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darren m

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Posts posted by darren m

  1. been back to the vets today ,the wound is weeping a fair bit so more antibiotics , now shes taking 3 different sorts , hope to god its all worth it.


    only 86 more days of rehab :( and then we dont know if the other knee will be ok .. the vets talking about getting in a claim for that one as well :/


    i,ll be glad when the stitches are out at least she'll be able to get the collar off and make her more comfortable at the mo i have to keep half drugging her up on tramadol ( vets advice ) to keep her sedate..and for pain obvisiously

  2. Have a look at CSJ there web address is www.csjk9.com i used to use Iams then moved after reading a thread on here i feed a Rotty and a Spriger for £22 every 8 weeks and they are both in tip top condition coats are excelllent and there **** is hard.

    I used Oscar Pet foods for 8 years and it was also very good and i would say CSJ is better and more value for money.


    which CSJ do you use mate , i,m thinking of going back to it after having a break and using JWB for a month which i,m sure made my springers slightly hyper

  3. Right she's home , but it was bad news .

    a lot worse than i believed .


    he said he found other problems that are going to end a possible working career


    his report reads " Unusual to see CCLR in young springers and also mild OA and intact menisci. she also has bilateral grade 1 patella instability , even more on the other leg , along with HD with subluxation "


    he as performed TTO and discharged her on tramadol , metacam , seraquin and ceporex and advised hydotherapy and review the patella and hip issues.


    not sure what all that means really , but i,m really upset and i wished i,d not put her through it...

  4. hi - my young ESS bitch just under a year old as torn her cruciate ligament. not sure how bad as yet .


    shes booked for the ortho vet next week.


    what i,d like to know is if anyone as had this happen to there dog working or pet , what was the outcome.


    thanks all

  5. seen the vet and she thinks it is the cruciate ligament , but it needs confirming via x-ray :/


    what are my options guys


    the vet wants to refer her straight to a specialist with out x-raying etc , saying the specialist will do that anyway

    i,m gutted :( , is there any hope of full recovery


    thanks for any opinions

  6. i have a chunky springer bitch just under 1 yrs old , shes been limping on and off for a few weeks now on her back leg .

    rest seems to help though she sometimes struggles getting up .

    i,ve looked long and hard at it since its start and rested her and given her joint aid .


    anyway we,ve been out today not far 15 min steady walk and shes come back lame again , if i push her leg reward shell yelp but no pain any where else.

    she was,nt lame while we were out but after i put her in her cage for an hour while getting on with other jobs , i went to let her out and she could,nt get up and as been on 3 legs all day.


    just wondering if this sounds like a hip problem , do springers get hip problems , nothing else hurts unless i push the leg gently backwards or if she tries to put it down.


    any thoughts


    ps. she booked into vets in the morning by the way



  7. You can use washing soda [NOT CAUSTIC SODA] which is available in the Co-Op


    how would you administer this please??


    Also for bug bites/stings and nettles would piriton be a better choice.


    lastley whats your opinion on useing a tornaquet



  8. On occasion I have had this problem in really hot corners. It's pretty embaressing losing control of ur dog!! I find that a stop command then grab the dog drag back to the place it ignored it and a wee shake and she is ok for a bit ! I also try to keep calling my dog back to keep her close. I reckon the best solution is to keep working on the stop and return commands that's what I'm doing which hopefully will pay dividends in the long run! My dog did quite well the other day after a mad start she settled after a shake then did well till we were back at the farm then ignored me chased a chicken and came back with a feathers on her chops most awkward!!! Ah well early days yet!!



    exactley the same mate , i was quite happy with her progress , but as you say it was a hotspot and on a shoot she,d never been on

  9. cheers Alex - i gave her a slap mate a good one and it worked for a little while :blush:

    this was a new shoot i,d been invited on , a lot smaller than the usual sat and weds days and much more compact .

    we laughed about it after but i was really peed off with her , shes never got so worked up before.

    now i,m worried shes going to start running in and just go straight for the birds at the first chance she hunts well and finds the birds no probs too well maybe.

    i think maybe a pen might help or a pen and a collar , but will have to wait till after the season , also need to talk to some one who as used a collar to discuss if one would work or make things worse..


    i dont want to stop now we,ve come along way , best get back on the lead training.




    ps. just to clarify --- i,m just wonder this problem i,ve mentioned ,

    is that the only way to cure it by putting her in front of even more birds and bo££ocking the hell out of her every time she moves towards them

  10. right here we go again


    out beating yesterday , decided to take my bitch for the first time on this particular shoot.


    previously we,ve had a few probs but working them out , but yesterday she was anightmare


    on open ground she would be ok but when we got into the woodland drives she went wild , i could only hold her 50% of the time . she worked flushed etc but carried on flushing and totally ignored me . i ran her down where i could but there was a lot of heavy cover .


    on the next drive i gave her the beneifit of the doubt hoping it was a one off , but she did it again :blush: , started off ok but after a first flush she was off :rolleyes: hunting and flushing and i could not recall her till i had caught up with her :no: at one point she disapeared for a what seemed like ages , until some one shouts , " shes over here " , i got her back slipped her lead on but she was in a right frenzy :( shaking and groaning from her chest and pulling like a train ...


    Anyway it seems now that all my hard work and effort as come to nothing :/ , where do i go from here , back home away from game she was great again but i dont know if i can trust her again .


    some one mentioned a thing called "scent frenzy" especially when in woodland drives , she just wanted to hunt birds down at any cost .


    whats the best way to approach this problem : rabbit/ pheasant pen , electric collar , back to basics again



  11. cheers lads - you,ve actually made me feel a bit better :lol:


    shes 2 now and at home shes great , its only shoot days where like as been said her eyes are on stalks and wants to go , shes healing but 5 yards in front :blush:

    maybe i need to do more lead work , i sometimes slip her back on when approaching a flushing point ( just to be safe ) and she starts pulling on the lead throttling her self , away from game scent she wont do that .

    i think i need to get her in a pen and get her healing there around game .


    glad i,m not the only one , but i,ll keep at it :yes:

  12. Yeah problem all sorted. Something to do with the immobiliser, maybe what rimotu66 says in the post above yours as my mate said he put a relay in to bypass the problem.

    My key does not have a battery in it I just lock it manually and its fine now. (touch wood) :good:



    nice one -- can you find out for us which or where the relay was and price .



  13. Excactly the same thing has happened to mine.

    No power to the starter motor, either a relay or an immobiliser problem.

    I had to hot wire it to get it started and drove it to my mechanic mate.

    He is looking at it this week, I will let you know the outcome.




    did you get the prob sorted mate ?? .


    i,ve still not got round to sorting mine out , i just have to leave it unlocked all the time now :/


    tried the EKA code which got it running but still got the lock/unlock and immobiliser prob .


    anyone got any more tips

  14. heal work simple as it is , my dog does,nt quite get it.


    at home , at stables , down the lane she will heal BUT get on the shoot and healing is a ******* pain ( on lead and off ) , she will start off ok but with in 10 steps shes 10 steps in front and distance growing all the time despite my screaming heal :blush: .


    The only thing that makes any very temporay difference is physcially scruffing her at the back of the neck and dragging her backwards to my leg with the command .


    i want my springer bitch to walk at my leg on my command till cast with out question . i know it can be done :yes: but how....

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