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Posts posted by dusk2dawn

  1. What is the best bait to use for them?


    The guy from the store I bought it from said smoked makrel or other fish is this right?


    Also do I need to fasten it to the trap using thin wire so it is difficult for the squirel to remove?






    I find maize or sweetcorn works very well, just use your knife to slice off some of the corn around the trap and put half the cob up the back behind the treadle plate, all bait sould be back there and no need to wire anything.


    I havnt tried peanut butter, it sounds ok being highly scented but you would need to bait the area around the trap with bits of bread and peanut butter.


    Site the trap if you can at the base of a tree they like to come down the trees it gives them a sense of security if they can come down the trunk swipe the food and run back up, eventually they will have to explore the trap and the remaing food within.


    Good luck D2D.

  2. This raises the interesting situation "MY FRIEND" has, he originally had a number of guns that would just fit into a 5 gun cab, he then got permission to aquire 3 more , obviously my friend would have to buy and fit another cab which he did, but here is the point, at no time has the fao questioned the security arrangements for these extra firearms, in fact the fao has not even visited when, or since, the 3 were applied for and granted.


    Whether the fao is just too busy or my friend is deemed trustworthy I dont know, but compared with some of the horror stories I read on here over the treatment of shooters by police and fao,s, then we have it fairly easy, for which we are obviously grateful.


    Rgds D2D.

  3. Just out if interest has anyone tried using one of these:


    The only reason that I am asking is that it might eliminate the need to replace or recharge batteries. Would they be any use or might they be a bit too bright and frighten Charlei off?


    I managed to find a small compact battery operated pir lamp unit while on hol in Ireland, in a pound type shop (excepting though it cost £6 lol) It had a white lamp lens which I painted red, the rest of it I painted matt black, then gradually painted the red lens matt black until it was subdued enough to just show at 150yds.


    It works very well and ranks as high as an NV unit in usefulness in the kit. No more sweeping the area with the lamp as you just sit quietly and wait.


    I place it about 15ft back from the bait site facing my shooting position, usually my def with me sitting in the back lounging in a fishing type armchair, picture the comfort level and weep lol. When it comes on I pop up through the sunroof, check with the NV and if alls well its game on, charlies at the diner :yes:


    These pir units are well worth seeking out and if anyone finds a source we can all get to, pass the word.


    Rgds D2D.

  4. Hi guys perhaps you can help at my local clay ground i was advised to when walking or standing with my semi auto to have it empty that makes common sense and i would always do so anyway.

    However somebody said that you can get a cartridge with a ribbon attached that you load the gun with and it shows to others that the gun is empty of live carts and has a dummy cartridge in it with the ribbon hanging from the gun.

    If so what is one called and where can i get one did not like to walk into the guns shop and look like a **** hence the question on the forum LOL.



    Thanks guys in advance


    Andrew Bradley


    Why not just get a bright yellow case that has been fired and put it sideways in the breech, releasing the action on to it.... simple.


    Rgds D2D.

  5. surely if it is a digital clock when the battery is pulled the screen goes blank? how about a battery powered face clock?


    Hi I have tried lots of different baits , they all work to some degree.


    A normal travel clock is all I use (a few pence at boot fairs) just make the cord long enough for the clock to be a little way from the bait, they all give off a ticking sound that we cant hear.


    I put my bait in an old net bag that onions come in, that way you can squish it abit and the scent flows freely, tie the bag securely about a foot up the post. I havnt tried it but a nylon pop sock might do the job if you cant find a net bag easily.


    Another "refinement" is to use a battery powered pir lamp, suitably blacked out to give a dull glow to indicate when Charlie is at the diner, I have been using one for about a month now and it saves disturbing the site by sweeping the lamp around checking.


    Once you have established the baiting point Charlie will come at roughly the same time each night, it will become part of the "round", my bait is visited 30mins after I cannot see through the bins anymore.


    Be sure to make yourself as comfortable as poss while waiting, nothing worse than waiting hours for a shot then missing because you ache and are stiff, I actually sit in a fold up canvas armchair lol.


    ATB and enjoy D2D.

  6. That's the point - YOU get the opportunity to do that every night, to others it is interesting and a big thing because they are not as lucky as others. I understand for you it may be tedious because it's a routine thing, others among us can only dream of the opportunity to bag a fox :hmm:



    Fair comment, put like that and if as you say some can only dream of bagging a Fox, perhaps I had better take some of you out with me.


    Being from a shooting background I have obviously become complacent to the opportunities I enjoy and take for granted.


    Maybe I was a little harsh but I was not having a go at him personally.


    Rgds D2D.

  7. I am spoilt for choice at the moment and so are the pigeons.

    There is the rape stubble, the disced rape stubble, harvested pea fields, barley and wheat stubbles and meadows with clover.

    The birds are not committing anywhere and when disturbed, are moving off to pastures new.


