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Everything posted by toxo

  1. LOL! and so right. "Labour has a hatred of wealth" but not a word about the Tory love of it.
  2. toxo


    It's not just doctors, it's across the board. There's no accountability anywhere. The person you're talking to on the end of the phone know that if they don't like the tone of your voice they can simply put the phone down with absolutely no consequences whatsoever, that's if they can be ***** to answer you in the first place.
  3. Aldi have batteries and chargers. Look like dewalt type but nothing on the box. £30 quid for the batteries.
  4. I bought two pairs of varifocals from Specsavers but the reading part was so small it wasn't easy to use. To avoid me sending them back they made me a free pair of reading glasses. Not ideal but....
  5. Sadness, thoughts going out to the family etc etc but it'll be tomorrows chip paper because nothing gets done about it. This country was built on the social culture of Britons and our police force, hospitals etc were designed with our way of life in mind. I've never got my head around the reason for letting so many different cultures into this country that have no respect for the way we do things and to compound the error, we've allowed these various cultures to congregate in ever bigger numbers in areas that have grown so big that we've allowed them to establish THEIR cultures in OUR country which has absolutely trashed any idea of their integration into our way of life. The genie is out of the bottle now but if we don't get a grip on this now it's only going to get worse.
  6. I was told the whole thing was engineered to get rid of old fuel to make way for some new stuff!! Don't ask me.
  7. Good to read about something different. Thanks for sharing. Those reels must've cost a penny or two,
  8. I've never understood how someone who knows sod all about transport can be made minister for transport only to be shifted in the next reshuffle to become the health secretary of which he/she knows sod all about also. I can only conclude that the only criteria for getting into the cabinet is the ability to say "Yes Sir". How much better would things be if we got rid of party politics, let every MP apply for the job on their own merit every two years whence if they don't put up they get shifted out?
  9. It should be remembered that this debate has nothing to do with the welfare or pain of the animal. It's about religion. The period between having it's throat cut and unconsciousness might be fairly short (Unless you're the animal with it's throat cut) but it's there and it's not necessary. Deker has already pointed out the suffering caused by the live transporting of animals and I can only conclude, and I may be wrong, that the reason is so the animals can be slaughtered religiously.
  10. My stick are around 64 inches long and I'm around 5ft 10in. This is not critical cos you can adjust the height with the cords. Mine are made from B&Q plastic covered steel garden poles but anything suitable will do but you don't want them too heavy. You'll want some stainless steel nuts and bolts and some rubber washers to go in between. You don't want them clattering against each other. Look at the pics. One pole is shorter than the rest. That's to allow your cheek to get to the rifle. I'm right handed so the short one is on the left. Make sure there's enough "Vee" left for the rifle to sit in AFTER you have fitted some padding which will make the vee smaller. The cords can go almost anywhere. leave plenty of length until you get it just right and then cut off the surplus and put some tape around so they don't move. The adjustable rod rest really transforms your sticks and makes them very versatile. I invented the extra stick years ago but I believe some of the commercial ones incorporate it these days.
  11. Here's an old pic. I have better ones but you'll get the drift. The string in the middle is adjusted for the length of the rifle and the side string is adjust for you height. The whole is lifted on one leg to scan 360 degrees. The extra adjustable leg makes it so versatile that you can even line up the shot (If the target stays still long enough) so all you have to do is pull the trigger. Just to add, can be a faff if you're in a hide or enclosed space but the pros far outweigh the cons and they're so cheap to make it would be a crime not to give em a go. Don't forget to thank me later.
  12. I promise you won't go back. I've got halfway to the shoot and turned back because I'd forgotten my sticks. I introduced an extra adjustable stick at the back which enables you to leave them standing which is a boon when you need to do anything with the rifle without laying it in the mud. I'll se if I can find a pic.
  13. Some good stuff there. I don't want to teach Granny how to suck eggs but have you tried quad sticks? I have a stand up and a sit down set. They are uber steady and cheap to make.
  14. toxo


