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  1. I think I will get out my foxpro caller actually. I didn't have much luck with it during the winter but now the lambs are out it might work its magic.
  2. Everyone keeps saying that. What do you mean?
  3. Anyone else make it this year? It's a great place to meet up with old friends ...
  4. My mate Tom got his first squirrel, I was amazed he hadn't shot one before!
  5. He got away unfortunately, to be fair he was a good 40 - 50 yards away.
  6. It was surprisingly good fun 😊 https://youtu.be/o6O9Sda5GsM
  7. I had a few 32 gram number 5 and would say they perform much better than number 6's through the branches.
  8. I only got a couple of birds but it was good fun
  9. Not paper no although I did do a video shooting a 6 inch gong with it at 200 yards in my most recent video with varmintshootersuk.
  10. It does take a while to break in, I had the same with my Browning shotgun. The Mirouku factory much build to close tolerances. Glad to be back although the new format of pigeonwatch doesn't seem to let you embed youtube videos?
  11. Despite the heavy trigger the Browning T-Bolt is pretty accurate ... https://youtu.be/mOSHAMr0woI
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