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Posts posted by aister

  1. i have a relative who served in the gulf war that raided an iraqi bunker and came upon these night vision goggles. i have never had any use for them but thats not to say someone might. we have no foxes here but i always thought that they would be good for spotting foxes before putting the lamp on them when in range. the big park infront of my house is 500 yards away and you would easily see a fox there. they work best when there is a bit of light from the moon or on a clear starry night. i am sure there was a head strap for them somewhere that let you wear them folded up out of the way then you could fold them down, see through them and still have both hands free. any idea how much they would be worth if i was to sell them?







  2. i got about 300 223 brass cases from a friend of a friend who saved his brass with the intention of reloading but never did. among it there was 90 cases in their original boxes which held 30 rounds, it was a plain white box with, SMI 5.56 (m855 IP) printed on it. the case head had SMI 86 09 stamped and the primers had 3 crimp marks around them. i decapped one of them and when i put in the new primer i noticed that it was in below the line of the case head.


    is this brass ok to reload with?

  3. the owner is sending it up to me next week for a look at with no obligation to buy. he assures me that although the stock might have a few marks the bore is clean. he only wants £250 for it so i will probably buy it if the bore is clean. thanks for your input guys :good:

  4. its the terain, there are a few small voes that you might get some duck in but most of the birds roost on the fresh water lochs, there are no esturies. i have had some good shooting in the sea when we have had a hard freezing and the lochs are frozen up, the birds gather where the fresh water runs into the sea.

  5. me and my mate use a mojo quite a lot. we find it works really well early on in the season, i guess the younger ones are a bit dafter.

    i know that a lot of you will think that shooting mallard on stubble is not "wildfowling" but we have no foreshore shooting at all here in shetland, so all our shooting is inland and at the start of the season we will take a few mallard off the stubble when we are shooting geese, this is when the mojo is magic. we have had mallard almost landing on top of it, but the geese dont like it so we have it out first thing for a few mallard then take it in when the geese start moving.

  6. Sweet Jesus, that is an absolutely beautiful structure in settings that could not be more fitting. I'm blown away. I think you have the life that I was meant to get. Wanna swap?


    Was it you that made the Viking boat a while back Aister, or am I getting confused?


    it was yes. here it is before the paint.



    and here it is finished ready for the kids to play in. (personaly i think they ruined it by painting it)


  7. Brilliant, certainly beats sitting in front of a computer all day. :(



    Is using chainsaws not cheaping? I presume with the effort they'd have to put in to build one they'd

    expect it to last a while. Does the soil and grass on the roof not rot the sarking?


    You say it's the archeologists interpetation. As the person working with the wood is there

    anything you'd have done differently?





    yes using a chainsaw is cheating, but think on it like this, this is our THIRD summer cheating :lol: :lol:


    there was supposed to be birch bark inbetween the soil and the sarking, we are going to put some around the bottom where you can see it sticking out a bit, but further up the roof there will be a modern breathable building paper.


    none of us thats working on it thinks it would have been done the way we are doing it. IMO i think that the vikings would have dragged their boats up, turned them over and built a wall under it around the gunnels. the long houses that they have excavated in unst and other places, all have big pad stones in a line up the middle (for posts holding up the keel) and the external wall is usually boat shaped (built up under the gunnels). there is so much wood in this building that we had to get sent up from the mainland because there is no trees in shetland and it was no different when the vikings were here. in turning their boats over and building up under them they would have had a home within a few days.

  8. Wonderful, what a beautiful building. So its walled with stone, I had the impression (wrongly) that they were all wood but it may be a local thing/variation.

    Amazing to see it come to life. In Norway they have a collection of Viking houses in a village but I dont think they have a Hall.



    the ones excavated in unst all had stone walls.

  9. whilst i am sitting home off work fed up with a sore back i thought i would share some photos with you on what we have been doing at work this last while, i am saying last while but really this is our third summer on it. its a reconstruction of a viking long house or should i say an archaeologists interpretation of what a long house should look like. there are quite a number of them been excavated in unst, the most northerly of our isles. none of us have done anything like this before, 99.9% of the work has been done with chainsaws, it has been a steep learning curve for us all but has been very enjoyable (most of the time). hope you like the photos.


    this is the first frame going up.


    this is all the frames up with the purlins on, hard to see clearly for our scaffold



    close up of purlins with a brace



    heavy beams for support (dont think they are needed honestly)



  10. the thing thats really peeing me off is that i am on 2 weeks holiday so i can get some painting done and start on the extension and its been a nice few days for doing so, thankfuly if the doctor signs me off i can keep my hols for another time :yes:

  11. i am so bored. did my back in coastering on saturday, the muscles in my lower back are all in spasm, i cant sit, stand or lie down comfortably. its not so bad when i am topped up with diazapam and tramadol but that lovely cocktail makes me as sick as a dog :sick:. i need to get out with the gun :cry1:

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