    I have been setting up and moving half a dozen times a day, just for a handful of birds.

    Today I stood under flight lines and kept on the move driving round my permissions.

    Its all very frustrating, about time I got the fishing rods out. :)


    Theres always Eastwell??


    Rgds D2D

  8. If thats your veiw then why click the link.......... and then bother to reply?


    It is my view, and that of many others I suspect, what if we all did it, there would be pages of .. yawn ..photos of dead foxes and precious little else would get the exposure it deserves, as the interesting topics would be off screen in notime.


    I,m not really having a go at Sam, just the principle.


    So far I have shot probably more than my share this year, I dont brag and I certainly dont feel the need to post pics of them.


    Rgds D2D

  9. i had this the other day i had to wait about 2 mins i think its cause you sent one pm then tryed to send another



    Yes you are quite right, I thought I had got a ban from big bro because I sent a pm answer to Bignoel, saying the wasps were little tinkers lol.


    Thanks for the reply otherwise Iwouldnt have tried again until the morning. :)


    Rgds D2D

  10. ran in to an old friend i posted a pick a while back of a fox i shot with the cam and me and a mate was out and me mate shot him with his .243


    Probably going to divide the camp over this but someone has to say it surely.


    OK so here we have a dead Fox.... so what? I, like alot of others are out several nights aweek at this time of the year ensuring those sweet little cubs dont go on to grow into nasty big Foxes, but heres my point why oh why do we have to keep posting pics like this, I could understand it if it was humoungous or had two heads, but lads a fox is a fox yawn....


    Rgds D2D

  11. You can shoot on or over footpaths - providing you do not endanger or disrupt other users of said footpath.



    Theres a little word called "alarm" that you must be wary of, if anyone alleged that you caused them alarm, and complained to the police that you pointed a gun, even in their general direction, may cause major problems if taken up by an over zealous plod.


    Best bet is to lay the gun on the ground and wave hello to them, pick it up again when they have passed through and out of sight.


    Rgds D2D

  12. I'm doing quite a few nest per week at the mo, the weather is ideal for wasps..... I'm also seeing many more multiple wasp nests at a single site this year, you sometimes find three or four nests in an attic.



    Now you might just be the man to tell me, I have been watching these wasps now for a month coming and going in by the gutter under the rooftiles, I have been in the loft twice at night but cannot see a nest anywhere.


    Where are the blighters? I have had a nest per year since moving to this house so I know how to get rid of them, just cany find this one at all.


    Rgds D2D

  13. I am doing this at the moment, I left a couple of rabbits yesterday evening, I will go back later and check if they have gone.

    Is the general recommendation to open them up? or just leave them, as shot?


    I have had success with this method and now have a farm who happily leave a carcase in a certain field close to a high seat, the return per carcase is in the region of 4/5 foxes over a week, we then clear up whats left.


    I would open up the rabbit leaving plenty of paunch exposed to the air,and peg it to get Charlie used to hanging about abit and not snatching up the bait and running off, but only do this as light falls due to the corvids rapidly scoffing it during daylight hours if you bait up in the morning.


    Be sure to work out your range to the bait point and have a few practice rounds to ensure you do the business on the night.


    Recently I have been using a PIR indicator, it does work and saves straining the eyes or flicking the lamp around to see if Mr Fox is at the bait.


    Good luck it has become my favourite way of coming to terms with Charlie.


    Rgds D2D.

  14. Recall is 2 pips on the whistle or I call the dogs name, but if your going to use a whistle use it all the time, especially when out walking and when the dog comes back make sure to get down and make a big fuss of it .... every time!


    If you are training your dog for the shooting field the last thing you want to be doing is hollering the dogs name all over the place, so train it to the whistle, nice and quiet, minimal disturbance to the area you are shooting in.


    Sit means sit and stay, its as simple as that, no need to use the word stay at all, the dog should remain sitting for as long as you want it to without moving.


    A couple of pips and it is back up beside you walking to heel. Abit of praise in the early days certainly but as the training progresses a simple "good dog" is reward enough.


    My advice to you would be to get hold of one of the aknowledged experts training books and stick with that, stop reading every article you can find, as you have already found some contradict the proven training methods that have stood the test of time and produced the champions that most lines decend from.


    Good luck with the training, D2D.

  15. DO TRY TO PAY ATTENTION, :good: I could have sworn my post said I'll take this !!!!!!!!!!


    Rob the sequence went as follows;


    You asked for either or both slings

    I asked for the Redhead

    He said the leather sling had gone(presumably to you?)

    I reminded him I had asked for the Redhead

    He pm me payment details and I sent paypal

    You then post "whats going on"


    Cant see where it went wrong, if at all.


