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Everything posted by 6.5shooter

  1. 6.5 mm bullet heads for reloading dude.
  2. For sale gents: Approx 90 120 amax 6.5 bullets £20 +p SOLD 100 129 sst 6.5 bullets £23+p SOLD Approx 90 75 amax .22 bullets £ 13 moly'd +p 100 lapua 3.6 gram sp .22 bullets £14 +p 100 69g sierra matchking .22 bullets £12 +p Scope mounted bullet level to fit 35mm scope tube £15 +p Regards Garry
  3. Production bolt actions against production semi's will always shoot tighter groups but as 'Dannywayoflife' says once you start putting aftermarket barrels on the semis,its a close call! I also have a full custom ruger 10/22 and it puts bullet on bullet at 50yards! Hard to believe you can achieve this accuracy from a semi but they are great night time rabbiters for quick shots but its vital you clean the action every 200 rounds or so or you will start to get misfires and stuck rounds when ejecting. Garry
  4. I shoot 223 and 220 swift for lamping. They both have their merits, my 223 is used for lamping from inside my jeep as it has a 22" barrel and is very manouverable. My swift is used as a longer distance rifle wether on walk about or on the quad from the racks. I wouldnt say either cartridge is better than the other! If i was only allowed one rifle for lamping it would be the 223 Garry
  5. What make is is and what are the specs on the beam? Thanks
  6. Just do what I do. Dont tell her!!! Then when she sees it and asks when did you get that? Say "o I have this ages but havent goten round til using it til now!!"
  7. There is no real answer set in stone. It really depends on the ballistic co efficient of the bullet used. Ie: how aerodynamic the bullet in question is. You could have two bullets of the same weight trevelling at the same speed but one could be a flat base bullet and the other a boat tail. The boat tail would win hands down over a longer distance because it cuts the wind better. Im not much good in rimfire ballistics as I dont shoot them that much as I shoot centrefire rifle more but the same variables apply to rimfire aswell. Garry
  8. Thanks Dancake, Thats where I would normally go to buy my rifles. Usually get all my powder for reloading from field and stream cus they have vihtavuori. Whaere u from? Garry
  9. Hi lads, Dancake, I live in Armagh in Northern Ireland. I have been doing a bit of internet research and I have found what I think might be the ticket for my job. A daystate MK4 I think it is. You can get an FAC version with two power settings, eg: one at say 30ftlb and the other at 15 ftlb,s. This would be ideal as I could quickly turn the power up aslong as I know both zero,s for both power levels but I wonder If the same pellet would do both. Garry
  10. Nice work fellas!! Will be planting wheat soon so I cant wait to get out blasting Garry
  11. Hi guys, I have a 40 ftlb airwolf for general crow/ rabbit shooting. I am having alot of problems with crows on my farm inside my calf shed. I mean maybe 30-40 crows in it at one time eating the calves meal. Being nearly £300 a tonne its quite expensive crow food and its surprising how much they can eat and only eat the flaked maize out of it. I need advice on an airrifle setup, power rating, pellet choice etc for this indoor task. My shed is quite large, most shots being 20-35 yards. I want a setup that wont damage the tin on the roof due to over penetration. I live in Northern Ireland so we need an FAC to hold any power rating of airrifle so applying for it on my FAC is compulsary anyway. I want To use the maximum power without over penetrating so any suggestions lads? Garry
  12. Apache, No not with FAC, with my two .22 rimfires. I only shoot 60-70 yards max with my FAC airgun on a calm day on live targets. However, try it out to 100 on paper and it is endless fun learning to read the wind!! Garry
  13. Mtc mamba. Have one on my 22 40 ftlb daystate One on my .22 custom ruger One on my 22 1710 dhb anschutz I have goten to the stage All my scopes are left on 8x mag because I find it ideal for everything. Once you learn youre drops on the reticle and write them down somewhere its a very good scope out to 100 yards.
  14. I agree with Frenchieboy. You have to hit bone to notice a mess. Body shots at longer range you just hear a thwump and they fall over dead. However take a head shot and its like a mini bomb exploding inside their head. Garry
  15. Thats what I like to see! Hate the little black *******!!
  16. Maybe id best explain myself better from what I meant by being better out to 100 yards. I know the HMR is flat and all that but I get better consistency at 100 yards from my annie 1710 dhb with custom stock than I did with my quad. Yes one has to know his trajectory and have a range finder also but I do all that so thats my reasoning. The nut behind the butt needs no tightening my friend! I shoot many fullbore comps and am fairly competitive so as much as you would like to blame me it aint. Maybe Iv just had two bad quads!? Who knows. If I where to choose between the 22 and hmr id choose LR two fold. Garry
  17. I have come to to conclusion that i am expecting too much from it than its capable of. I have given up on it as my 223 does all its work now and my reloads arent much different in ammo price for the little ******. In my opinion in someways its a pointless cartridge as it wont do an awful lot more than 22 lr as it lacks consistent accuracy and a moderated 22 using subs is the dogs out to 100 yards or a bit more. Its noisy, so if youre guna have noise you may aswell move up to 204 or 223 anyway cus theyre just as cheap to shoot and a hell of alot more accurate and more versatile. But... Thats just my opinion and im sure others will disagree with me but thats what I have found. If it was more consistently accurate maybe my opinion would be a little different but Im willing to hear from anyone with a consistently accurate one that will print small groups. The guns I shot were both Sako Quads. Anyone have any custom built HMR's? Garry
  18. Hi Everyone. Well, I would like to hear peoples opinions and views of this little cart. I have had two rifles in this calibre and the accuray hAs not pleased me and has been very inconsistent. One group would be an inch then the next inch and a half with maybe two flyers spoiling it. Before I get hammered picking on this problem by people saying that this accuracy is plenty good for the job intended. Yes maybe but im a fussy *** and like to know exactly where my shots will land. Then theres the cleaning Issue! Do you clean frequently or not at all??? I found no real difference as both ways never really worked for me and im a clean freak anyway so It had to be cleaned after use. So..... What does everyone else find? Have any of you folk got custom HMR builds or custom barrels fitted?? If so has this problem dissapeared or improved consistency atall?? I have scince sold my HMR and moved back to the humble 22lr as I find it very consistent accuracy wise and more versatile but I would still have use for a 17 if I ould find a cure for its inconsistency. Garry
  19. I think I will bashaway with my 12 bore. It sounds as though it will be a bit more versatile for the jobs in hand. Still doesnt stop me from wanting a 20 further down the line at some stage Guess you never stop wanting more guns, well i dont anyway
  20. Yes I found them very useful when lamping rabbits on a windy night as you can judge the wind better, if you miss you can guestimate the next shot better from seeing where youre last shot went. Garry
  21. Hi Gixer, I used to have a 22 wmr. They will ricochet if fired against stones. I used 40 gr cci's and 50gr federals before switching to Remington 32gr ballistic tips. I found theese to be the most accurate bullet that I tried and i suspect there will be less chance of ricochet being lighter and ballistic tipped. I found at night with using theese they were like a tracer bullet and could watch the bullet all the way to the target through my scope. Garry
  22. I live in Northern Ireland. I used to have 22lr approved for fox no problem. I think they just want us over here to have as little guns as possible. They dont seem to care about animal welfare. Garry
  23. Does the 20 bore have more velocity resulting in less lead to the target? Garry
  24. Thanks fellas! Im just trying to weigh up all the pros and cons for both before deciding on a new gun. I think the 12 is more suited to my jobs but somehow I still fancy a 20 bore for shooting in and around the farmyard. Garry
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