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Posts posted by dusk2dawn

  1. Should gut same evening as shot, especially when they've been eating grass (for some reason). I imagine it causes more gases to build up which taint the meat.


    I don't worry about when i skin it. Normally do it the next day as it is easier to lop it's legs and noggin off when not in the field.



    Oh, and squeeze it's wee out straight after shooting. :good::lol: That taints the meat too apparently.


    Soak in salt water over night to get the bitterness out. :lol: :lol:


    Good advice, in case your not sure how to get the wee out, hold the rabbit up by its front legs with its back to you and run your free thumb from about half way down its chest to its bits, as you apply gentle pressure and run your thumb down so the wee will be expelled.


    Be aware it might go over your boots though lol.


    Rgds D2D

  2. Just been told the location of the 2010 CLA Gamefair will be;


    Ragley Hall, Alcester, Warks. B49 5NJ


    Should be a great location for a break in Shakespear country.


    Book your accomodation early, or like this year, the hotels will up their prices for that week!!


    Rgds D2D

  3. Hi all,

    At last my fac arrived , it says " .22rifle .22 sound moderator, for vermin, zeroing,estate management, other wildlife . expanding ammunition,or missles of such ammunition" .( This is the shortened version) What i need now is what types of .22 rifle do i have the choice of? i was going for .22 rimfire but now it looks like there`s a bigger picture . Accuracy and as quite as poss is my main aim with good range , a rifle that would be good at short and long range , hope im not asking too much though of one gun then theres the scope, any suggestions of which .22 and which ammunition, does anyone have something to suit my purpose for sale?

    What does other wildlife mean? does it mean deer( i have the fawn deer here ) but mostly its rabbits and some foxes



    You have pm


    Rgds D2D

  4. Got the book yesterday & I'm gratefull for the heads up :yes: its in great condition & I can see I'll be refering to it on numerous occasions.


    And all for £8 posted


    Thanks again D2D




    Your welcome, :good:


    For anyone who was interested but not quick enough there is another copy available, currently standing at 50p ref 260 453 133 570


    Go for it, its a must for any budding keepers. :)


    Rgds D2D

  5. Badshot,

    Surely it's the HMR round that you prefer rather than the gun in different calibres?





    No its the Sako in .17 form he,s in love with, I caught him sitting in the corner of a field the other day, talking to it and stroking it :) lol.


    When he fits the .22 barrel he cant hit a barn door :yes:


    :lol: D2D.

  6. The "go back" is one of the most difficult exercises to master and alot of the aforesaid comments are useful, there is no need to make things complicated with double hand signals, remember sometimes you will have a gun under your arm or be carrying game already retrieved, so one arm raised with the flat of the palm pushing towards the direction back over the dogs head, at the same time giving the single command "Back" just once, so many handlers who display a lack of confidence repeat the command several times in a few seconds, the dog heard the command the first time!


    I would go back to basics and retrain the dog, choose a site offering no distractions with a long fence to work against, start by walking with the dog at heel between you and the fence (you can do two exercises at once here) make sure it walks to heel.


    After say 20yds walking to heel, sit the dog, and walk on just a few yards, wait a second or two and throw a dummy just over its head to land 10yards behind, wait a minute then raise your arm up straight in the air, blow the stop/sit signal (even though the dog is already sitting) this commands its attention then with the palm of the hand use a pushing motion together with the term "Back".


    The dog will retrace its path along the fence (in a straight line) to retreive the dummy. Encourage it to return along the fence to you, only praising it after it has sat and delivered the dummy, if you begin praising it beforehand you are storing up trouble later in the form of spitting the dummy out to get the praise faster.


    Unseen retrieves are staged by walking the dog along the fence and quietly dropping the dummy behing you without the dog seeing this and sending it back as before, this will build up the dogs confidence in you when it finds the dummy.


    Should for any reason the dog fail, just sit the dog and walk back and pick the dummy yourself, ignore the dog completely, walk back collect the dog and resume walking along the fence and try again.


    Gradually lengthen the distance the dog goes back, but always train against a fence in the eary stages.


    It is very important to keep training sessions short, and finish everytime on a high note. Short and sweet everytime.


    All the best and hope this is of use D2D.

  7. Due to circumstances I have two adult tickets for the gamefair for sale must go as a pair not messing about.


    1 for Fri Sat or Sun

    1 for Sat or Sun only.


    Need £25 to recover costs only. (includes paypal fee)


    Rgds D2D.


    Now sold to Holly..... have a good day.

  8. UPDATE 2


    Since the last post, I rebaited the trap with fresh rabbit on Sunday night, went to the trap tonight, Monday well after dark and it had caught a further 4 Crows and 5 Magpies.


