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darren m

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Posts posted by darren m

  1. i,ve been thinking about some further education to enhance job prospects , i,ve been looking at local college prospectuses etc .

    god knows what to do . just wondering if am i too old at 48 to learn


    i was thinking along the customer services lines or , mental health care and security .

    i dont really have any skills as such apart from people skills .

    spent the last 24 years self employed as a market trader and 10 years plus working on the doors


    any ideas

  2. mosa - its an interesting subject , i often wondered if it was the food too making one of my springers hyper.

    i,ve tried most brands now from ukanuba to unbranded and honestly cant see a difference .


    i,d love someone to come up with a food guarenteed not to make a springer hyper , but i just think its the breed.


    i,ve got 3 , there all a bit different but one is so hyper ( sometimes , usually on scent or if i mistakingly show her a tennis ball :rolleyes: ) that she just loosers the plot , you can see it in her eyes , like a switch being flicked , i have to rain her right in and try and calm her down.


    if you look on the net under dog calmers , there are a few supplements to try , i tried one called showspec working dog calmer at around £30 a tub , but didnt make any difference


    anyway like i said i just think its the individual dogs temprament and the best thing to do is excercise and mental stimulus.


    if anyone as any good ideas i,d like to hear them too



  3. thanks for all the comments

    i have a few raised beds to rotate the pen on , no flowers as such , grass is on the otherside of garden and fenced off


    still undeceided though .


    how noisey can ducks get ( just thinking about the neighbours )

    they'll only roam the garden when i,m there


    which overall is the easier of the two ( time wise )



  4. which are easier to keep


    i know a little bit about hens , but are the princples the same for ducks ( except maybe water )


    i,am in the process of knocking together a chicken hut and run , total will be about 10 ft by 4 ft , when the females in the house say ," cant we have ducks instead " :rolleyes: .


    so knowing nothing about ducks i thought i,d ask here


    do they lay the same as hens ie . every day

    do they need a built on nest box

    do they need a drake

    do they need a totally different diet / grit etc


    i,m also hoping to let them roam the garden and also possibly help towards steadying the dogs under supervision


    thanks for any help

  5. I know plenty of Christians who don't mind a bit of boob! Since when was that a sin?! (remember a lot of these calendars are inspired by the WI!!!!!) But if you don't like it, don't buy it! Simples! :)


    And if you had been to church over recent years and seen the outfits the congregation wear nowadays, you would know where I'm coming from!



    here here , Samantha has got it spot on , it does,nt have to be full on nudity , i was,nt suggesting you go full frontal :lol: .

    just a tiny bit of flesh is what sells .

    they do the very same thing with for example fire men or similar type calendars and not one woman complains about those .


    anyway thats just an opinion , i think any woman holding a gun is pretty sexy clothed or not

  6. its a good family day , and i have really enjoyed it over the years , but at £20 a ticket this year over priced IMO.

    been there a few times and enjoy it , but alas can not afford these prices , got a daughter who is 15 and there asking £20 entrance for her too , hardly an adult .

    for me , my wife and 2 daughters to go , it would cost £80 to get it ,

  7. been in pain ( right side ribs and back ) for around 7 years now on tramadol , cocodamol , naproxin , also attended the pain clinics ,


    unfortunatley the docs cant see anything obviously wrong :no: . so the suffering continues .

    like Gordon said though , keeping my mind busy does kind of help , although its pretty hard to block out


    good luck with your op , you,ll probably need those pain killers during your rehab

  8. also as after using tramadol, diazepam and all the other drug Neapolitans they have me there's a drug called amitryptalin wich they class as a fix instead of a pain killer, muscles relaxant and helps with nerve pain, helped me anyway, one tablet a night.


    how does amitryptalin work


    my wife as been given these for back pain , but it says take 30mg ( to start ) at night.

    so how can it help during the day when your most active



  9. ok guys thanks - tyres are both worn on inside , and steering seems a bit lively at time when you go over a pot hole etc seems to amplifiy it


    i,m just wondering

    i replaced a broken spring on one side a few months back on the front after it snapped , could that alter the tracking or camber of the wheel


    it was a simple job to do , suspension off , spring compressor , new coil and bolt it all back together same way it came off


    any thoughts



  10. my daughter had uneven tread wear on two front tyres of her car and the mot guy mentioned to get it checked out ,

    its either tracking or toeing in ( cant remember )are these 2 things different .


    how do you check them or adjust them on a VW polo or is it a job for a garage



  11. i could,nt find any comfrey , so i need a supply if you know where to get it .

    i used boiled water and hibiscrub dilute to give it a few good soakings


    i sprayed it with blue spray , then when dry put vasaline on , even with a sock over her foot dog could,nt help but try and lick it , so i gave her some piriton and that really seemed to help with the urge


    healing nicely now , but constantly checking 6 pairs of feet twice a day

  12. muffin thank you -- good news the seed popped out


    for 4 days i had been bathing and straping up her foot , just to stop her from licking it .

    this morning while having a look i squeezed a bit harder at the bump on her toe and the head of a cm long seed popped out.

    i honestly did not think the seed was in there.


    glade i perserverd a bit longer with the bathing.


    checking them after every walk now .

  13. no not tried them, but i like the shape.

    Are you thinking of making some .


    i was looking for something different the other day and came across some cheap foam rugby ball shaped toys , i,ve taped a few wings to them and size wise are on par with a phez .

    dogs like them but are a bit too light weight to throw far .

  14. checked my dogs this week , 2 of them had seeds starting to embed .


    removed them but looked a bit weepy , so hibiscrub washed them and teramycin spray 3 times to help dry them up .

    ones looking ok now , other keeps licking it and making it wet :rolleyes: . wondering if wound powder might be worth a try.


    is there anything foul tasting that i could put on my dogs toes to stop it liking itself, if not i suppose i,ll have to the collars out the loft from last time

  15. You're probably right but I have developed a soft spot for a couple of dogs I've seen at work. I would like them to have a happy retirement after what they've been doing. Some of them have been here for 4 years without a break.



    good on you mate , they do deserve a happy retirement , give it a go , if you fail so what, these dogs have earned the right to a better life.

    At least you tried and you'll learn loads in the process .

    As you say you,ve got a soft spot for one or two , and if your not looking for a FTCH so go for it.

    hopefully you'll have a loyal companion if nothing else.

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