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Everything posted by -ben-

  1. cheers ile have a look to see if theres anyone in the suffolk area who wants steel shot pigeons
  2. What price are you being payed for steel shot pigeons? is it much more than lead shot? thanks Ben
  3. Thanks for all the reply's im now going through them ideally im looking for a complete novice who has never been shown the ropes. and others that have replied ile get in touch if i do get some more time to get out and obviously if the pigeons play ball. Thanks Ben
  4. As many people on this forum have been so helpful i would like to offer a days pigeon shooting to someone who has little experience in pigeon shooting must be insured. It will be once they start harvesting so about a months time cant promise loads of birds but more just the basics of pigeon shooting. Suffolk area. Thanks Ben
  5. As many people on this forum have been so helpful i would like to offer a days pigeon shooting to someone who has little experience in pigeon shooting must be insured. It will be once they start harvesting so about a months time cant promise loads of birds but more just the basics of pigeon shooting. Suffolk area. Thanks Ben
  6. Im very keen in the shooting and the country side im out lamping 2 times a week weather permitting and usually out pigeon shooting if i haven't had it in the ear from the other half. The land already holds allot of bird but is fairly open in places and seems to hold allot of partridges often see cubbys of 40 or so sitting on the fields. Im going to find out what other friends want to contribute toward the shoot before any figures are put together.
  7. Thanks for your advice at the moment its just looking into it for the 2016/2017 season we would be more than happy with a 50/60 bird day 6 times a year its more of a social gathering between friends and family. The land has potential for some reasonable days just got to see how it goes as its never been shot before. Some of the farmers might be interested in a day in return. Thanks Ben
  8. Hello Im looking into the ins and outs of starting up a small pheasant shoot not sure on how many days a year no more that 10 probably about 6 . Im struggling to find information on cost involved such as pens costs feeding land rental before i approach the farmers, cover crop per acre. Im looking to do it next season depending on if i can make it feasible and find people to help and get involved. I have knowledge into the running of shoot days and helped but never to this extent. Thanks Ben
  9. This will be the last year I go just a big clothing stall with expensive cheap clothing.
  10. -ben-

    Air arms s410

    Barrel band could do with being replaced and a new multi shot I'm now looking into parts it still holds gas
  11. -ben-

    Air arms s410

    Hello I have a AirArms s410 it needs some work doing to it mainly on the multi shot bit due to wear and tear and the blueing has gone the gun has seen better days. In looking at selling it but is it worth doing some work to it first before selling it or selling it as it is I haven't looked how much spares are. If anyone is interested in one as a bit of a project pm me. Thanks Ben
  12. Does everyone clean there rifle (centerfire) after every use or just after a certain amount of shots. I'm new to centerfires and wanted to check Thanks Ben
  13. And I did with the greylags but now I don't want to decoy them because all I will get pestered with greylags decoying in all day so I thought the best method of controlling the Canadas as there numbers are fewer than the greys would be to pick them out with a rifle. This forum does have allot of people who go pointing the finger and jumping to conclusions. But the vast majority are more than helpful. Thanks for all the advice you have given me
  14. At the end of the day I have been asked by a farmer to keep them off the field we have tried rockets which are near on useless unless your going to stand there every hour of the day. I don't plan on shooting them all just get the numbers to manageable anount because they have grown over the years. I asking for some advice I've tried basc and they didn't get back to me today. And my firearms officer wasn't working today.
  15. They are causing damage to crops so it's for vermin control
  16. Thank you that is what I thought as they are classed as vermin but others said that they were different as they are classed as wildfowl
  17. Im abit confused ive had some people telling me one thing and others another. On my firearms licence it says for vermin control and ground game does this cover me for Canada geese? Thanks Ben
  18. Here's a few And some more . Ile upload the 2 others when I get in. Any information would be great Thanks
  19. Windows ile have a look and see what I can do
  20. Hi I've got a few guns that I have no idea what they are. I would upload a few photos but they are to large to upload. Ones a matchlock and ones a very early bolt action pin fire and ones a martini action. All I know is there old and I can't find any information about them. Thanks Ben
  21. Im looking to join a wildfowling club for the start of next season nearest stowmarket, between bury st edmunds and ipswich? Thanks Ben
  22. Ile have to get that changed then Thanks
  23. Can i shoot canada geese with a rifle if it states vermin on the ticket?
  24. I'm looking for a bed and breakfast in buntingford or a hotel. Is there any you recommend? Thanks Ben
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