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Posts posted by fenboy

  1. Can anyone help me out with the odd days pigeon shooting ?

    I am really struggling at the moment with lack of permissions in fact I am on my last couple thanks to game syndicates insisting on the pigeon shooting rites as well :angry: and there are no birds on either at the moment!

    I am 45 years old and have been pigeon shooting over 25 years on and off so dont lack expierience.

    We have all had those days where a extra gun would be handy so if you need a hand or just a shooting buddy give me a PM please I dont mind traveling an hour for a days shooting which for me means from Lincoln area to Norwich in the other direction and would cover a good bit of cambs too.

    I dont expect anything for nothing so the deal is if I shoot any birds while out with you they are yours,also of course if there is a decent day on offer on my two permissions you are invited ,not that that happens very often!.

    What also may be of interest is that one of my permissions sometimes gets several hundred if not more pinkfoot geese on some years,I cant promise as some years they are there some they are not all depends on the timing of the beet harvest and the farmer ploughing the tops in ,last year I must have 1500 300 yards behind my house :yes:.

    I am still trying to expand my permissions and of course if and when they get bigger you will be more than welcome to have some days with me.

    Lastly I am mainly available during the week due to my work pattern but some weekends are also possible.


  2. I shot a wood pigeon with a ring on once. Turned out it was taken from the nest, rung then put back. They do this to find out how far a Woody travells. Not sure if its true


    I shot two woodies on the same field around a month apart both had rings on I contacted the BAO with the details and it turned out both were ringed from the same nest around 35 miles from my house !

  3. I am no expert but having cut down a large silver birch in my garden this year ,it is a very light wood with very little in the way of grain I think it would be split quite easy you would be better going for some kind of hard wood in my opinion or perhaps something like cherry if you can get some that would take on some nice colour.

  4. the net.

    I find that I can load my o/u ejector quick enough for most situations. I have in the past, shot 4 pigeons with 4 shots that have come into the decoys together, and thats no bull, as I have a witness, and I'm sure other people have done it too. So you can load an o/u quick enough with a bit of practice.


    If the pigeons around your way are that slow you would have had 6 with the auto :lol:

    being serious only you can decide what suits you best , I have documented on this forum my battle to come to terms with using a beretta auto after years of using a O/U only in the last week or two do I feel I am turning the corner and shooting anything like as well as I did with my O/U both have benefits and draw backs , the last time out for instance I had a couple of doubles where I got a bird first shot and needed two at the second and I remember thinking to myself that would not have happened with a O/U as caeser has posted it is possible but take that as the exception not the rule, I also remember during the same session thinking what a pain in the backside it is trying to find 50 empty shells in a over grown dyke and field !

  5. your lucky ! I would give my right arm for a 40 bird day at the moment ,its over 3 years since I shot my last 100+ bag and over 20 since I had my best day of 220.,my permissions have dwindled somewhat since then and I am finding it difficult to get any new ones at the moment not for lack of trying I might add,next time your out motty stick a sign in the middle of the field for the birds pointing to sutton bridge please :lol:

  6. I used to have one several years ago,cant remember it jamming much but I can remember it was the only gun I have ever ownen with which I could not hit a thing! the fit was way off for me funnnily enough I have recently gone back to a semiauto after years of using over and unders had a look at a couple including the new winchesters and the gunsmith said that there was no way the winchester was suitable for me withou a lot of work.

  7. I honestly think five is much to young to even comtemplated them having a shotgun or indeed a air rifle/pistol at that age they really will have little if no understanding of the safety implications and pysically at that age they are going to wrestle with any type of gun, as someone has said already if he is keen start taking him to watch you for short sessions and let him pick some birds up,let him know when he is "bigger" he will have his own gun.

  8. Well after posting about my frustrations at my inconsistant results since changing from a over/under to my beretta 391 auto,I had another attempt today and things went much better,lucky for me there had been a few birds feeding on a beet field behind my house not huge amounts but enough for a go,so i walked out there this afternoon and set up with 9 dead birds as decoys ,there was a very strong wind which was going left to right in front of me,the first few birds came in a treat and five shots later and I had five in the bag,they came in a steady trickle for the next 3 hours and I had some decent shooting and was not missing too much for a change recentley,to cut a long story short I ended up with 37 pigeons and a crow for 49 cartridges, I even managed a double at a pair that were crossing fast with the wind up their backsides :good:

  9. I have had a couple over the years you cant really go wrong for the money built like tanks if a little crude they do the job perfectly,all I would say clean them well after use in damp conditions as the barrels outers soon take on rust.

  10. Thanks for all the advise offered,yes the beretta auto is lighter than the 101 I had even though the winchester was the xtra light version.

    I guess I will persevere for a while and see if we gel together I have shot ok ish with it in spurts just not consistant, if that fails then I will look at seeing a coach or getting rid of it !.

  11. My cocker has suffered from this since he was a pup,its difficult to diagnose and i think it is possible it just becomes a habit.

    if the feet look sore between the toes I found that some stuff called hibiscrub diluted and soaked into the feet helps,its what surgeons clean their hands with before ops you can get it from chemists quite cheaply.

  12. You really do need to go to a good shooting instructor who will sort out a whole raft of issues, including eye dominance which can creep up on you as you get older, and correct gun fit.


    Not least will he also sort out your shooting style. A correctly fitted gun is only part of the solution. It`s no good on its own if you keep pointing it in the wrong place which you patently do!


    It is`nt cheap but I`d been shooting indifferently for 15 years before I went. The results were a revelation.I`m still not the worlds best shot but I do at least know where and why I missed.

    Its not eye dominace as I do and always have shot with one closed ,I know you shouldnt but its always worked well enough for me, I have had several guns over the years baikals, berettas,miroku,winchester etc and shot very well with them all,two different gunsmiths says it fits fine,without trying to sound like I am blowing my own trumpet i always considered myself to be a excellent shot and cant really understand why I have gone from such to so,so unless its the gun/gun fit perhaps if I decide to persevere I will get a third opinion.

  13. Not trying to teach you how to suck eggs but are the two guns choked the same? Have you changed cartridges, cartridge weight? Is it possible that you are using the same cartidge but the two guns throw a different pattern?


    Just a thought even though one in two is not a bad ratio on live quary!

    Yes I used to shoot imp cylinder and half mostly in my 101 now use either 1/4 0r 1/2 usually.

    As for cartridges I was and still am one of those who would happily shoot anything within reason i am using a decent cartrige at the moment (winchester 30gram 6.5 shot).

  14. I have had a few rounds of clays with it and the results were indifferent on those as well,as for getting over excited I would not really think that is the case I have been shooting pigeons for the best part of 30 years now, I have had the auto a year now and really am losing confidence that I will ever shoot it to my best,in fact I have stuck it in the wanted section now for a swap with a over/under I think its got to go !

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