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Everything posted by Bagsy

  1. I sometimes take my daughters (8 & 10) to a local shoot, they use a 410 and enjoy a box of cartridges each
  2. Mmm.......must make a point of popping in next time I'm in town, to look at the phones of course :yp:
  3. I'm near Romford and usually shoot in Essex and Kent with the occasional trip further afield. Thanks for the warm welcomes.
  4. Hello all, Just a quick note to say hello. Often read the forum and thought it was about time I joined and showed my support. I shoot clays most weekends, not much competition but more of a social shooter and love the sport. In the future I'd like to try game shooting but being a family man the usual problem applies, I have everything in life - but time and money! I hope to drop in from time to time. Keep up the good work - great forum
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