    As an experiment I have left 2 of the Magpies in the trap as decoys, we shall see tomorrow night if it continues to catch.


    I also shot a well grown cub that was so engrossed in the contents of the trap he didnt hear the Landrover approaching, all in all a good nights work, well worth the hours it took me to make the trap.


    Rgds D2D.

  9. Quite rightly, you should never rely on a safety. However, you have to remember that the safety on a rifle completely disengages the bolt and it is impossible to fire the gun with the safety on, as it's actually put a piece of metal between the pin and bolt. (Unless you manage to accidentally unclick the safety, but that's quite a careless feat)


    I wouldn't ever trust a shotty safety, like I do a rifle. The fact of the matter is, if I'm carrying the rifle, it's over my shoulder, with a sling, with the bolt either open or closed with the safety on. When I'm about to shoot, the safety comes off.


    My triggers are set to what I want and I know exactly what it takes to fire the gun. I tried all the springs and metal tubes in every combination and finally settled on the lightest touch ones.


    I take it you will not go shooting with someone who has a target rifle then? Or am i not as trustworthy and safe as they are?


    You possibly a very safe shot, my worry would be that the rifle might be accidently dropped and discharge with me in the way.


    Target shooting as I,m sure you know is a world away from fieldsports and a very strict discipline with its own set of range safety rules.


    Im not criticising you, my rifles are all set with very light triggers but I have drop tested them and I have no such concerns when out with mates.


    Rgds D2D.

  10. Well done :hmm:


    What was the problem with the initial angle and what did ya change it to?


    Hi John, initially I had joined the ends of the wire skirts at the two points either end where the spaces in the ladder are restricted to approx 3", this formed a pocket away from the side wire.... I thought this would make it more difficult for the birds to escape, wrong it must have made it easier!


    I did not actually see any escape, but since separating the two hanging curtains of netting the problem has been solved.


    One mod I made away from 2nd Barrels book was to make the roof section in two parts for ease of stipping and moving the trap, it is in seven panels including the ladder, all of which can be taken down in minutes, lifted by one man and transported on top of the Def.


    I can recommend his book having now built Larsens and the Crow trap following the plans.


    Rgds D2D

  11. UPDATE;


    Since posting I have ironed out the problems, it was the angle of the wire skirt hanging down at the ends of the ladder.


    To date have had 14 carrion Crows and 4 Magpies.


    The Birds need to be removed after the last crow has gone to bed, they soon become wise and obviously know what is going on just by watching from afar.


    I have changed location and rebaited with fresh Rabbit with the paunch exposed after each catching session, doing this very late evening and avoided going near the trap in daylight, it also helps draw the crows if the Rabbits eye is clearly visible.


    The problems seem to be sorted and I see no reason why this trap should not go on working all year, provided it is moved to a fresh area, unlike the Larsen.



    Rgds D2D

  12. Mine fail a drop test. I've tried it. Is it really that bad?!


    From what you say you have gone too light, its not safe and you should never rely on the safety.


    If I where you I would go back a spring pronto,


    You would be Billy No Mates as far as I,m concerned as I certainly would not come out with you :look:


    Rgds D2D.

  13. Any budding Keepers should seriously consider this book, written a few years ago but contains a wealth of info comprising almost every booklet issued by the then Game Conservancy.


    Most Keepers have had a copy, alot I know still have.


    Heads Up.... a copy now up for grabs on the Bay (not mine and nowt to do with me) for pennies £3.99 plus a fiver postage on a "Buy Now" option.


    The ref is 350 220 092 465 grab it, its well worth having.


    Rgds D2D

  14. right lasses and lads i hear a lot about these trigger kits but what if its your first cz 452 how would you know if it is a good trigger or not, as im tight fisted(wife says) so i dont want to spend money if i dont have to, seriousley how can you tell when a bought it i was told it was pulling at about 2lb but that meant didderly swat to me , is it really worth it :yp:


    Yes it is very much worth doing, I have 3 CZ and have fitted out another 4 for other shooters, all of who have said the triggers are much improved by being lighter, the mod takes no more than 15 mins and takes up the creep and awful time lag between coming on to target and actually releasing the sear, some CZ are perfect from the factory but most are not and the trigger pull weight differs from gun to gun, having done my own guns I would say its a great improvement at very little cost.


    Rgds D2D

  15. Professional dog handlers my ****. Makes you wonder.



    Having listened to the various sides debating this and the opinions aired, in hindsight while I obviously feel very sorry for the dogs I now feel that the handler must be feeling pretty low, he did not set out to deliberately harm his dogs but was never the less negligent, I think he will be thinking about this for quite some time.


    Obviously he cannot continue to be employed as a dog handler and must accept this together with any other punishment.


