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Posts posted by dusk2dawn

  1. Hi Rob, do you still have any available? I have to go to Ashford this afternoon (William Harvey Hospital) I could hopfully meet up with you then. Dont know when this will be posted as the thought police are checking all my posts for some reason


    Hi only just seen this, pm me if you still have not got one.


    Rgds Rob

  2. Recently on a farm shoot I decided to build a backstop (butt) purely for zeroing, first attempt was sandbags, 20 of them it looked impressive for a while but after awhile the bags got pretty chewed up and started collapsing, latest thought was old car tyres staggered on top of each other and filled with earth to form a wall maybe 3ft high by 8ft, what do you think has anyone tried this idea?


    Rgds Rob.

  3. Usually a cage trap on a floating raft with some type of rotten fish you use what type that suits you trout,mackerel.pilchard and if your feeling flush salmon as bait is the best method of catching mink.The game conservancy have a link on how to make a raft.

    It takes a lot of waiting to get a shot with a gun sitting at a pond and if it is a large pond/lake it will come in at the wrong end,usually so i think your best bet is a raft.


    Hope that helps fella



    Hi Im also interested, do you have the link to the site with the raft please?


    Rgds Rob

  4. I Would Agree with Dekers, reserch, Most Importaint!!! , then bait the same time and spot daily, dog food has worked well for me with a mix of dead pigeons and rabbits to give foxy a nice change. also I use a nice metal big feed bowl and give it a good rattle Each time you leave the bait, also leave out water and some straw under a small shelter for him to have a nice kip after his supper!,( yes you did read right and several times ive caught them asleep in the straw!). You almost get the feeling you are being watched as I leave the bait :hmm: !

    Then wait a suitable distance away, a short wait and usualy 'Bingo'

    Rifle or shotgun depending on distance. Dont realy have the time to spend half the night out with the lamp, so bring them to you and in your own time. Got 12 so far this year using this method.

    Mate of mine has a large fox cage trap and has built an inner smaller cage and puts a live chicken in, with food water etc, He swops chicken for another every 2 or 3 days so chicken does not get too bored.

    Seems to work well but not sure about using live bait but the chicken does survive eventhough it may be slightly traumatised!


    Best Wishes

    Pippin Pup


    LMSO are you for real? I dont have the time but "pippin pup" must surely be an anagram for some sort of p.. taker.


    Nope its not an anagram, so perhaps you really do erect little houses for Charly complete with bedding and water?


    Men in white coats come to mind... lol.


    Cheers Rob.

  5. What dusk2dawn said. and if its coming towards you stay completely still, dont even blink (im being serious) and wait until its a few yards off until you let it have it.


    "dont even blink..... and you start to hear the blood pounding and feel your heart beating as it works its way closer..... just a bit closer.... :good: Just dont miss" you think I,m joking, what are they going to say if you fluff the shot....no pressure mind!


    Cheers Rob.

  6. Got my first fox drive coming up soon followed by some dray bashing.. How do these fox drives work, and was thinking of using game bore mammath hi bird magnum bb 50g with 3/4 and full choke in my lanber.. Advice and tips appreciated chaps..


    Depends how serious about it you want to be, dont shave or wash on the day, wear full camo inc hands,if asked to stand, stand with your back to the biggest tree you can find and keep perfectly still with your gun semi raised in the direction you expect the fox to come from ( line of sight eye, bead, fox) so that when it appears you have to make minimum adjustment to take the shot.

    When you have given it the first barrel dont take your eyes off it, be fully prepared to give it the second barrel.


    To be asked to be a standing gun is a great responsibility, after the walking guns have perhaps walked a long way and worked hard it is up to you to pull it off and make their efforts worth while by nailing Charlie.... dont miss, no pressure lol.


    Enjoy your day


    Rgds Rob.

  7. This is on ebay and has already made £1001.00 with 5 days to go, the guy is hedging his bets and the ad should be removed, I am looking for a quad and asked a few questions the asking price had been increased to £1250 " to match offers received" yesterday.


    Mods please consider removing the ad as imo its not an outright sale.


