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    Newcastle (jarrow)
  1. I find the acupels great in my pistol (cp99) but not so great in my HW97, in that I use JSB exacts. I was told its due to the skirts on the accupels.
  2. I would be happy to pay that for it. Happy shooting
  3. They look really good, I want to get some used carts now . By any chance do either of you maxus77 or lord Geordie shoot at Steve smith shooting ground and would give me a few spent carts? Just I don't have a shot gun (yet) but I will be going up with my air rifle.
  4. Alienware is the puppies nuts of gaming pcs. It's all about how they are put together and the parts used. Certain components work better with others. I had the pleasure a while back now lending a mates Alienware laptop, it wasn't as high spec as my viao but the benchmarkes where much better. You could get a PC with the same numbers for less(same amount of SDRAM same hard drive size so on) But it won't have the same quality parts inside. If I remember rightly (please correct if I am wrong)A cheap graphics card uses the same chipset as a expensive one its about the architecture/design of the circuit board that makes them stand out. That's what you pay for in Alienware
  5. I have three mates (ones and welder, NDT and painter) who are dopes on ropes and my climbing buddy is trying to get into it. With out a trade there isn't much out there Welder,NDT, blaster, sparky so on. Climbing buddies brother does it he did a course called OPITO Application of Non Metallic Insulation Course with his rope course and offshore tickets at a local training centre http://www.aidirect.co.uk/training-courses/opito-insulation-courses I had go at climbing the ropes in the park near mine using the Ascender and shunt gear, dam near killed me not a fit as I thought lol Edit All three lads I had mentioned all work off shore or abroad. Not sure if there is much in the uk my climbing buddy (jugz) that's why he's finding it hard for a start as most of it is working away and he has a dog and no one to look after her
  6. Sorry had forgot to type a response as well. There is a few reviews off people who used it on there, my mam and dad have some fitted on caravan Door windows. It's ok at certain viewing angles in makes no difference as such, but at others you can't see in.
  7. http://www.amazon.co.uk/Silver-Reflective-Solar-Control-Privacy/dp/B002QEVFFC
  8. That's savage, the damage you could do with 32 shot shells is crazy could you imagine 32 slugs? Scary stuff Wonder how many Americans get one for turkey hunting lol
  9. + for the hammer option or a target to shoot at. Things can be recovered off a formatted drive. Just take the hard drive out and break it.
  10. I didn't type them all out am a little lazy it's from a book called tree and shrub expert by Dr D G Hessayon the pheasant berry I had planted a while ago for a friends grand parents seemed to get hammered by the birds
  11. Pitbull pressure bite was 235 lbs German Shepherd bite was 238 lbs Bulldog bite was 305 lbs Wild Dogs bite force was 317 lbs Rottweiler bite force was 328 lbs Wolf bite force was 406 Mastiff (test dog was a Dogue de Bordeaux) was 556 lbs Turkish Kangal was 714 lbs Contrary to popular culture, the dog's jaw has a lot to tell about its bite force. The wider the jaw, the stronger the bite. Consequently, the Bulldog (305 lb) has a stronger bite than the German Shepherd (238 lb). As we enter into the larger breeds with shorter snouts (called brachycephalic molossoid types), we find the strongest among the canine breeds. Simply put, the jaws are wider and stronger in dogs with broad heads. Think that's the national geo studies. I had read someone had wrote a labs bite force was over 600 (658) and close to a lions bite force of 700 but a mastif is said to be the most powerful bite force of domestic dogs. The above is a cut and paste I don't bite forces off the top of my head I just I would read up
  12. Just reading back over the thread I find suprising the references to being a grass or traffic wardens, jobs worthy and the like. I mean if OP had turned up to buy a shotgun but got there and it was a illegal sawn off or the person held no SGC. Would you just expect nothing to be said and not report to a FAO. Or a car that was a ringer not to be reported. Yes it's dog but its a banned breed and the woman knew this.
  13. Yes but modern Pitts are still bred for fighting so still go though the breeding program. Aggressive dogs bred with aggressive bitches to get leaner meaner fighting machines. The fact you rescued a fighting pitt and trusted it with kids to me is crazy. Staffs and other fighting dog breeds don't go though the same breeding now and the fight over the years have been bred out. Also the shotgun thing is a bit daft really, not anyone can own one.
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