    There must've been two races on Sunday because the one I saw clearly showed Verstappen pull a move that was so callous, so calculated, so dangerous and so downright wrong that Red Bull are not even going to appeal. I have no axe to grind with Verstappen except that he thinks he's a legend already and is so reckless. You'll find that it won't matter who the other driver is the next time, and there will be a next time..
  15. toxo


    Maybe so but this sort of thing is gonna get worse if the penalties are not hard enough to stop drivers going for gaps that simply aren't there.
  16. toxo


    What are our thoughts on the Hamilton/Verstappen debacle on Sunday? Personally I thought the stewards got it right when they placed the blame on Verstappen and handed him a 3 place grid penalty and two penalty points on his license which I thought was a let off for Verstappen and Red Bull considering the consequences. Obviously the points, had Hamilton won, would've had a big effect on the championship standings and Verstappen and Red Bull had admitted beforehand that the track was much better suited to the Mercs. Given that the blame was placed on Red Bull will they be liable for the considerable damage to the Mercedes car? Will the fact that the Dutchman's car actually hit Hamilton on the head have any bearing anywhere? And what are the thoughts on Verstappen walking away without a thought for Hamilton who was still strapped in the car?
  17. Thanks figgy. JT; haven't had much time on Spotify and not found what I'm looking for yet but it's great. Like the way you can search on the PC and, play on the PC or the phone.
  18. Thanks JT. That looks good. I have Spotify on my phone but never used it (another learning curve, sigh!) I'll give it a go.
  19. I know nothing about jazz and I'm trying to put together a playlist that is so laid back that it's comatose. The kind of music that makes you go to sleep cos you're so relaxed. That means no voices, no piano or other high notes. I've searched Prime music for Soft jazz Blues jazz Mellow jazz lounge jazz clarinet/oboe/saxophone jazz A google search turns up ads and youtube vids. Help me out guys please. Thank you.
  20. Instead of just knocking me for the sake of it, why don't you enlighten us as to who is responsible! That'll keep you quiet for a while.
  21. Strange! That's exactly what Boris said. Thing is, most of the "olds" were not ready to be knocking on the door of the knackers yard just yet. We're not talking about hospices or end of life care homes here. There's no denying that hard choices do sometimes have to be made but in this case those choices wouldn't have had to have been made were it not for the way this government handled the situation. I wish I could be ***** to research this more thoroughly but I know enough so; When I say BJ I mean the government. BJ was caught out badly by the Covid virus. So badly in fact that he started to cook the books from the get go. I've forgotten what it's called but every virus and disease has a category that requires a certain amount of equipment and infrastructure to be in place in order to be able to deal with it should it ever come along. This is written down for every BJ that's in power to adhere to. Each category is prioritised according to it's lethality as to the amount of equipment to be held. BJ was so badly embarrassed by the lack of equipment held That he downgraded Covid 19 to a lower category that requires less equipment. BJ was much too slow in realising the deadliness of the C19 and by the time he did realise it was too late and C19 was widespread already. Even then he failed to lock down borders and airports, letting thousands of people with C10 come into this country from placecs that were riddled with the thing. And as far as this debate goes, his unpreparedness lead to nowhere near enough hospital beds hence the need for some of those tough choices aforeto mentioned.
  22. Couldn't have said it better myself. What boils me is the lying and manouvering to try to mitigete what's been done. The enquiry is being posponed until the spring "Because it wouldn't be fair to ask people to concentrate on an enquiry in the middle of a pandemic." What tosh. And I suppose it was just fortuitous for the PM that the evening news release regarding the absolutely disgusting amount of deaths in care homes was AFTER the last Prime Ministers Question time in the Commons
  23. Belay that last Dave, popcorn might be in order because another egocentric wants to shove his opinion down my throat. In fairness, I think most had just ignored you. Your all seeing eye told you that did it? The way the left now seek to embrace DC as some now credible truth-telling whistleblower who needs to be listened to is just nauseating. When people cloud their lack of knowledge by misusing the words "left/right/center" is what's nauseating. Obviously one persons idea of what's left or right in political terms can be vastly different from another. What's this **** about divorcing couples??? When will you people learn to take personalities away from fact. Your Failure to acknowledge the massive failures of this government during this pandemic is akin to those who deny the holocaust even happened.
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