    Rgds D2D

  16. first application I put in was or a .22rf when flo came out ater a chat added .22cf and mod so makes your satement wrong in my case


    Most unusal, never in a million years would Kent grant a CF straight off, the only exception I can think of would perhaps be A) range use only via a club or :good: had forces experience involving firearms, an instructor?


    If thats what you were granted then good luck to you, the rest of us had to earn the right to use cf eventually graduating to an open ticket.


    Rgds D2D

  17. be careful with the sticky-camo stuff, as some brands are quiet porrus, and will let water settle between the tape and the gun barrel, rusting the dam thing to hell.



    I have recently trialled "jack pyke" camo tape and its good, being non adhesive and self clinging its easy to take off.


    The tape is matt, breathable cloth and gives a better grip, cutting holes for swivels etc is a doddle, as well as making the rifle quieter should it be knocked against anything.


    One roll did my CZ .17 so its not that expensive and as said I would avoid the glue on sticky stuff which will lead to major probs with rust.


    Rgds D2D.

  18. Sympathy!


    However, and I don't want to sound a smartarse, I was taught to carry a gunslip "barrels down" so that if the zip failed the gun wouldn't fall out. I didn't believe them at the time, now I do!


    Having said that, I did buy a cheap gunslip that had the stitching set up for "barrels up" carrying, never used it as I figured it wasn't fit for purpose. Hmm, should I flog it on eBay to some unsuspecting newbie?


    We live and we learn.


    How many times to we see on that idiotic Emmerdale, when they stage a shooting day and the toffs all walk around carrying their guns upside down.


    As said most quality gunslips are fitted with a flap and leather strap, sorry but you brought it on yourself, shame no one pointed out the danger before it happend.


    Rgds D2D.

  19. Thanks for the brilliant info , gives me more to think about, still cant make up my mind exactly but it seems to be inbetween a hornet or 22lr If I had known all this I would have put in for several guns, which in the end I will do but I think I should have the gun thats most suitable for my situation then get something else later


    Kier from the info given I dont think your cert entitles you to anything other than a .22rimfire, as a step through and giving increased range for charlie etc you might consider adding a .17hmr to the cab.


    A centerfire rifle of any cal would be out of the question until you had proven experience.


    Rgds D2D.

  20. Yesterday I checked the forecast with a view to a spot of decoying, they said it would p**be raining by 1300hrs here in Kent.


    So I cancelled and guess what, its shirt off weather, the sun is shining, its warm and just a tad of a breeze.


    So WRONG AGAIN mr weatherman!!


    Rgds D2D.

  21. No offence bud, ive been reading through some of your past posts and you really do talk some crud!!.. to me your dogs look like show stuff and look like there bred for looks first, not working ability atall ... i have a russell, oopss sorry jack russell from worker to worker, lakie pup from known earth dog lines oddly they both didnt come with papers there not registered with any of these clubs you talk about, im sad becuase i would have liked to wipe my bum on the paper that the club provides its that important!


    some of your quotes below


    The short legged little teriers, sometimes called Queen Anne Jacks or Irish Jacks, are not proper Jack Russell Terriers.


    This type of dog is also sadly what many people think a Jack Russell Terrier is. They are also usually the snappy nasty ones which has got the breed a bad name in some circles.



    All my dogs are registered with the JRTCGB, the club for the genuine Jack Russell Terrier, and I have their pedigrees going back six generations of good working Russell stock.


    God ive been hunting with airguns for years, never joined a club.. hhmmm i must not be a hunter if i dont meet the clubs specs and join straight away!! i must be an armchair fanatic who reads to much about trump on wikipedia LOL.


    So if a jack russell isnt registered with the club, it means its not a jack russell? what are you saying??? how big is a jack russell or how small until its not a jack russell? pedigree jack russells hahaha ive heard it all NOW!


    I bet your pups come with abit of paper dont they and a big ££££ just out of interest how much do you sell a pup for?


    Lets say you breed a pup from your lines yeah, and the pup has a problem with its ears, they both stick up?? then what?? its not a jack russell its a vicious little throw back from the diluted gene pool that attacks you at the shows you go to arround the country!!! dogs are a very good judge of charactor my freind and if a dog takes a dislike to you its normally for a good reason!! haha..


    Maybe you want to scream when people ask you if there parsons becausedeep down you know they are! and you are ashamed that you've payed through the nose and lined someone elses pockets full of cash for show ring stuff!!


    when people stop me in the street they ask are they working terriers.. there both crackers them.. never ever had anyone ask is my russell a parson.. so maybe your the one with the problem mate


    Whether or not a Russell falls into a particular category or not does not interest me a jot, I have always had a soft spot for them, they are great little dogs with the fearless heart of a Lion, a pure joy to watch working.


    Always at the shows there is a great deal of interest and rivalry between the Long legged uns and the short legged uns!


    Would you please post a pic or two of your Russells, I,m sure theres more than me interested in a comparison.


    Rgds D2D.

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