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Everything posted by 6.5shooter

  1. The bible is the only one true book of God. All of the rest arent as old and arent written by Gods followers. As I said before I am not wise enough to answer so many questions but all of youre questions are in the bible.
  2. I have a 36 ftlb airwolf that I have shot out to 100 yards and hit rocks and paper tatgets with but in a constant shooting position. Its very good for learning the wind. However I have not got the confidence to take shots on live animals over 60 yards with it as over this I feel is a bit of a pot luck situation and is more suited to rimfire. Garry
  3. You have many questions and they all are answered in the bible. I however am no expert but I will always try to help people to understand as I have found alot to be hard to understand aswell. The word 'religion' is word with a very broad meaning. Protestant, catholic, baptist, muslim, elim, athiest, there are numerous catagories which fall under this word and they all have different beliefs. So my answer to the question you asked if we need religion is that I do not have a difinitive answer as it is a word that is too broadly used and has too lose of a meaning so maybe my answer is no. However if you ask me ' do we need God'? Then my answer is most certainly yes as there is only one God and there is only one bible. The rest of these catagories I mentioned above are 'manmade' and they all have different beliefs which usually are broken off from a certain group and people who did not believe in something formed their own religious group. So my answer is there is only one God and in my opinion everyone needs God. Where do we all plan to go when we die?? If we do not repent from our sins and beg God for forgiveness we most certainly will not get any further than we are now. All of these things are explained in the bible and sometimes they can be hard to understand but its all in there. As for the last question about the scammers being church goers, anyone can go to church and bluff that they are Christian but If you purposely set out to hurt, scam, against others you have created a sin. If you do not repent and ask for Gods forgiveness, then you can be assured you wont meet God when you die. There are people who go to church on sundays and think they are safe. How wrong they are. God is not just for sundays, hes for every minuite of everyday. He doesnt forget about us everyday and remember about us on sundays. Even if tou dont go to church you can become a true Christian by reading Gods book for guidance and doing Gods will. As I said before I am no expert and I am only human but I will try and help people understand from my little knowledge of this subject from which I am forever learning and understanding.
  4. Lol. Well.....i dont either at that exact moment as I usually have to wipe
  5. Lol. I am simply human flesh my friend. Its shocking how so many people out there dismiss their God in their lives.
  6. Hm...... lol I think common sense comes into play in that one, a camels to my knowledge are a standard size which in fact are quite big. The needle part, hmmmm.... I cant imagine what the wod have needed a needle bigger than a camel for in those days.
  7. There certainly are churches that do this, you are dead right! They arent really a church they are a business instead. The word of God is free and meant for us all. You shouldnt have to pay for it.
  8. Its people like this guy why so many are disbelievers! I agree that there are so many airheads out there who think they are full of spirit and can do anything but in fact theyre full of ****. I personally read the bible and dont get mixed up with all this other **** that people make up. This is why alot of people have bad words to say about Christians and frankly I dont blame them as these so called Christians do not read the Holy bible but in fact listen to numptys.
  9. I am simply spreading the word of God, I am not a preacher but I am simply stating what the bible said. Youre slander does not bother me, sticks and stones and all that, after all its not me who you are disrespecting. Brother.
  10. Maybe I didnt explain fully what I meant. I refer to the term rich man as someone who has alot more than others by pure greed. Not because of what he posesse but by constantly wanting more and more and spending more time worshipping his riches and goods than God. I know from first hand experience as I was like this myself until I got a wake up call one day when I had a life changing near fatal accident. It put things into perspective! What really is important in youre life and what isnt! Getting back to the original post of using God in a way to fraud people out of money is the lowest of the low.
  11. As human flesh it is very hard to resist coveting. All those things you listed are luxuries at the end of the day but we also need them to survive. We dont however need the fanciest car or riches to get us through life and it certainly wont get us into the next. The only thing we actually need is faith in God that he will take away our sins and without God in our lives we are in a never ending viscious circle that the devil has created for us. Only God will set us free.
  12. Well, Really at the end of the day nothing else matters only God and people who choose to worship money etc will not get very far when they die. This world is only a stepping stone to something unimagineable. A place where all of us are equal and will not have money or riches to covet. It says in the bible that it is much easier to thread a camel through the eye of a needle than it is to save a rich man. Some day fraudsters like this will meet their maker and he will have no mercy!
  13. If it is fraud its sickening how they use God as the excuse! Makes me sick. Many people choose to make money their God but someday they will regret it.
