it would be to treat serious illness if caught at the very beginning. At the moment by the time a cancer is found your body could be riddled with it, sometimes rendering it inoperable. What's the cost, not just to the NHS in time taken to heal it but also the cost to the family and the work situation or business. Imagine the savings for the NHS in terms of bed hours saved, the amount of medication /equipment needed, to say nothing of no waiting lists and more time spent per patient. How could this happen? You re-vamp the NHS and make the Phlebotomy section the heart of the system, the gateway to the NHS. We've all had the scenario where we're sent for a blood test only to have to go back a couple of months later because it wasn't that, lets look for something else. WHAT IF at the age of say 8yrs old, and then every five yrs everybody went to Phlebotomy and they took enough blood to test for everything (I know that's oversimplifying it but along those lines). The savings would be astronomical, not just for the NHS but globally, and not just financially but in terms of sick days, staff shortages etc etc etc.
  4. toxo


    Another one asking me for ideas and solutions! Tell you what, I'll start a new thread on ideas and solutions with absolutely no politics. No he said she said. That'll sort the wheat from the chaff.
  5. toxo


    I don't have any views on anti semitism. To be honest, I don't understand it. All I know is the Jews have been persecuted for hundreds of years and I don't know why. I suspect it has something to do with money.
  6. toxo


    ***??? You actually think do you? That's a surprise. Did it hurt much?
  7. toxo


    Labour/Tory, it's just a name. You think I'm a Labour voter? Wrong. I used to be but not for a while. They are found wanting in some areas but their goals are better for the country and the people in it. If you look at it objectively, What tools do they have compared to the torys? Generalising now, Most of em don't come from an Eton/Harrow background where they're taught from birth how to make money. They don't have anything like the budget that the tories have to work with. Tory background and money enables them to promise the world and give nothing. Their focus is all about getting re-elected and they're very good at it. They've been proven liars time and time again and still never admit it or say sorry. They get £50 whilst the rest of us get many times more. They're rotten to the core and because they focus every year to make more "haves" they get away with it. My vote for the Reform party is the only way I have to register my disappointment with the whole system and hope they get enough votes to make someone take notice.
  8. toxo


    No one asked you to address anything. I merely thanked the Panarama program for highlighting what quite a lot of people are going through in this our caring society. Did any of you watch the program? One woman with children was wrapped in a blanket because she couldn't afford to put the heating on. She had no money left at all and she was praying the £2 something left on the prepayment meter would last for the next three days until she got some money. Do any of you know how horrendously expensive the tariffs are on prepayment meters. It's the same damn electricity for gods sake.
  9. toxo


    If not for Labour and the unions (and I know they sometimes went too far) your wages and working conditions would be nothing like they are now. The benefit system wants looking at but don't lump the bludgers (an Australian term that I rather like) in with people who have absolutely nothing and no means to get themselves any further up the ladder. As a so called "caring society" aren't we duty bound to help them? And as for punishing the workers? what do you think is happening right now? Filled your car up lately? Got your energy bills through yet? And don't tell me that this sorry lot couldn't give more than 5p back on fuel duty because they can.
  10. toxo


    Define "performing", do you mean doing badly for the majority of people or doing badly for the more well off element?
  11. toxo


    You're one of the worst offenders. You're nasty, aggressive, you poo poo anything that doesn't suit you and you never ever add anything constructive to the debate. You're deluded enough to tout the tory party as getting Brexit done!!! what a joke. First of all Cameron went stone cold when he agreed to the referendum thinking no one would take it up. If it had been left up to the tories we'd still be in. Apart from that Brexit still isn't done. The biggest thing on the ticket was immigration. They've done really well with that one right? For what it's worth it was Nigel Farage that got Brexit through
  12. toxo


    What a load of ****! Name me one promise or pledge the torys have fulfilled from their manifesto to the present day?
  13. toxo


