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darren m

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Posts posted by darren m

  1. locking wheel cover help

    guys i,ve lost the key to my spare wheel cover on the back of the frontera .

    tried vauxhall but no help , they just wanted to sell me a new lock for £79eek.gif

    how easy is it to pick these little locks or does anyone know another method of getting inside with out breaking the plastic cover




  2. And for all of you posting very intelligent stuff, please keep to the topic and let us know what you think of Glucosamine.



    took it for a while when i had chronic tennis elbow , and i mean chronic .

    i could,nt even pull my socks up , but i also had 4 cortisone injections , so 50/50 which worked better.

    tempted to try a better quality all in one again for my knees and hip pain , but read in this thread about it increasing cholesterol which is a worry as i already have trouble with that because of fatty liver disease

  3. ok cheers guys trained my last springer no problem ,will stick with the long lead ,she is great on and off lead will stop 50 yrds out with the whistle,and her recall is mint ,bring back dummy to hand ,just as soon as she sees another dog she is off like a whippet .


    its easy mate really , its all part of steadiness , put your dog in the situation where there are other dogs , local park etc , keep it on its slip , make it sit and give praise if it does not move and if it moves push its back end down into sit position and give only calm praise when it is seated .

  4. theres got to be more to it than just pointing to your eye :whistling:



    2 of my dogs will stop and look in the direction of the shot/ bird/dummy etc , the other one is always watching me -- cant decide which is more of a pain the dog that marks perfectly or the dog that awaits your every command and does,nt mark

    so to get that attention back i taught them to watch me , by spitting a treat into there mouths and useing the words watch me , over and over again .

    Anyway i still cant see how this will teach it NO , with out chastising in some way

  5. I work mainly on musculoskeletal problems. Osteopathy is also used to help many visceral disorders, care of animals- I did several years improving performance of horses and dogs for competitions, I have also worked on sports people and treatment of babies. I worked alongside dentists for tmj problems following dentistry. It's a pretty broad system. I have to be careful of what it can claim to do under asa guidelines but like all professions there are good and bad practitioners and best is always a word of mouth recommendation.

    what are visceral disorders please

  6. Never been a gp.

    If acupuncture has not worked for muscle compartment syndrome within a pretty short time then further steps are needed. The muscle expands on contraction, connective fascia does not. The resultant squeeze stops blod flow to the muscle and muscle fibres die. This can get very serious in some cases and the solution I a fasciotomy. Basically cut it all open to relieve the pressure and let the blood flow again. Resultant scar tissue can be worked on with acupuncture or ultrasound. A good stretching regime for the muscles should be undertaken in either case.



    Hope this is not treading on anyones toes, just trying to be helpful on topics I am familiar with.



    very interesting thank you

    so what do you as a osteopath , is that bones etc.


    asking because i think i need to see either a physio or osteo

  7. diet change for me did,nt really work until i was told to cut down on sugars/carbs/fruit its the main cause of high cholesterol , your liver stores it easier and longer than fat and there for converts to cholesterol.plus i have a troubled liver function .


    anyway thats what i was told by an hospital diet doc .


    been on similar ( fenofibrates ) for a few years , unlike the aches of statins these seem ok

  8. HGH - seriously , where can i get some , i ache constantley in my knee and hip joints and left shoulder gives me jip when trying to sleep


    if its a choice between taking co-codamol , tramadol , diclofenac every day or HGH , i,ll take the human growth hormone please

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