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Posts posted by dusk2dawn

  1. need help from an Airgun BBS moderator,if there's one about please get in touch,


    thanks andrew


    As far as I know there has always been a mod or two "on duty" at all times on BBS, just looked and I dont see in 10 pages that you have posted this question, why post it on here?


    If its really urgent, do a search for BAZ he is on most evenings.


    :good: D2D.

  2. The rape on the main farm I shoot is getting hammered (well what is showing above the snow). Not bothered about shooting the pigeons hard, every time I pass I stop and let a few shots off to shift them. Shot one yesterday and two today, all were starting to lose weight, not desparately thin just yet but they soon will be.


    On the same farm we had a game shoot on Monday and shot four woodcock, they were plump enough but in hindsight they were not flying very strongly, more as if they were conserving energy than really suffering just yet but I think they will start to lose condition soon as this weather looks set to continu.


    I was out wildfowling this morning and managed to shoot two greylag, the geese were wary and flying strongly but both those I shot were light so I think that is the end of my wildfowling for now.



    and if you've got game birds down as well these need water as well!


    Read this thread and what Cranfield suggests is correct, we cannot generalise, here in the south we have perhaps not had the depth of snow that the midlands has had, but on the subject of Woodcock I am fortunate to look after woodland that Woodcock seem to favour, as soon as the temp drops around the time of a full moon in they come.


    The numbers have enabled me to more or less observe them on a daily basis and they are suffering lately, they do not rise until they really have to, a quick dog perhaps could peg them, they are that lethargic at the moment.


    Another post by al4x mentions water for game birds, we have a stream so not a problem but what of grit? Where are gamebirds,or any birds for that matter, obtaining this from when the ground is under 9" of snow?

    This supply of Grit is something I have not considered until now, perhaps if it were made available at each food hopper it might hold the birds?, Just a thought.


    This morning doing the round of the feeders I saw where the Badgers had been busy during the night, several Rabbit holes in a warren had been ripped out as if by a mini JCB, they had been successful and fed well as there was a fair amount of blood staining the snow in places.


    Cheers Rob.

  3. Does anyone know when and where the next game show is on ?


    Cheers Steve



    Hi if its the CLA Gamefair, its Ragley Hall, Alcester, Warks, B49 5NJ


    Fri 23-Sun 25 July.


    Cheers Rob.

  4. I'm building a kennel in the back garden. What sort of minimum size should i be looking at. I have an area set aside that is 4ft x 9ft. It has to included a house and run. Is this big enough? My mates dog house and run are about the same size as my ferret run and he reckons thats all they need?


    If you are ever intending to breed from your dog then the provision of space for a whelping box in the kennel should be thought about?


    Imo 9ft x 4ft including a kennel is a tad small unless it is intended for a terrier maybe. A long run is considered better for the dog to exercise in than a square one.


    Cheers Rob.

  5. Hey guys. I always was under the impression that you couldn't discharge a gun within 50 feet of a highway and due to this I have always followed this rule. However, I was reading the February issue of Sporting Gun and there is an article in it which states that this is not the case, in fact it is as follows:


    "It states that when shooting within 50 feet of the highway, an offence is only commited if a user of the highway is injured, interrupted or put in danger."


    No in the article it states cleraly the meaning of interrupted etc, so my query is; would I be within the law shooting from the car provided I didn't put anyone in danger, interrupt them or risk injury to them? I am not really interested in shooting from a car but it would be helpful if I knew how I stood. :good:


    I am sure I have read somewhere the word "alarm" if you caused alarm to a passer by you could be in bother.


    What you decribe is the keepers curse, roadsiding, the shooting of phezzies from a car which is highly illegal.


    Cheers Rob.

  6. :good:

    Had mine for 3 years now - only problem I have had with mine is the zip handle (unsure what is called) has broken on both sides, easy fix though with those cheap caribina type clips from the pound shop (ones like mountinering guys use for their ropes)


    Mine came with a set of spare toggly things, so the makers must anticipate a few problems.


    Cheers Rob.

  7. Do have the Le chameau ones full length zip, never get clogged up really comfortable would highly recommend these but not cheap though and they come in different calf sizes had mine 4 years with lot of use and they are still good :good:



    Imo these are the Rolls Royce of wellies, the wife bought me a pair about a year ago and they have been worn everyday for about 8 months of the last year, the zip seems very sturdy and I was assured by Chris Potter Guns where they came from that they were repairable.


    Having tried many different brands of wellies over the years these have been the most comfortable, warm and easy to take off etc.


    When these expire I shall not hesitate to buy another pair....... must send my addy off to the makers now for a commission cheque lol .


    Cheers Rob.

  8. "If a man walks into your front room and takes your dinner because he is hungry what would you do? if he did it the next day and took all your meals what would you do?"


    Lock my door.



    Made me chuckle, almost spat my dunked biscuit out lol.


    :good: Rob.



    Reading further down this thread, I would question whether anyone would see more than a dozen English partridge in a covey.


