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Posts posted by dusk2dawn

  1. when you plant it you usually plant two rows, usually its just short whips that you plant and put a rabbit guard on, then cut down to ground level after a year and they then come back as multistems. If you want shelter you could plant them 3 or 4 wide and cut at different times, what you need to remember is it is deciduous so in the winter when you want the cover they won't have leaves on so just the stems to hide you. It won't be easy and you are probably talking 3 years before it works properly. But they should be a good 8 feet by then and well established,



    Yes got the general idea, when you say short whips are these to include the growing tips or cut from the base up?


    Cheers Rob.

  2. Just got my mini colibre caller out to use tonight and found that when I switch it on it makes a continuous high pitched wail, have changed the battery in the caller.


    Cannot test the small battery in the remote but the green light comes on.


    JG do you have the answer?


    Rgds Rob.

  3. Thank you all for the replies, the length of hedging would be approx 75/100 yds long and I am wondering if it would provide a thick enough screen to obscure the line of guns?


    The idea of allowing them to grow taller would be good to lift the duck higher and also stop the wind blowing across the pond.


    What might a "fedge" be, or did you hit the wrong key?


    Have sorted the island idea using sleepers and half submerged plastic drums, should work well.


    Has anyone any ideas/advice on call ducks please? Seems a shame to provide a 5star island residence and not have tenants lol.


    Rgds Rob.

  4. Hi I have a rather nice pond that holds a few duck, problem I have is that they can see across the fields from the surface of the water.


    My thinking is that since I have an abundant supply of willow wands I could possibly plant a screening hedge and prune it back each year to keep it manageable at perhaps 3/4 feet high.


    Has anyone done this or got any ideas?


    Also any pointers on the construction of a resting island (8ftx8ft) able to support turf/grass etc would be appreciated.


    Thanks Rob.

  5. its been snowing on off all night and this mornig. here in kent is it worth having a go at the pigeons?



    Nip into Wickes/B&Q grab a white painters coverall for a couple of quid, wrap some old sheet round the barrel and your set up for shooting in the snow.


    Cheers Rob.

  6. name='albob' date='Feb 5 2010, 01:47 PM' post='977906']

    regarding the above?

    is this handheld or scope mounted?

    if handheld,keep the shooter behind the lamp and obviously to the left or right of lampman.if you mean scope mounted,try the suggestions in previous post. #17




    Scope mounted, the lamp reflects on the T4 mod.


    I have tried tape over the lower half of the lamp and the flowerpot idea, but it didn,t work for me and was too bulky imo.


    Had some success with a black wooly sock over the back of the mod and the barrel poking through, odd but its the best yet.


    Cheers Rob




    do you have a sunshade?,,that helps,also a piece of plastic used as a sunshade can do the same.experiment with the length of plastic.



    Yep have sunshade, tried most suggestions as they tend to come up on forums regularly, this problem has been ongoing for years.


    The only real solution, when alone, is to do as Robert Bucknell does and have the lamp next to you on a stick/tripod.


    Rgds Rob.

  7. regarding the above?

    is this handheld or scope mounted?

    if handheld,keep the shooter behind the lamp and obviously to the left or right of lampman.if you mean scope mounted,try the suggestions in previous post. #17




    Scope mounted, the lamp reflects on the T4 mod.


    I have tried tape over the lower half of the lamp and the flowerpot idea, but it didn,t work for me and was too bulky imo.


    Had some success with a black wooly sock over the back of the mod and the barrel poking through, odd but its the best yet.


    Cheers Rob

  8. Beg to differ on this one Cat :)


    I caught an injured magpie last September, & kept him well fed & sheltered all through the winter, he was the best call bird I've ever had, accounted for well over 70 fellow maggies.


    I grew so attached to him I let him go free at the end of the trapping season :)




    Ha Ha yah big softie, I did the very same last year, a particular call bird lasted all year and I hadn,t the heart to knock it on the head after it had done so well (probably shot it since).


    This year wont be a problem for callbirds, I have caught and kept in good condition with Rabbit, bread and wheat four fine specimens.


    These have done well in the crowtrap all winter, I did throw a polysheet over during the snow though so that they could feed properly.


    I think I will get my Larsens going earlier this year as its so mild here, cant do any harm.


    Rgds Rob.

  9. there's a National Hedgelaying Society - http://www.hedgelaying.org.uk/

    mate of mine is a member (and amazingly talented man at such things).


    i'm sure they're worth investigating



    See if Natural England are active in your area, I did a course with them last year here in Kent and very soon got the knack, its very easy once explained and shown, best of all it was free!!


    As said Rhodos are a no no, highly toxic.


    Good luck Rob.

