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Everything posted by squirrelhunter

  1. As you should know, you should always be aware of where a missed shot would go, if you don't have a safe backdrop, you don't take the shot. yah thats what i was trying to say , Clay ranges however are designed so that missed shots do no harm to anyone.
  2. Does anybody here know a Mr Rawlinson, he used to teach at my school and he used to give a wonderful assembly on Decoy's as he was a Pigeon shooter, i just had a brain flash that maybe he'd gone HiTech and used these forums or maybe anyone here knew of him, he lives in Worcestershire between Suckley, Alfrick and Knightwick. Aghhh that may be RawlinGson...
  3. Colin no one in their right mind would shoot driven game any other way but from the shoulder but you have to understand that Red Stag was perfectly in his rights to shoot from the hip in a Trap cage. May i refer to this extract from an international trap shooter AND INSTRUCTOR; "Because it is so hard people come up with the weirdest ways to stand. I have seen a guy hop when he called the target. I have seen a guy try to shoot the target with the gun still at his hip. I know a guy who sits on a stool when he shoots, and he is pretty good!" You cannot give RedStag a ticking off for this one, its his choice whether he does it or not, personally i cant see the point in shooting from the hip but Red Stag is perfectly in his rights to do so. In the field it is a different matter as you never know who or what is going to be on the recieving end of a missed shot but down the trap range....who cares! And as for me knowing better, I think I do know better than you on this one.
  4. Rooks are something that i only shoot when roosting and large culls to be honest are not my area of expertise. My local farmer has used Elma Fuds method and swears by it, the trouble is it provides little enjoyment and 'sport' for us shooters. You best bet is to wait for a good swarm to descend on your field (usually a mixture of Rook and Crow) Have a line of shooters awaiting (usually in hides), walk towards the grounded swarm in a line with a nice openly choked shotgun and fire into the swarm, ive seen large numbers of between 100-300 before now and it make a shooting bloodbath! You have to hurry though youl only have a chance to empty about 6 barrels the more people in your line the better.
  5. I disagree with colin here, there have been some very mean Trap shooters that can 'shoot from the Hip' and it can be a very good technique in teaching instinctive shooting. as long as he isnt pointing the barrel at anyone and he is shooting from the cage and down the range and can control the kick safely he is of no danger to anyone, the name of the game in clays is breaking them, who cares how you do it as long everyone else is behind you.
  6. I was out hacking on sunday and there was a devil of a northerly breeze blowing which really was cold, the temperature though was bearable in the hollows and this is were the pigeons seemed to be collecting in groups of 4 and 5, the exposed fields saw no birds (except pheasant) as the birds seemed to be keeping out of the chilly air. There were plenty to be found amongst the autumn leaves on the steep road sides where they were sheltered from the wind and anywhere else that was sheltered.
  7. O.K, answers will differ depending on what you value the most in your gun but which are your top 5 favourite shotgun manafacturers?
  8. Best shot ever was taking a Pigeon from the air with my air-rifle from 20 yds, I hadnt seen anything roosting all day and so out of desperation i took a potshot at : a feral going straight over my head, paid off as i had something to show for the day, but im not sure that id do it again...
  9. Sorry in my excitement i screwed up the title!
  10. Who do you have / want on your wall? me-Liv Tyler and Anna Paquin!
  11. I was watching Buffy instead! mmmmmmmmm...
  12. Now normally id feel sorry for Wales, most of us english have no problems with supporting our celtic neighbours be it Scotland , Ireland etc. But im fed up with all these nations bad mouthing the english and willing the opposition to beat us, in whatever sport we do. The prime example of this was when Kelly Jones of the Stereophonics was asked who he'd be supporting in the Rugby, England or Austalia...The ***** said Australia!...Well thats the last time i cheer for Wales then!
  13. I have been on 3 hunts since the opening meet on the last saturday of october and so far i havent seen a single kill!!! I think partly thats because im probably just being unlucky on when i go out but this is the longest period ive gone for without seeing my Hunt take a fox....Is anyone else finding slim fox pickings???
  14. Right my Final predictions, its either going to be a tryless match or a whitewash for one of the sides, nothing inbetween. Im going for England-15 Australia- 9 all kicks and drops with Wilkinson taken out by a dodgy Australian before or just after the second half.
  15. Choke Boring --- Diameter of Spread at 40 yards True cylinder (or skeet) 58 inches Improved cylinder 51 inches ¼-choke 48 inches ½-choke 45 inches ¾-choke 42 inches Full choke 40 inches
  16. My advice is eat them, if they look healthy and there not road kill eat them, cook em and et em hot and you wont have any problems!
  17. Oh while were on shooting law, how often do you have to renew shotgun licences? Is it annualy?
  18. squirrelhunter


    My eyes! My poor hung over eyes
  19. April 6 2085, (my birthday) i had to press calculate a couple of times until i got an answer i liked
  20. so are there any legal requirements to be able to make your own shot gun?
  21. Simple question but one i couldnt find the answer too on the net so; How do you become a gunsmith?
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