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Posts posted by aister

  1. Sounds brilliant :good: my best moment was watching my young dog make his first retrieve. He was only 10months at the time, too early to be out in the field but I thought why not let him tag along with the other dogs. He flushed a nice cock pheasant that curled around the ride and I dropped it at the bottom of the valley some 50yards behind me, I called one of the other dogs over thinking he wouldn't be interested but he shot off after it, and reappeared with it in mouth a minute or so later. For me, that far out weighs any shot. Nothing better than watching the dog doing what he loves :good:



    the same little sheep dog, teal, turned out to be a great gundog, never looked at sheep :no:. she pointed rabbits brilliantly, she was very methodical working a park i never spoke to her i just let her get on with it and when she came on point she wouldnt move till the rabbit keeled over dead. when it came to fowling she would always find the birds on land but would refuse to touch them, but if i dropped anything in the water she always retrieved it, dropping it the second her feet touched the bottom. funny little dog but i very rarely lost a bird and she was great company.

  2. my first right and left at geese.

    i was 16 and had been aware of a small #### of geese roosting in the voe just along the road. i waited for saturday night and got all my stuff on my back and headed off on my bike. on the way i was steering with one hand and i tried to change gear on the other side of the handle bars and lost it and face planted the road :oops:. when i got there with a fat lip and a bloody nose i picked my spot and sat in with my pet sheep dog as company and waited. just when i was about to leave after seeing nothing i heard a cackle and looked up just in time to see 5 greylags heading over 25 yards up, i just had time for a couple of snap shots quickly followed by splash splash, 2 geese down and i was over the moon. thinking i was going to have to wade in to the icy brine to collect them i was stunned to see my little sheep dog bounding in and retrieving one quickly followed by the other one, she had never retrived anything before other than sticks.

    i was so chuffed, i have a quite a few good memories but this one stands out by far.

  3. Stunning scenery Aister, it certainly puts our slag heaps and disused quarries to shame! Does it not get a tad expensive shooting rabbits with a 223 and a 22-250 though, and are they edible afterwards?



    thanks for the compliment, the second last picture with max in it is the piece of cliff i look at a few hundred yards in front of our house. i try not to think about cost when i am shooting :blush:, and a body shot rabbit with a 223 or 22-250 is not really edible, infact the dog wont even pick it up :lol:

  4. Beautiful place although I always thought it could do with a few more trees!


    Couple of questions Aister, are there any grouse on the islands, and I think nesting greylags are a fairly recent occurence, with numbers of bredding birds rising rapidly in recent year ?? I have seen greylags on the good grass and there seems to be no shortage of nesting grounds for them.


    yes there is grouse but there numbers are very up and down from year to year depending on the winters and the weather at nesting time. the greylag numbers really took off when i started shooting with my uncle 15 years ago. it used to be that "a" flock would come to the south end of shetland in october time and everyone with a gun was after the same flock but now there is geese hear all year round throughout shetland.

  5. finally we have had a nice day with some sun and a bit of warmth, this last while the weather has been horrible. went for a walk with the rifle and the hound, got 5 rabbits and found another 2 greylags nests and a curlews nest. had a nice walk along the cliffs before heading home for a quick cuppa. i then met up with 2 friends and headed out to a place overlooking a rabbit shooters dream. with the fine day the place was crawling with rabbits, its a great place to shoot because there is nothing behind it but sea. two of us had 223's and the other boy had a 22-250. we were there for about 2 1/2 hours and got 50-55 rabbits before we called it a day. most of the shots were 100-200 yards there was one rabbit that was sitting out pretty at 398 yards that i got using the range finder and the data from biggameinfo for the load i was using, i was well chuffed. great day all round, heres some photos from today, aister.


    curlews nest



    1st goose nest



    2nd goose nest



    a happy hound




    great place to shoot, heaving with rabbits


  6. So apart from votes for the Tikka...



    ... anyone experience on the A BOLT or HOWA??



    i own an a-bolt and my mate has just bought a howa. i love my a-bolt, very accurate, the only gripe i have with the a-bolt is the magazine which is attached to a floor plate, its a bit fiddly if you are not used to it but i suppose the risk of loosing a magazine is nil. i was very impressed with my mates howa. for the money i thought it was a very accurate gun, ok not as nicely finished as say a tikka or a sako but a nice rifle none the less, i am tempted to go for a howa when i buy my 6.5x55.

  7. these past few mornings when heading up the road on my way to work, i have noticed a pair of greylags coming out of the hill heading for the green parks below our house. thinking there was probably a nest i went for a look tonight and found the nest with 5 eggs in it. thought i would share the photo with you lot :good:.



  8. I must be the only person in the world who uses these with any success!!

    As i have said many times before they are great in confined spaces for rats.

    If i can dig out sone pics of our ratting sessions i will post them.

    Sportsman guncentre usually stock them





    you aint the only one, i get on great with them. they are good in old building with asbestos sheets where even an air rifle would do damage. keep the range real close and they work a treat.

  9. when i was in NZ i got the impression that there hunting ethics are a little more relaxed than here in britain and some of the gun safety was shocking. whilst in NZ i went stalking red deer with a guy that the tourist info put me in touch with, he gave me a sako .308 and we headed up in to the hills where he thought the deer would be and sure enough there were a few hinds right where he thought. after following this guy up the hill at a fair speed (he worked for the forestry and was as fit as a fiddle) i was puffing and panting and shaking like a ******** dog and couldnt hold the rifle steady to save myself so i declind the shot he wanted me to take at a hind about 150 yards away, by the time i had caught my breath and was happy enough to take the shot the deer winded us and took off. when asked why i didnt take the shot streight away, i explained that i wasnt happy with taking the shot and didnt want to risk a missing or wounding the animal he just laughed and said that it wouldnt have mattered it would have died sometime :o. the other shooting i did was an informal clay shoot on a friend of a friends farm. one of the guys we borrowed a trap from came for a crack too. he arrived with a side by side, an over and under and a semi, the first thing he did was load all the guns and lean them up against the fence behind us and each time he had his turn he reloaded and leaned them back on the fence, i was stunned.

  10. i have a lee set up and get great results with my .223. the cheapest .223 ammo i can get here in shetland is PPU at .60p a pop, i can reload bullets for 34/35p a pop. the most accurate factory ammo was the PPU with 5 shot groups at 3/4". if i weigh the powder out using the lee safety scales (which i hate) i get under 1/2", and using the lee perfect powder measure (which is faster) i get 1/2"-5/8" groups (which i am happy with for all i do). i didnt start reloading to save money but after 550 rounds my kit was paid for when compaired to PPU. hope this helps the OP :good:

  11. the seat i have is one that i made out of light ply with a foam and leather cloth seat with a seat belt carry strap. it looks big and bulky but it sits nice on your back and doesnt roll around and you can store stuff inside. you can see it in the back of this pic :good:



  12. the two things i never leave home without (apart from gun, shells and hound) is a headlamp/torch and something to sit on. i have never been able to kneel on my knees for getting pins an needles and i also find i shoot better sitting on my box as opposed to lying in the mud.

  13. the rabbits on the croft here where i stay got very lamp shy so what i did was every night when i was out walking the dog, i took a lamp and shone it around the parks without shooting. i did this for a couple of weeks every night until the rabbits got used to it, then for one night took the rifle and nailed a few trying as hard as i could not to miss (not going to mention any figures :whistling: ) then left it for a couple of weeks doing the same thing. it seemed to work for me. :thumbs:

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