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Everything posted by 6.5shooter

  1. I have had a 223 and a 6.5x47 built by border barrels and they are currently rebarreling 2 other rifles for me, my 220 swift and my 6.5x284 and also building me a 6mmx47. Theyre work is second to none and I would highly recommend their work. All of my rifles built by them shoot tiny tiny groups, benchrest accuracy from them all! Go for a border cut barrel if you are doing long range shooting and varminting other wise go for a border archer but saying that my archer doesnt give up much to the cut barrels either. Garry
  2. Persomally I wouldnt spend a grand on an hmr. Money will be better spent on a .17 fireball. If you reload youre rounds will be similar in price and youre accuracy will be far better plus you will extend youre effective rsnge by as much again. Just my 2p
  3. Thanks fellas, looks like im saving for another while yet before my swift gets one. May aswell go for illuminated and be done with it. Garry
  4. I cant do paypal Gary as I hate internet type banking so I stay away from all of that.
  5. Yep Gary it ticks all of youre boxes. If you want it its youres. Cheque or bankers draft? Youre choice? I can do both. Regards Garry
  6. I have been considering a new lamping scope and it has been narrowed to a swarovski z6. The decision now I am facing is should I go for the z6i which has an illuminated reticle or the standard z6? Doesnt sound much of a decision but at the extra price it really is quite a big decision. Just wondering if you fellas think its much benifit and if you use youre illuminated reticles much for lamping? Thoughts appreciated Garry
  7. Box of brand new 308 lapua brass £40
  8. Not that I know of. Im in a few clubs and even we are having problems getting onto ranges at the mo because the MOD use them so much for training. If its not too big of a calibre sure a decent backstop in a field would do. Garry
  9. A brand new box of 500 pieces of starline brass for 40 smith and wesson pistol. £80 Garry
  10. Will do, looking forward to Hearing if They will grant it to me or not.
  11. I like youreself found the same thing and then sold mine too after around 6 months of having it. Its hard to beat the humble 22lr but having said that Im having a craving for the hmr again because I need a rifle for carrying with me in the tractor for shooting crows out the window whilst spreading slurry. Other than this the rifle for me has no purpose as my other centrefires do the job ten times better. However instead of applying for another hmr for vermin I am going to apply for a 17 fireball and see if they will allow me one in the hmr's place for long range crow/rabbit etc. It will be interesting to see what they say, worst they can say is no I suppose. Garry
  12. I am from Armagh aswell, Y dont you just get the hmr and .22 both on. I did, no questions asked. One for sub sonic close range use and the other for longer range vermin. Garry
  13. Anywhere from 6-9 months in the past for me but aparently lately theyre supposed to have got a kick up the backside from higher authority and I know someone who got theirs back inside a month.
  14. Just turn up and bring a pen and paper thats what I did and they supply the rest of the books and guns etc. Garry
  15. Nice work. I do love a bit of ratty popping! I remember 3 years ago We had a major rat problem at a farm we had just bought and inside 2 weeks they had eaten the contents of all of the bottom row of meal bags sitting on a pallat. One afternoon I took the airrifle over and I shot 11 in broad daylight! Got the rest with poison but it took a few buckets of it, there must of been loads of the ******* Garry
  16. Thanks for taking the time to reply fellas and thanks 'Dadioles' for that very informative post including moderator preference. I think from the information that I have gathered from you lot that I will be buying an Anschutz thumbhole 14" barrel. Many thanks Garry
  17. Which ones? The lapua 3.6g heads are provisionally sold pending payment. 75grain and 69 grain left. Garry
  18. You need another bolt you see as its a different cartridge size bolt face. To be hobest youd be better getting two rifles and save youreself the hassle of changing barrels and rezeroing everytime you want to use it as the cost wont be a vast difference. Just my opinion. Garry
  19. Hi there, My friend over here in Northern Ireland has a .223 I think in LRS model, its the tactical version anyway but its a great rifle, very accurate, he shoots a bit of f class comp with it. He looked into getting a 308 barrel conversion for it and I think he told me it was around a grand so hes just going to get a whole new rifle for his 308. Not sure about cost though. Garry
  20. 6months is the norm for the last 3 times mine has been sent in. My first centrefire however took 10 months. Garry
  21. I had a friend who had a sako quad and pulled his hair out because the accuracy was so bad. 1 inch somedays and then next day 2 inches. He sold it and bought a cz and never looked back. He blamed the switch barrel making its accuracy inconsistent. I have a savage 220 swift and its looks arent spectacular but boy does it shoot! Bullet on bullet!! I think its still between cz and Anschutz but the Anschutz has the edge at the mo. What sort if groups are you guys getting? Garry
  22. I meant by money not being an issue as in id rather save a bit longer for the right gun. Im not loaded thats for sure. You fellas are swaying me towards the Anschutz carbine model. What sort of size groups are you fellas shooting with youre rifles? What is the norm? Half inch or more? Garry
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