    I heard later on the news that the Police were putting out flowers in memory of the dogs..... and inviting the public to join in..... what the hecks our Police force coming to?


    Rgds D2D.

  16. Very saddened to hear on the news this morning that two Nottingham force police dogs had been shut up in a police van and died from heatstroke, my feelings at this neglect are genuinly unprintable, the officers responsible should be held to account and dealt with as severly as possible.


    There will no doubt be public outrage, the dogs must have sufferered horribly in what has been the hottest weather for some years.


    Its not as though this weather suddenly appeared and caught the handler out, we have been experiencing this heatwave for quite sometime and steps should have been taken to ensure the wellbeing of the dogs, this was cruel neglect in in its worst form.


    Rgds D2D.

  17. So who's has one and what are they like?



    Cheers chaps :yes:








    Hi LB you are more than welcome to pop over anytime and have a few rounds with mine, cannot fault it since I had the bolt reworked, excellent value for money workhorse especially with S&B on top.


    If your flexible we could have an evening at Charlie, from time to time I have a ******** to shoot over from the sunroof of the Def. :lol:


    Come over and have a catch up :lol:


    Rgds D2D.

  18. I also got an opinion from John Galway (much appreciated), which confirmed what my US friends were recommending.


    Only too pleased to help. :P


    Just a small thing, but my Bank have never heard of the Bank of Toytown, are you sure that the cheque is OK ? :)


    Next time your passing, I have found the handbook to the Husky...... ooh your eversuch a nice man!! :good:


    Cheers D2D

  19. Maybe I have been lucky... grab a lump of wood quick, over the years I have owned many Landrovers from series 1 sidevalve, ser 2... 3 right through to my present day 300tdi Def and none have given me serious grief apart from a 52 plate TD5 disco which appeared to have been built on a friday afternoon and was jinxed. God how I grew to loath that car and the bills, it was an ES all singing and everything was just out of warranty :good: I traded it for a new Freelander2 HSE which tows the caravan a treat and drives very well.


    My current shooting truck is a 95 def 90 300tdi hardtop, 2nd owner and now covered 164k it was undersealed from new and had a FSH which showed all services were carried out on time, not all by maindealer.


    My view is, as with any diesel, the oil and filter must be changed on time and quite honestly I dont believe half the fairy stories spouted, usually by non landy owners, about reliability. My landy,s have to go anywhere and 90% of my driving is offroad 12 months of the year.


    Provided you keep an eye on the levels etc and make sure she keeps dropping oil.... when it stops leaking there aint none in there :P then it will just keep on going, after all they say that over 75% of landrovers produced are still going somewhere in the world.


    Rgds D2D

  20. Oh and I forgot to ask; are there signs that they're definately getting inside ? marks on the bait or droppings ? I was thinking that maybe they're flying round it and not actually in it and from a distance it's sometime difficult to tell.


    Normally you'd leave the top off and prebait the whole thing for up to a week before you put the trap-top on. That way they know there's good stuff in there.



    Hi Yes yes and yes, have already done 99% of your suggestions, they have ripped 2 bunnies to bits and bits of fur are seen on the outside, also bread is taken.


    I have been involved with several keepers over the years who have had this type of trap, my thoughts are that someone on the farm is not playing ball.... I will catch them in the act very soon, its just that I cannot see how they are releasing them as I said everything is cable tied and pegged down etc.


    Rgds D2D.

  21. when the crows hop in through the ladder have you put a bar below the ladder for the crows to jump down onto, if you have you could try lowering this as if the crows can manage to get back onto this it may help them getting out, or alternatively take the bar out. just depends on how you have made the trap also consider dropping sections of wire down from the sides of the ladder along the length of the trap. (inside)


    Take a couple of pics, post them on here for people to look at may be able to get a few suggestions




    No bar under ladder, wire curtains fitted from the start, I made the trap following the plans exactly as shown in the book, I believe the author is a PW member?

    All sections including the door are cable tied and the bottom pegged down,there are no holes of any kind.


    I will have to just bait up with a fresh rabbit and sit it out, watching from a field away through bins!!


    Will keep you posted as to what can get in and out of 1" chicken wire with a facefull of rabbit.


    Rgds D2D

  22. Hope these help work a treat if you have got a serious problem






    Made exactly the same trap, copied from the latest book. Installed and baited with paunched rabbit, crows etc are going into the trap BUT its empty when I visit in the evenings... no paths nearby and farmer assures me he has seen no one on the land.


    Its secure,pegged down and cable tied and fitted with wire curtains exactly as the book shows.


    Apart from spending the day parked up watching, what do I do?


    As I advised you Thinxs hold on making one until problem solved and this one starts catching.


    Rgds D2D

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