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Everything posted by Flashgun

  1. Flashgun

    Moto gp

    yeah i agree its not going to be the same without stoner, cal will have to learn to stay on it then he might give rossi a run for his money.
  2. Flashgun

    Moto gp

    What a finale, and what a brilliant year it was . how sad was it to see cal come off , so close but so far . farewell stoner.
  3. I use gumleaf wellies they are very comfortable and very reasonable priced, and they are designed by a shooter for shooters. look them up on the gumleaf clothing website.
  4. We had a massive problem with pigeons hitting the rape this week but the fields they were on are right in the middle of the shoot , so after they shot pheasants yesterday we got a gang of guns in today and they ended up with 351 so hopefully they have thinned them out.
  5. I dont know why people actually bother to ask questions on this forum.
  6. Hiya jay, me and my brother have been meaning to come over as we have been told about this club before could you please send me some details . cheers
  7. I just want to say what lovely dogs you have and the great work you have done with them , i know what time and effort you have to put into dogs to get them up to that level so well done, so what if you dont like birds just enjoy what you are doing.
  8. only use it mixed with wheat because if you give them too much they will put on a lot of fat and dont fly so well.
  9. christ however hard and strong you think you are , this story really got to me i hope she can regain her confidence she looks such a lovely girl.
  10. Man up and grow some just go and buy it.
  11. Going sunday i think i will have a go at the clays if its not to expensive.
  12. Flashgun


    You are so right i couldnt agree more.
  13. Flashgun


    What a day to be British.
  14. Hiya im looking for a left handed gold , what sort of price was it, also my mate shoots a cynergy and he gets on very well with it and has had no problems with it and he shoots twice a week . i had a go with it and it felt quite nice and not nose heavy. cheers
  15. Now i really wish i was there !
  16. Just recieved some good news i have just picked up another 80 acres of land with a wood and its joins the land i have already got, happy days
  17. Go on you know you want too.
  18. No i really would like to be there.
  19. For some reason they never seem to be fertile.
  20. oh the last time it was advertised it was a left hander.
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