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darren m

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Posts posted by darren m

  1. I know how you feel bud, it's horrid. See the GP mate ASAP.

    Yes it is a Fenofibrate but it's Lipantil 67mgs (twice a day) - you could ask them for that. Do you have high Triglycerides then?

    Plus 5mg Rosuvastatin and some Industrial strength Omega 3's.

    Last test was AOK normal.

    I'm in my early 40's but mine's (mostly ;))hereditary.


    yep its lipantil i am on but the 267mg size :sad1: .i,d not really thought about side effects of feeling tired but suppose it could be the meds.


    maybe i came come down a bit now , i was on 200mg to start , very high tri's ( to do with the way my liver functions ) , last blood test showed i was spot on 4.2 cholesterol and 0.9 triglycerides

    i may get it reviewed

    thanks :good: for the heads up

  2. I spent nearly six months on fenofibrates (160mg 2x a day) and it was hell on earth. Fatigue, zero energy and feeling naffed off the whole time.

    Now on a lower dose of a different sort and it's fine. I would not care to repeat that six months ever!

    If you start feeling fatigue get back to the GP as soon as.


    maybe thats why i feel shagged all the time

    whats the other med called , is it still a fenofibrate


  3. took simvastatin for 1 week 40mg , my fore-arms and hands really ached by the 3rd day.


    now on fenofibrates -- lipantil 267mg


    anybody else use these , would be interested to hear of any side effects etc good or bad

  4. yeah i understand that , her garden is in perfect sunshine all day in summer and yes she is a sun worshiper , its mine thats in the shade via my trees , but thats the way i like it.

    tree is very healthy .

    found out its not just that one shes complaining about now :rolleyes: , theres also a large shrub in the border ( viburnham i think ) and a small silver birch . plus my golden plumb tree :oops: at the bottom of my garden that borders onto the back fence not hers.


    thing is shes higher up than me anyway my garden drops by about 18"

    oh well :)


    Had same prob a few years ago, and council told them they have no right to a view, they are only allowed to trim branches that overshoot their garden, they could not lower height of tree. Also surprisingly in Stockport you do not have a right to light, so blocking of light into conservatory would be no excuse to cut trees back.

    Good luck



    mate how high was this tree

  5. cheers guys - what about a legal right to a view - does she have one .


    i,m not trying to be difficult with her , but out of choice dont really want to loose any of my privacy and shade either , one of the meds i take tells me to stay out of direct sunlight.


    thanks again

  6. everything i,ve planted on that side is for privacy , there garden is about 18 inches higher than mine because we are on a slight hill .so they are allways over looking my garden .


    i,m just wondering if she complains to the council if they would favour her because of the height of hedges restrictions , you see all though its not a complete hedge . there is the pine tree , then a small birch ,then that stuff the butterflies like , then a evergreen bush , then medium conifer ( thuja plicta ) . they are actually in a border and the border is against my fence .

  7. wow can i come round for dinner :)


    ETO - looks like agood idea , but i know nothing about it , is it cost effective . does dehydrating kill off bacteria etc

    how much does a dehydrator cost?.

    where do you get your venison livers , think they would make a nice chewy snack

  8. chaps i,m having a bit of a problem with a tree and a neighbour , she wants it taking down.

    fair enough it needs trimming but i think thats all.


    she claims it spoils her view and she now cant see over MY garden and into the fields about 1/2 mile away down the hill , and it makes her garden seem small ( which it is anyway ) .

    the tree branches are a bit close to this pig of a conseveratory she had built , although my tree was there first , only smaller . i suppose i will trim the tree somehow , but first i want to protest a little and let her know i,m not happy about it


    so i need to know -- is there any law at all that says that you have a right to a view



  9. ok lads thanks - i need to get a few quotes i suppose .

    the tree is a monteray pine and about 40 ft max , trouble you cant get access as its in my back garden.


    my mate had 3 trees topped and removed and the outfit charged him a £1000 :whistling:


    i think i might have a go myself :/ . i have a chainsaw so i could cut the damn thing , but i,m gonna need ropes to try and brace it to make sure it falls into my garden and not through her bloody conservatory :innocent:

  10. just because he's in his 40's does,nt mean he his past it and a perv for christs sake :mad:

    i,m 47 married and still look at younger women , whats wrong with that . I AM NOT A PERV :rolleyes:


    i have a 20 year old daughter myself and admit , i would,nt be happy if she was seeing someone twice her age , but that does,nt stop me from looking at her 20 year old mates and me thinking god i wish i was 20 years younger :lol:


    there are plenty of proper pervs out there to worry about , never mind 2 people who really like or love each other.


    give her a break and see how it goes for a while

  11. lads - i,ve got a tree that needs trimming or feling if needs be .

    its a 40ft pine tree that borders on next doors and over hangs their conservitory , needless to say my tree was there first .


    anyway i,m just wondering how much it may cost to get a pro in to do the work , either topping or even chopping , i can dispose of myself if it keeps the cost down.


    any ideas



  12. opinions on jeep please ,

    models cherokee , grande , etc 2.5TD also think they do a 3.1TD , sorry dont really know the model names of these motors


    my mrs is looking for a towing vechile other than a landy ( which shes replacing ) and as seen a few of these for sale at reasonable prices



  13. how much does it cost to dismantle a tree

    i have a young monteray pine thats about 30ft + and needs topping or even felling completely , as its starting to become an issue with my neighbour.

    not sure what i can do with it to be honest

  14. ditto same here 3 weeks on and still not right was coughing up green, brown and blood


    what antibiotics as he put you on , i think i need some more :/


    and yes to the sickness feeling especially at night trying to sleep i think it was the mucus , thats what a bought up anyway a big ball of it :)

  15. close hunting , thats my problem , to be honest i dont think it can be solved now . it must be something i,m doing but i dont know what.


    i,m on my 3rd springer now and started off ok , but as her confidence grows shes getting out there further and futher , she was hunting a lovely pattern and hedge bottoms , but now she gets out too far as soon as i release her from heel and i,m forever calling her back or double pipping . shes hunting but too wide . i can't think of anything thats changed .

    what could have i done wrong ?? i,d like to bring her in closer and get some contact back again .

    ideas welcome

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