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About scotGun1

  • Birthday 23/07/1980

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • From
    Port Glasgow
  • Interests
    Rough shooting, Fishing game and sea, Outdoor activities. When not working or shooting like to spend time with my kids.

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  1. Hi all, Don't want to sound rude, I am looking for anyone could do with some help with vermin control around Glasgow. I am in the forces and I can't hold down any permissions due to being away for long periods of time. I have a SGC and insured, been shooting for a few years now, I would being will to just help out, carry all the equipment etc to just have the opportuine to get out on my down time at home. I am sorry if this is the wrong way to do this, but I have alway said if you don't ask you don't get. Yes I know I should knock on the farmers doors but as I said its hard due to the work I am in. Any adive or help would be great, thanks
  2. Tidworth have a shoot on the plain with some access to pigoen and game, price is good
  3. Cheers, will pass any info I get on
  4. Hi all, I have just move into the Clyde valley and was wondering if you can wildfowl on the foreshore of the Clyde or if there are any clubs around the area. Any info would be great. Thanks
  5. The troops are not pulling out, it the end of combat operations in 2014. We will be there for years to come just like anywhere else we have been.
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