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darren m

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Posts posted by darren m

  1. is there any one who knows anyone with a mobile tech 2 diagnostics reader .

    i,m having trouble with my trooper and need to read whats going on before ordering any parts etc.

    obviously all expenses will be covered



  2. yes mate cage rest was a problem , but just had to do it, only time she came out was on the lead into garden for toilet duties.

    we started off with medium size cage but went to the XL after a few days gave her chews , kongs etc .

    we put the cage in the living room at night so she could have plenty of attention , most times someone was home

    vet prescribe diazapam and propanol to help with keeping her calm , she was also on a lot of tramadol so was fairly relaxed.

    ask your vet about it , sure they would agree on some temporay sedation , and dont forget it'll have to wear a elizabethan collar for a while so make sure cage is big enough to accomadate that comfortably as well.

  3. re cage rest - just do it , if you want the dog to recover you must do as directed by the vet .


    both my dogs legs went , second one just after the 1st had almost fully mended .

    there was other complications too , screws snap because too small and infection ( i blame the vet for both these ) .

    then her miniscus snapped and was flapping about so another op was needed , loads of drugs etc

    anyway nearly £9,000 later she is still here

  4. Sometimes it is due to kidney function or lack of it - potassium levels are disrupted because toxins cannot be got rid of as quickly. Hopefully nothing as serious as that but can cause all sorts of problems if it continues - affecting the heart as well. I am surprised the vet did not want him to return for a re-test to see if levels sort themselves out.

    he was put on a heart monitor , but was told that was ok

    24 hr later a second bloods was taken , it was normal even the potasium

    could well be ferts it does border rape , peas, and barley at the moment

    i think we'll stay clear of the area for a bit

  5. that would be fine mate

    pm me to exchange details


    i did,nt know that i have a barcleys account myself, but use halifax for cheques etc , trouble is both the branches in my area closed down last year so i have a almost 20 mile round trip

  6. just a couple of bits maybe of some use


    One piece see through mounts , was used on my hw99 , so you can have scope and open sights fitted as well

    £10 posted


    BSA airsporter butt pad £10 posted


    Barrel band ( from a daystate iir ) £5 posted


    Front sight off a 2240/2250 rat buster/ rat catcher £5 posted


    Mossberg choke key £5 posted


    sorry i dont have paypal





  7. my mates cocker spaniel clapsed the other day when out for a normal walk .

    tried to get up but staggered about ( almost like grass staggers in cattle ).


    Any defo not himself so straight to the vet .

    straight away the vet said yep this dogs not right , but could,nt put his finger on what was wrong , went through the usual possible poisioning etc low sugar levels etc .

    Anyhow the dog was kept in overnight and settled down and is fine again now.

    The only unusual thing they could find in the blood tests was a really high amount of potasium , but even the vet could,nt explain this.


    Anyway got me thinking back to the incident and although it was just a normal walk , warm day , bit of training etc , the cocker had been munching on a lot of grass.


    could that cause anything like this

  8. It will if its two mile away

    did,nt say at what range and maybe with a armour piercing round

    seriously i thought it would at half that distance or even less , shows what i know about c/f , f&&k all


    anyway it is pretty solid

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