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darren m

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Posts posted by darren m

  1. took it at the highest dose and did,nt like it at all , it did,nt stop the pain , just made me fall asleep literally standing up and can bang weight on .


    i just stick with tramadol on its own now.


    have you asked about amitryptaline?? , i had some for nerve pain years back

  2. almost imposible i know , but keep them out of it till its eiher cut or dying off.

    one of my bitches had a puncture between her toes couple of weeks ago , swelled up and went very gamy very quickily . if she had,nt of been a bit lame i would,nt of known about it , week of antibiotics and regular bathing in hibi and shes fine.

    trimmed all dogs feet next day and got all sorts of **** out from inbetween there toes.


    the one thing hate the most at this time is clever's ( sticky buds ) what a pain

  3. There are also halter paths where horses are supposed to be led on foot not ridden.

    I have been wondering whether there is any legal right to exercise dogs on footpaths. We have a couple of paths, one passing through farm buildings, where the fouling is horrendous. The dog warden patrols regularly, there are signs everywhere but it makes no difference. Dogs run through the buildings, including the grain dryer, and yards, there is filth every few feet.

    As far as I know a legal right of way only confers a right to cross private land en-route to somewhere else. In theory it ought to be legitimate for land owners to forbid dogs from certain paths at their own discretion without infringing rights-of-way legislation. Anyone know where the law stands on this?


    i know what you mean mate , there is a driveway leading down to the stables that is full of dog **** , it makes me really angry , such a lovely place being treated as a **** hole.

    i always carry a pocket of poo bags when out and if my dogs mess on a track or path that some one else as to walk on always clear it up . its just the decent thing to do.

  4. I have boxed a bit in the past, but have recently taken up MMA training. Very different, but i am really enjoying it.

    I have lost nearly 6 stones in just over 6 months, just completed a 10 mile fell run and extreme obstacle course and will be running the great north run in september. I feel like a new man !!


    6 stones in 6 months :ninja: how is that possible

    would love to know

  5. just looking for confirmation on

    can footpaths be used by horse riders

    can bridle paths be used by general public ,dog walkers etc


    i should know this , had horses many years , we,ve just moved livery and place as a few of each surrounding the farm



  6. my old man and all his brothers used to box and run there own gym during 60's/70's/80's , my dad even had a few medals , cousin won the longsdale belt many years ago.

    what i really miss is the training and letting rip on the bags.

    would love to have another go ( but age and current fitness would,nt let me ) , or set up a gym in my own back yard with a few bags etc and workout.


    how old are you guys?? how old do you thinks too old??

  7. one of mine is , but she seems fine , just a bit pentoed :rolleyes: , dont think its anything to worry about , but i may be wrong :hmm: .

    what sort of build is she ie large type / small type .

    search the net and you come across queen ann legs and glass elbows etc , but being a pup they may grow out.

    just dont give too much excercise and feed ( not overfeed ) the best quality feed for strong bone growth , health etc you can .


    if the vet says wait and see , i,d wait and see for a few months...

  8. just re-read that post , god time flies.

    shes ok during the winter , but her feet are red with nibbling again , and her fur between toes is black.


    will try hibiscrub , cant see any mites though -- what colour are they ??? -- would a few drops of surolon kill same mites


    also nibbles her tail , but as been wormed regular.


    i,ll keep searching , maybe it is an allergy



  9. whats with my springer , shes constantly chewing her feet this summer , i give her 2 piriton per day in the hope its just an hay fever type allergy , sometimes seems to calm it , sometimes not.


    any one elses dogs chew there feet off during spring/summer



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