  14. Nice little rifle there Jamie. How does it feed from the magazine? Do you mind me asking who did the gunsmithing and did he do a good job? Been thinking of one myself you see and there arent many around. Garry
  15. I think there is alot of division on the HMR and I will have to agree to disagree with the HMR die hard fans In my case for the price of the ammo I can nearly reload my 223 for the same money and im applying for a 17 fireball to take the HMR's place in the cabinet as when you start to make supersonic noise i think you'd be better having a 17 centrefire or hornet etc as youre effective range will be quite a bit better and accuracy at that too. I think alot of people misjudge the capabilites of a 22lr subsonic round and just cant be bothered with its trajectory, it is indeed a very effectice rabbit round inside 100 yards and most definatly at night whilst lamping. I however having had 2 hmr's an shot many thousand rounds am not convinced and im parting company with it. I think if you have a hmr and buy a 17 centrefire youre wee hmr will quickly become redundant. However this is my opinion and im sure alot of you die hard hmr fans will strongly disagree but sure isnt it great to be different :)
  16. I live in Northern Ireland. They used to be £12 a box 3 1/2 years ago when I first got one but now are £15. Doesnt really appeal to me anymore.
  17. Well horses for courses lads, im not on here to make enemies or stir up **** but thats just my opinion and you have youres. There will be shooters who agree with me and shooters who agree with you but these are my findings. 17 HMR ammo with me costs £15/ per 50 rounds so therefore in my situation it is much much cheaper to reload plus I can use it out to 250 yards on crows and rabbits no problem so all this taken into consideration the 17 HMR is pretty useless in my situation. Whatever tickles you
  18. Taking into account ammo costings then yes if I had to. I would have the peace of mind that taking shots at rabbits beyond 100-120 yards I would be quite able to hit them with a steady shot consistently. However most shots would be taken well below that level with a .22 and would be cheap to shoot and very effective aswell.
  19. I dont know how shotgun cartridges prices are relevant to rinfire rifle ammunition prices. I think there is alot of controversy over the HMR round that its either a love or hat cartridge. You will find many people just now after using the HMR round alot are reverting back to the humble 22lr and I am one. Inside 80 yards it does nothing more than a 22lr can do and quitely at that!! They might have their place if you cant get a 17 centrefire on for vermin but if you can get a centrefire on go for it as at least youre shots will be consistent and consistently accurate. After firing several thousand rimfire rounds im not convinced on the consistency of it beyond 100 yards. I reload for all of my centrefire rifles and this brings cost down to 17 HMR levels. I have 5-600 acres to shoot over my friend and finding rabbits on it arent a problem.
  20. Well said! Im heading back to 22 lr myself. Going to try and get a fireball on instead. If its guna make noise then it has to be doing something useful in my op.
  21. Brass work hardens so for best results do all of youre prep on new brass. You wont get consistent and correct neck tension from un worked new brass, if precision is the aim then attention has to be paid first loading aswell as second.
  22. I suppose it all depends what you want from youre gun and ammo. I must admit I am a bit of a perfecto freak and eave nothing to chance and like to cover all areas so that when I miss its MY fault and not the guns fault and its usually due to a miscalculated wind reading. 704 yard Hares I use my .22 airwolf. Its much more consistent at that range.
  23. It depends on what you are wanting to do. Hunting probably not. Long range varminting, its youre choice I usually do. Informal target probably not Target competition, most definatly, all youre competitors will be so if you want the most consistent ammo then you have to. You wont see much difference at ranges up to say 2-300 yards but after that you will. For new brass my procedure is: Ream primer pockets Deburr flashholes (would surprise you the state of new flashholes in new brass if looked at v closely.) Run through expander mandrel Turn case necks Run through the correct size neck bushing for optimum neck tension. Tumble and load up. Many will think this is Too much work but if you want extremely consistent ammo at long range this is most definatly worth while. Just my 2p
  24. I have had a 223 and a 6.5x47 built by border barrels and they are currently rebarreling 2 other rifles for me, my 220 swift and my 6.5x284 and also building me a 6mmx47. Theyre work is second to none and I would highly recommend their work. All of my rifles built by them shoot tiny tiny groups, benchrest accuracy from them all! Go for a border cut barrel if you are doing long range shooting and varminting other wise go for a border archer but saying that my archer doesnt give up much to the cut barrels either. Garry
  25. Persomally I wouldnt spend a grand on an hmr. Money will be better spent on a .17 fireball. If you reload youre rounds will be similar in price and youre accuracy will be far better plus you will extend youre effective rsnge by as much again. Just my 2p
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