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Everything posted by 6.5shooter

  1. Hi there. I think it may be locked to 02, i got it under an 02 contract and thats as much as I know. I live in Northern Ireland. Regards. Garry
  2. Selling my 10 month old iphone 4 16gb phone. As new condition with a slight mark in one corner. £350 ono Garry
  3. What sort of velocity can you get with them in the ackley? Garry
  4. Thank for all the comments fellas. Its much appreciated!
  5. Nice work fella. Me and my father run a dairy herd and we are tortured with crows in the calf house eating the flaked maize out of the meal etc. I usually hit them first thing in the morning before milking time around 6 am and get 4-5 depending on how much time I have. I usually find that this scares them off for a while until around 3-4pm when they seem to come in hundreds as I have disrupted their early morning feed and they seem to be so hungry now and thats when I get the most. There is a few old building and a build up of high trees down our fields and this is where the breed and there are thousands and I mean thousands of them. Garry
  6. Alot of mixed opinions to the questions I asked. Im not totally convinced that it is a fashion issue but as someone said, the rib could be to do with weight. The bead issue is a bit strange, companies are making high viz sights and some guns come with illuminous white or bright red etc. I am mainly a rifle shooter and was always told by range officials when shooting smallbore or fullbore target rifles to concentrate on my foresight. This is understandable for rifle use but shotgunning I was always told to watch the target and not my bead. Like Welsh warrior I have known people having problems hitting clays and someone told them to take the bead completely off the gun and shoot because they are concentrating on the bead instead of the clay and it actually improved their shooting. The rib width im putting down to weight unless someone else has a better idea what its for? Garry
  7. Hi lads, Something I have been wondering which has never been explained to me before. First off, shotgun sight beads, why is is some guns have a bright white bead then others have a red bead and my beretta field gun has an Iron bean of no colour? Is this something to do with the target you shoot at? Eg. Clays or birds?? Next, why is it some guns have thin ribs and thick ribbed sight planes? My beretta field gun has a skinny rib, I have noticed sporting clay guns have a thicker rib and trap guns have a monster rib. Just wobdering the answer to these if some of you shotgunners know the answer? Regards Garry
  8. Thanks for the replies lads, i will try using 1/4 and half or 1/4 and 3/4 and see if It helps me any. Regards Garry
  9. Hi, I certainly wouldnt go as far as saying im hitting everything but id say 7-8 hit ratio for 10 shots. I just want to Find everyway to improve and if this means selecting the correct choke so be it as it would play away in my mind and take my concentration off the birds as I find other things to blame other than myself lol. So I want to make sure I have got my setup spoton. Garry
  10. I use 28 gm 7.5 shells for clays and 30 gm no6 shells for decoying if this has any influence? Garry
  11. Hi lads, What is the general choke choice for the following tasks? Sporting clays Decoying crows. Im just trying to figure out the best chokes for my o/u beretta. I generally run 3/4 and full for everything but I have a feeling it may be a little too much? Garry
  12. Jetz cqb is mine. Very efficient and compact and both my 223 and 220 swift are threaded for it. Does a good job even on the swift Garry
  13. In Northern Ireland my force issued me a wmr for my first foxing rifle, then a year later I got a 223. Garry
  14. Thanks for the nice comments everyone
  15. Aaaaaa, i see from youre picture who you are! I will see you sunday! Thanks Garry
  16. Hi Paul, what is the name of youre company and I will look out for you?! Garry
  17. Thats good going! Is that in crop fields or just grass fields?
  18. Hi there, im from Armagh, we are tortured with them around our dairy and beef farm, they destroy all the calf meal by eating the flaked maize out of it. Dont know if you saw my post yesturday, got 6 with my aorwolf in the calf house but im going to try down the field with the shotgun with a few decoys etc to see if I can get some. They are starting to get a bit bigger and craftier now that they have been flying for a while (young ones that is) and its not just as easy to nail them. Garry
  19. Thanks lads, im from Northern Ireland. There is a game fair in shanes castle at the weekend I think I am going and Ill see if I can source any. Tony, googled them there and pigeon decoys.co.uk have them but theyre £69 instead of the £55 you mentioned so I might look up youre source for it. Garry
  20. Hi folks, Im wanting to buy a good electronic flapper for decoying crows with. What would you recommend is the best to go for? Many thanks Garry
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