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Everything posted by Bagsy

  1. especially when you don't shut the screen down quick enough when she walks into the room to find you looking at "Big jugs and the donkey next door"................. Or you get loads of the dreaded pop ups just as she walks in
  2. Wife's at work, dinners burning in the oven and the kids are shriveled up in the bath Am I the only one who gets in trouble for spending too much time on the net?
  3. They do a top job I'm sure they have the part of their brain that deals with fear surgically removed at birth.
  4. Or a bunch of angery midgets?
  5. One of the guys on our shoot uses these. Not sure about the mess they leave but the flash *** beats us every time!
  6. Another busy period ahead for the security services. Lets hope they grip the perpetrators quickly.
  7. Mmmm, according to Sky news witnesses said people removed gas cylinders from the jeep before it caught fire. Still, this is very early news and we will have to see how it unfolds. Sky news
  8. The topic of conversation does seem to suggest they were shooting at something stupid......wonder what odds you'd be given for that to happen, ouch!
  9. Think this is the thread you are looking for: Click here
  10. Hard hat needed down south, rowing boat needed oop north
  11. Nice. Excellent tip for the toothbrush, sometimes we just never see the most obvious and simple ways of doing things, I'd never of thought of that!
  12. I feel for all those affected but I believe there is absolutely nowt any us can do to change the climate I'm just an old fashioned sceptic who believes that climate change is occurring naturally and we will just have to learn to adapt. Don't mess with the weather - we will loose!!! Lets hope it never happens that bad in Essex...........well anywhere other than Basildon
  13. Good luck, hope the weather is kind!
  14. Blimey, busy guy! If you run out of women I've got a wife you can run off with
  15. Bagsy

    Mick Shepherd

    Good result, but at what cost to future legislation? Well done Mick
  16. Yep, good riddance, only problem is Brown takes his place
  17. Don’t set me off, the Mrs won’t hear the last of it all night……… :blink: I blame this nanny state interfering government who have turned this county into a third rate place to live, don’t give two hoots about tradition, the countryside, the indigenous population or their real wishes. I used to love this country and everything we stood for, but now? .........takes a deep breath, counts to ten, dismounts from soap box and checks another thread........
  18. I know someone who uses them and he gets on OK with them.
  19. We've travelled up to HL a few times and enjoy the shooting. Good well run ground and the targets aren't normally OTT for us mere mortals
  20. I'm still not clear about the cause of the delays, having recently submitted my SGC renewal I'm obviously interested in how long it is expected to take and am expecting the worst. However, the application was exactly the same, no additional security questions, there is no obvious change to the process and the formalities haven't changed so why so long? Surely it can't all be blamed on the new national database - what reason is being given, it shouldn't take long to enter an individuals details onto a computer. Are all FAC and SGC applications being dealt with locally then being sent away to a central issuing office who input the details and print the licences? Why should we have to simply accept a shoddy service which, after all, we are paying for
  21. 4........but then Spiderman never got a mention
  22. Kids TV at it's best - proper entertainment with no political correctness, took me back years :thumbs:
  23. Bagsy


    :thumbs: Brilliant
  24. I don't know much about knives (got a Swiss Army one somewhere :thumbs: ) Those look well made, nice to see items which are hand made in such a traditional way, welcome!
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