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Everything posted by Bagsy

  1. Bagsy


    Pole position on home turf - top man, looking forward to the race - been a while since I said that!
  2. I really don't see why the guy or his druggie girlfriend get so much coverage in the press. Another waste of oxygen and a sad indication that the world is going mad when some actually think they are 'cool'. Bang 'em up and throw away the keys - why do showbiz trash such as these never seem to get the book thrown at them when they set such a bad example to the young impresionable types
  3. Sighting report - bright yellow thing of a similar description seen over South Essex this morning, here's hoping!
  4. Gotta get me one of those shotguns
  5. Well done mate, it's always good to see someone enjoying the sport and wanting to get a SGC. The Met's site has some good info on getting a SGC and the process, here's the link Met Police website
  6. :yp: Exactly what I was thinking!
  7. Starlight32, this BASC document explains things quite well and should answer you questions. Click here
  8. Perry McCarthy is the Stig, he lives near us. http://www.gordonpoole.com/?artistID=569 Ah, I've often wanted to know who the Stig really is, cheers
  9. I've never seen a dog climb like that before - brilliant!
  10. Smoking out in the rain with my young kids watching through the window asking me why I'm killing myself was enough to make me give up. Can't beat a bit of psychological pressure! Started with patches which took enough edge off the craving to stop me looking like a Glaswegian heroin addict who hasn't had a fix for a month Stopped over three years ago and never looked back and I loved a fag ( cigarette variety).
  11. Bagsy

    Mick Shepherd

    Check out the music on his website - I open it in another tab and have it playing in the background, winds the Mrs up big time Micks Guns
  12. I thought Peter's tin ashtrays sale was class given the significance of today
  13. would be interesting trying to verify that signature
  14. Sure it wasn't the same cluster going round in circles
  15. Bagsy


    Here yesterday gone today.
  16. Bagsy


    What's grey and comes in quarts? An elephant
  17. According to the CPSA the minimum safe shot fallout distance is 275m (300yrds) in every direction from the shooting position. Hope this helps.
  18. If i can only persuade my 5 year old, to give me my red beret back Was it red or maroon? Red Uh oh, better stay clear of you two
  19. Nice sticks I'd like to try and make one of my own one day.
  20. Bagsy

    Mick Shepherd

    Unfortunately it isn’t a spoof at all. It seems that the BBC had already written their version of events complete with a pack of lies from the eejit detective who made the arrest…..and then accidentally released it instead of the later (true) version. Someone should be sacked over this………but they won’t of course. G.M. That says a lot about the press. I can understand them making the basis of a story in preparation before the outcome is known but this is another example of presumptuous journalism at it's best And how the hell can they quote a detective before the outcome is announced, have they guessed or has he given different quotes dependent on the decision? More likely both the press and the Op Trident team had prejudged the jury - wrongly
  21. My thoughts exactly. Looks like a nice job!
  22. Shot Three Acres in Essex for the first time today. Nice shoot and managed 60 ex 80 which by my standards was very good. More surprising we drove there in heavy rain but not a drop fell during the shoot - lady luck was on our side! Nice friendly shoot in a nice location
  23. Was it just me or did Brown seem uncomfortable and totally lacking in inspiration, motivation, leadership and sense of direction during his feeble 30 second speech after his COBRA briefing? I'm unconvinced and worried, the future is in his hands. Recently John Crudas called for all those here illegally to be given pardons and leave to stay. Typical Labour - ruin our country with uncontrolled immigration over ten years, loose control of our boarders and in doing so put our security at risk then try to wipe the slate clean and cover up a problem they made in the first place My neighbor hates what is happening to this country and the policies this government have adopted. Unfortunately she won't vote for anyone other than Labour because this is how she was brought up - so typical of many voters who then wonder why nothing changes (not that the other parties have much to offer at the moment, they all pander to the minorities).
  24. Top pics chaps. I know a few extras from Deliverance too, they moved over to Kent and shoot with me most weekends
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