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Everything posted by Flashgun

  1. well i need some more for next year.
  2. So if anyone on here gets offered any cheap hoppers let me know, ha
  3. I dont use any filters , i use a dimmer , i scan the field with it on low you can hardly see the light but it will still pick up eyes then when its in range i turn it up slowly when its totally identifiable, shoot.
  4. i will have to get some trail cams for next year i have gathered in the remainder hoppers now which is a shame because i like to carry on feeding a bit longer , pity it wasnt plugged into the mains !
  5. What is it with some people just cant help but steel , i buy some new hoppers this year and someone help themselves , we are only a small shoot and every penny counts ,but what gets up my back its probably another shooter who took them, anyone else have this problem , cheers
  6. i dont think man u have to look far for a new manager there is ennough people on here who think they know how to manage them
  7. Music totally died in the 80s , and the 90s what rubbish rockabilly and rock and roll best music ever.
  8. I went to a straw bale shoot yesterday it was run by fair clay targets and it was brilliant, the targets were very well set up and was very well organised, did anyone on here go. if so what did you think.
  9. watch this space. i have put the price up a bit and one of my guns is thinking about pulling out so i might have a spare place, if he do i am going to offer it to pigeon watch members, i will have five days and i will offer it to five members, i will be in touch.
  10. Too untidy, would get fed up having to pick up empty cartridges , ha
  11. no i dont its a bit extreme i know but i shot with 4 others and they didnt have a problem with recoil, but they are fatter than me i suppose that would make a difference,
  12. hiya, i have got a 682 gold e i havent had it long and i had it fitted , on friday i shot 200 clays and my shoulder hurts to say the least would you say it does not fit properly or my mount isnt right. i am considering putting a kick eez pad on it has anyone got any views on these, cheers
  13. I catch up several hens at the end of the season and get 3 to 1 return from my local game farm, so that help and i buy some poults. and three out of eleven drives are situated very well !
  14. sorry its £375 for 6 days and £20 on the day.
  15. thanks for that , they dont get involved in any feeding they just turn up on the day, keepers tip ? whats that. im the keeper and never see a tip.
  16. hiya, i run a small shoot there are 10 guns in the shoot, we have 6 days shooting averaging 80 bird days its stand only shooting, every year we have people moaning about price its only £375 and £20 pound on the day for beaters. what would you say is a reasonable amount to pay. thanks
  17. I put 2 traps out on saturday i have caught 6 already.
  18. its illegal to release reeves pheasants .
  19. yeah youre right i dont take it to seriously.
  20. anyone on here shoot there today , i did and i didnt like it as much as last year i thought the stands were too close, on one stand there were four clays at once i didnt know what ones to shoot
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