    Rgds Rob

  8. **** it well i have just educated the first one i have ever missed as i said **** it!!!! <_<:good: i am now one moody lad!!! I have shot over 35 foxes but this is the first one to get away, chees i got my work cutout now, a lot of late nights ahead! think im gonna go tomorrow and fill out application for FAC, 2 questions u will probs know answers to 1.What is the minimum age i can get a rifle at an 2. what calibre should i b lookin at to knock they ******* over out to bout 170-190yds (i seem to be a better rifle marksman!) any answers will b greatly appreciated p.s. my ideas were .22-250 or .243 oh also how far is a .22hornet gd for on foxes


    If I were you I would start asap on bringing this fella into shottie range on your terms, start by establishing a bait station, a pointed metal rod driven into the ground with some tasty morsels on it, dead hens, rabbits anything you can find.


    Tempt it in closer by providing a diner, set out in range under a yard light lol.


    Best of luck.



  9. can any one help i have a deben tracer max {old type with turrets and centre spot opaqe blue glass lens 12volt]THE BULB HAS BLOWN the unit is a sealed beam and you cant remove or get at the lamp deceided to phone deben direct and ask for a replacement beam unit they said they have never done a sealed tracer max and i would have to buy a complete new light ? can any one help or advise as this seems a bit daft thanks in advance


    Hi I can help you on this, what you have is a Tracer max that has at some time been fitted with a "Deben Blue Eye" sealed beam unit, These lamps were scope mounted in the 70,s, I had one and only sold it last year.


    I have done the same with one of my Tracers,I bought the unit on the bay it fits perfectly and imo give a much better beam.


    The sealed beam units sometimes come up on the Bay, I paid about £15 for mine.


    Cheers Rob

  10. im sure that i have seen on this forum some one using a pir sensor to show when foxes are approaching a bait instead of having to shine the lamp around but cant find details on the forum search.

    i just wondred what pir you could use and batterys help please :blink:


    It was possibly me, I got my pir from B&Q £6.99 "spylux" made by Osram with batts inside, just paint it matt black and fix to a pole with rubber bands, the light has to be dulled down with just a pin ***** (lol the forum doesnt like that word try hole instead), showing, I painted the lens red first then masked over that in matt black.


    Used with a bait station it works very well without the need for constant spotting, I left my lamp insitu for several days until they became used to it.


    As a bait station try a "Kebab" a pointed metal rod passed through anyything available rabbits, roadkill etc then hammered into the ground, the more on it the better it works and charlie cant just grab and run.


    Good luck Rob.

  11. Not strictly a wanted, more an invitation, so posted here.


    Has anyone in Kent got a set of Drey poking poles they would lend me for a liquid renumeration :good: or even come on a vermin drive with us on Sunday March 7th, we have several dreys and I would like to remove them completely to make the job easier next year.


    Would consider buying them if the price was right.


    PM me please.


    Cheers Rob

  12. I need to stick with biat and or calls. Does anyone have a recommended call or type of bait?



    Try a "Kebab" a road pin or any 3ft length of metal rod with a point, drive it through any carcasses you have to hand, rabbit, road kill, anything, then hammer the pin into the ground.


    Stick it out at a comfortable distance with a good back stop and leave it there, not long before Charlie starts to visit the diner on a regular basis.


    Good luck, Rob.

  13. The internal battery is a 9V one. ( used to be called PP3 batteries) It also runs on a external battery which is 12V. I use a 2amp/hr 12V battery for when the caller is placed out in a field.


    This little battery is in the remote, the PP3 tests fine for power but the small one does not register on my tester.


    I have ordered a couple of V23GA batts, just hope that it cures the continuous screech when the call is switched on?


    Cheers Rob

  14. Chuck it! use a small mirror and a piece of polystyrene!! :hmm:




    That,s helpful :hmm: chuck it in your direction maybe :hmm:


    Thanks steve I was going to try to locate a battery for the remote in the morning, V23GA it says 12v, cant be right its only 25mm by 10mm dia.


    Rgds Rob

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