    I am rusty on Partridge but the Grey is extremely territorial and a cock bird will defend up to 3/4 acres dependant upon size of fields and in turn hedgerow placement which restricts the cockbirds line of sight.


    Correct me if I am wrong, not confusing the Frenchman which is a completely different matter.


    Cheers Rob.

  9. This afternoon I was walking the dogs by the river and saw 2 guys out near the edge of the ice, fishing !


    Now these guys were within 10-15 ft of the newest laid ice and about 50-60 m from the river bank. the fact that one was hurling a "toby" type lure into the river and the Salmon season isn`t due to open until 10 days time is neither here nor there as when I mentioned it might be a good idea if he came off the ice, his mate said "Yeah, I chucked a stone on the ice and it went straight through" and pointed to the hole in the ice 20 ft behind his mate :hmm: :hmm: :no:


    As I was walking back I also saw 2 women throwing snowballs onto the ice for there dogs and you could clearly see the cracks in the ice from the movements in the current/heat (2 C today !) .


    Now if either a human or dog had fell through the ice, someone would be called to rescue them, how can people be so stupid ?




    It would just be my luck to be the only bloke around and feel obliged to try to help them, it make me mad when I see so called experienced shooters send dogs out on the ice after runners.


    If I saw what you saw I,m afraid I might just walk in the other direction, let them get on with it, people like that usually do not listen to reason.


    Cheers Rob.

  10. As header, top quality, bought originally from canine kennels.


    Two four foot section and One 1.5metre section with a door on the right hand side.



    £75 for all three collected from Worthing, West Sussex. Can possible deliver locally.


    Yes please as per pm.


    Cheers Rob.

  11. rented house lol looks like landlord got a bill! sounds like hes got a bloody hammer !




    10 to 1 says he,s a roofer. who else would be up there happy as larry?


    Only half way through this epic, oh I do so hope theres a happy ending. lol .


    Cheers Rob.

  12. Truly a lucky escape. :rolleyes:


    It always amazes me how many shooters don't have marked maps of the land they have permission to shoot over.

    An Ordnance Survey map book (not the useless folding type) is quite cheap and it also demonstrates to the Farmer that you are a responsible type, when you ask him to mark down his land.


    Been using one of these hardback OS books for many years now and its a joy to turn the pages these days.... quite a bit of what used to be little permissions nowdays actually have joined up (I get the farmers to colour them in) as word gets around, I have permissions that spread many miles and now alot are adjacent so we can safely move from area to area.


    What Cranfield suggests is well worth doing, when you are talking to a farmer whip the book out and show him that his neighbour has already given you permission and 9/10 times your in.


    Another refinement is to write the contact number on the page should you need to call the farmer quickly.


    Rgds Rob.

  13. Got a voucher for a half day off road experience with Land Rover - "Land Rover Experience "


    Anyone done it, any good ??


    You will be going to Eastwell then? My friend Colin is an instructor there and I have had two sessions, the novice half day "taster" then the more advanced full day about 2 years ago.

    Great fun and you will enjoy it, they make defenders crawl up bare chalk slopes that you could only get up on your hands and knees!

    Pray for rain on the day and it will be hairy.


    Cheers Rob.

  14. i had a taste of mine yesterday tasting rather good think i am going to bottle one of them tonight leave the other 3 brewing also got sloe brandy sloe whiskey and a sloe vodka think brandy is my new fav tho!


    I normally do some sloe gin every year and give several bottles as pressies, this year I have departed from the norm and made Blackberry Vodka, its delicious, very smooth.


    here,s the gubbins...


    1lb granulated sugar

    1lb very ripe Blackberries

    1 70cl Bottle cheap Vodka


    Put it all in a sterilised demijohn bottle and leave it on the kitchen worktop for a week, everytime you pass give it a shake.

    Then store it at the back of the cupboard and try to forget about it lol, until next season starts.


    Someone recently told me he makes Strawberry Vodka, now that sounds nice over ice as a summer drink? A change from Pimms what, what, :)


    Must be similar to a Daiquiri, I think thats how its spelt :angry:


    Cheers and may your flask be forever full :no: Rob.

  15. Has any of you had the Swine Flu jab?


    I thought the nurse was over-cooking it a bit when she told me what might happen...


    Here's what hit me for three days...


    Completely dead left arm that felt like Tyson had punched it over and over, sweating, fever, shivers, runny nose, headache, sore throat and coughing my guts up.


    Evidently that's just a little dose of the proper thing. I feel for anyone who really gets it :good: !!!


    At first I declined the jab but my doc talked me into it saying she had had no ill effects, really good looking in her 40,s, I listen to her every word :good: a..n..y way long story short I had it and no side effects , not a sore arm, nuffin!


    Rgds Rob.

  16. (1) Three sets unused. Medium Height - 1 Piece Mount - Double Screw. Fits 1inch bodied scopes with object lens up to 45mm diameter. £20 posted


    (2) Two sets unused Bisley sling swivels for 14.5mm barrel. £10 posted



    (3) Two as new Parker and Hale silencers £27 posted


    If thats 2 for £27 yes please



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