    Lets get this straight once and for all. Labour stands up for people not money. What does that actually mean? It means that if you want a happy society (meaning ALL society) certain things have to be in place like a police force, an NHS, a fire service and decent wages for all. What do all those utilities have in common? THEY COST MONEY. They don't make money. Under a tory government, these are the first to take a hit. A bit like the first out the door in a failing business is the cleaner. This is why, if you get burgled, you're lucky if you get a crime number let alone someone knocking on your door. It's true big investors don't like Labour because their raison d'être is to MAKE MONEY. So what does the Labour party have to do in order for EVERYONE to be happy? You work it out.
  14. toxo


    OK, from here on in only those that have seen the Panarama programme that this thread pertains to are allowed to post. If you all come back with all this **** after watching it then I'll have the measure of you. Thus far none of you have tried to address the problem and have no compassion whatever for those that are in desperate need NOW. You make me ashamed to be an Englishman.
  15. toxo


    It's a very good country to live in if you're a "Have".
  16. toxo


    Years ago there were many more “Have nots” than there were “Haves and England was a good country to live in. But over the years many more of us have been able at one time or another to become a “Have” in one shape or form and each time someone becomes a “Have” they change. If they voted labour before they’ll change their allegiance to tory because that gives them the best chance of holding onto their “assets” and instead of the compassion and camaraderie that we used to have for each other, all we have now is “***k you Jack, I’m all right”. As for this Panarama thread, I doubt many who have commented have even seen the programme and neither will they for the reasons I’ve laid out above. They’re happy so why worry? Don’t misunderstand me, many “haves” have worked hard for what they have and maybe deserve it but does that mean they can’t spare a thought for people that are going without food today so their children can eat? None of you are MPs yet you trot out any party line as if you were. Instead of rebelling against what’s going on, you’d rather come out with the same old ****, “labour would be a lot worse”, “it’s Covid”, It’s the Ukraine”, it’s this, it’s that. This government has been in power for many years and should have had this country sorted long ago. This is a bad government for the people in this country and all you “Haves” are making sure that things are going to get much worse before they get better. In answer to a previous question, things will get better in election year because this government will have gorged themselves so full of cake, they’ll have enough cake in the coffers to be able to start giving some back because they focus more on getting re-elected than doing the right thing.
  17. toxo


    Thanks Panorama for highlighting the plight of so many people in this supposedly fifth richest county in the world. No doubt many on here will come up with various excuses for this governments handling of this situation but the stark reality is people are dying and many more are about to die because we have to eat and have a certain level of heat to sustain life and these people just don't have it. One of the people in tonight's film asked an important question, she asked "When is it going to get better?". I don't have a crystal ball but I can answer that question with absolute certainty. THE NEXT ELECTION YEAR that's when.
  18. Unbelievable the lengths some people will go to to buoy up this lying piece of scum and it has nothing to do with party politics. Where is the line these days between legal/illegal, right/wrong, truth/lie, honest/dishonest? According to a lot on here there isn't one.
  19. I'll put this up because I imagine there's a lot of people out there who also don't know that they can get a discount from Southern water (and maybe all the others as well). It turns out that retirees can get at least a 20% discount on their water bills. Had an argument about this yesterday, apparently it is company policy BUT you have to ask for it. I told the guy "that's wrong". He said the information's on the website. I told him that many older people are not online. He said "It's on the bill" but he couldn't find it.
  20. Why are you constantly bringing someone else's story into the debate??? With you it's always "Well so and so did the same and got away with it)??? Are you telling us that he's not guilty? Or do you keep trying to big Bojo up so as not to look so stupid because you've supported him from the get go?
  21. A bit OT but many years ago Parkinson Cowan did a rotisserie for their eye level grills. The whole grill rack would lift an withdraw leaving two holes in the backplate to slot in the rotisserie. It had a small mains motor with a frame and a built in drip tray. Now here's the thing. One time I lived on a boat and I had a mini Mrs Beeton range. I used to sit that rotisserie in front of that range and I've never tasted better chicken before or since. And the kettle was always on the top (sometimes with the hole plate removed if in a hurry).
  22. look at this from 2mins in. Farage I think could be a hell of a lot harsher with bojo and talks a lot of sense about many other things. Foe those who like to get a balanced view about what's really going on it's worth a watch.
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