  10. Hi the car inner tube is a good idea, for years I have been taping mine up with black ins tape.


    I dont see a fuse on your wiring, must say all my batts have a quick blow fuse, never had one go, but then it would save the bulb I,m told if there was a problem.


    Flare back from the lamp through the scope has always been a problem I dont think anyone has come up with a foolproof way around that yet, we try to have the lamp an arms length away from the scope.


    Cheers Rob.

  11. To finish the job off neatly the rubber rings can be bought from any equine, thats horsey lol, shop for a few pence.


    Homebase also do these sticks and theirs are "nobbled" which might give a better grip.


    As said the telescopic jobs are, imo, the way forward, they are easier to store and to use for kneeling shots etc.


    Cheers Rob.

  12. I have a couple of questions regarding how the squirrel lives:


    1. How many young do they have?
    2. How many births do they have in a year?
    3. Are they social (live in a community)?
    4. How many squirrels would 10 acres support?


    Have been doing some research but there is nothing like experience from the field


    Thank you


    PM rsrjerry he works with the perishers protecting the Reds, I think he,s a bit of an expert on Squirrels.


    Cheers Rob

  13. Just had a call from the out of hours service manager asking would I like councling


    Did not say "no I want a worrior APC to do my house calls in !" and I don't think " An extra £50 an hour danger money" would have gone down well either.


    I declined. I am not sure that talking to some skinny bint from occupational health about near death experiances would help as much as 20 pints of stella and a curry tonight.


    Might do a poll on that one.



    Good man, just the sort of spirit to see you through, sorry for your trouble.


    Cheers Rob.

  14. Show us your lamping setup

    just recieved a new torch set up off gamechef (cheers again daz) and got it fixed to my baikal hushpower .410 it's gonna be my main lamping tool from now on it virtually no extra weight so doesn't affect handling and the pressure switch is thumb opperated so easy to use while gun is mounted :rolleyes:


    thought i'd post some pictures and see what you guys thought and find out what you all use, particulaly shot gun set ups but anything will do :blush:


    No shant so there :lol:


    lol Rob.

  15. Hi Badshot and I have experimented over the years with different colours and we have found the Amber to be the best allrounder, red dims the beam too much on a 170, is ok on a 240 though.


    Also the use of the lamp is important, as most will allready know, once the Fox has been spotted as little light as poss is directed at the fox, play the beam just above it and lower only just enough light to maintain contact via eye reflection, gently lower the beam just as the shot is taken.



    I have taped a deben dimmer to the handle and shortened the wiring so the beam can be toned down to suit the needs at the time.


    Cheers Rob

  16. Eat your heart out Mung, I know I,m c o n s i d e r a b l y older than you and had a head start. I have owned (being a LR nut)


    From memory;


    a 1950 series 1 swb, sad to say it was a hardtop but was green, sidevalve and somewhat gutless.


    a 1962 series 2 90, again green and a sight better than the above, this was a truck cab with canvas tilt. no overdrive.


    a 1983 reg ex mod 109, should have been a Q but got a Y, resprayed green, truck cab very low miles.


    a 1979 series 3 90, green truck cab used this picking up for 8 years till it failed mot on bulkhead rot.


    a 1975 series 3 90, green truck cab, overdrive, transfer box on way out so sold on rapidly for profit.


    a 1994 def 300tdi, green hardtop, todays customised lamping wagon and I love it, high miles but runs fine.


    Anyone thinking of buying an old Landy, be careful there,s lots of rubbish out there that will cost and keep on costing a mint!!


    Cheers Rob.

  17. wont to know if there is any one from kent? there seem to be loads from essex!



    Us Kent lads are the silent types, well most are ???


    The Essex lads are by far the gobbiest, thats why you think there are more of them.


    Head quickly lowered below parapet ha ha.


    Welcome to PW by the way.


    Cheers Rob.

  18. Going to have a moan, new member... no location entered on profile... places add... we have to ask "where are you"... again.


    I posed this question to a mod recently and apparently their hands are tied, cannot make it a rule that profiles should be completed.


    Never mind had my huff"n"puff but if I were selling I would be putting the item location in, common sense really?


    Cheers Rob.

  19. Made contact with Delta1 for you, let us know how long it takes to resolve the problem.


    It looks as though you have been denied pm,s but can still be emailed.


    What have you done, sent a snotty pm to someone and they have complained and got you banned?


    Do you remember complaining to the mods about me about a year ago, because I posted that something you were selling could be bought cheaper at xyz......... that cost me a months ban!!


    Cheers anyway, but what goes round comes round, as they say :good:




    PS just had pm from Delta1, I have passed on his email addy.

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