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Everything posted by Bagsy

  1. I shot at Purleigh Wood on the last bank holiday - nice shoot but only managed 46 Working today so couldn't make it, shame as I don't think they are having the August shoot there this year. Shot at Dartford on Saturday - shot 48 I really must get out and shoot difficult targets more often.
  2. Had a good day, thought the fair was well worth the visit Met Paul Hart up there - top man! Cheers again for the tickets - much appreciated B)
  3. Never knew they were there but glad I've found 'em!
  4. I think most Zoo's nowadays do a lot of good work and research for the good of the animals. We went on the annual pilgrimage to Colchester Zoo last week. We all enjoyed it and the kids love seeing the animals - though I miss the good old days when you could drive past the Zoo and see the elephants from the road - much cheaper
  5. Good videos - shame about the comments, well those I understood What hope is there for the future..
  6. where have the mods gone Brighton?
  7. No, surely you have mistaken me for someone else
  8. Cheers guys, very helpful. He only has a minor offence but couldn't remember the year as it was so long ago and got a bit concerned about it. Same with the driving - relatively few offences but stretching over a very long period I'll pass your advice....cheers I hope he’ll let me practice some clay bashing in his fields
  9. A friend wishes to get information on a conviction which occurred many moons ago for inclusion on his SGC application. Would the 'Subject Access' request to the local Police provide sufficient info given this occurred about 30 years ago? Would the records also include motoring offences or would he need to make a separate request for these to the DVLA? On a slightly different note, he owns a business with premises far more secure than most peoples personal residence and would prefer to store his gun there rather than at home as he would come and go from there (as with most with their own business he practically lives there!). Would the police consider this or can they only be stored at places of residence? Any advice much appreciated. Bagsy
  10. A shooting friend of mine uses a break down slip slung over his back when on a motor bike. The Police were more than happy with this as they considered he would most likely leave it slung over his back if he had to stop off rather than leave it with the bike.
  11. I agree - some just can't help acting irrationally where car parking is concerned. A number of years ago while staying with a family member I found my truck blocked in the drive by a car belonging to a neighbour across the road. This was 4.30 in the morning and he refused to budge it until someone moved their car from in front of his house. I wouldn’t mind but the car was nothing to do with us! The best bit was when he said he was in the police – I said I didn’t care if he was the Queen mother…..he even refused to move it when the police rung him directly!!!! Needless to say he moved it when I pulled the truck up to the side of his car and was about to push it out of the way. Apparently he wasn’t liked in the village and it turned out he and his Mrs used to nudge cars out of the way if parked too close as they didn’t have a drive. The police were good – a Sgt at the local station called me later wanting me to make a formal complaint against him and said he couldn’t believe how he’d acted to me and the police (he was from another station). I didn’t because I didn’t have to live there and didn’t want trouble for the family member. Damn I wish I’d just driven through his car!!!
  12. I can personally recommend Roger Hill at Essex Shooting Ground in Fyfield, not far from Chelmsford. He also has a website with some good articles he has written. He's sorted a few problems for me
  13. Brilliant news....common sense prevails at last. Perhaps things can get back to normal now and we can concentrate on shooting clay pigeons again! Well done to all who voted!!!
  14. Good to read that Kate Hoey MP is also against the name change – an excellent advert for common sense! There is a lot of genuine anger being felt about the CPSA’s handling of this affair.
  15. ........Shirt Lifter ....bows head and leaves in shame ......
  16. My email to the CPSA on the subject has been included in Pull page 14 so they have my view - though looking back at my original email it has been edited. It does suprise me that so few have put pen to paper.
  17. Would be interested to see general opinion of the forum members on this issue prior to the AGM. Let the voting begin.....
  18. Not heard of that one before, unless it's anything like the old arcade game on Southend seafront would be interested to see what it's about.
  19. Bagsy


    Got home late, kids already had pancakes and wife says 'make your own.' To top it all there is no lemon left
  20. ................and may it last forever, Sunday night wouldn't be the same
  21. Nutters............but looks like fun
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