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darren m

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Posts posted by darren m

  1. Remember she's only 7 1/2 months old Darren, you seem to be trying to do a lot with her!


    Work on the basics to make sure you have basic control over her, skip over these at this age and you will struggle later on!


    I would not give her cold game as you may find that is all she will want to retrieve and it will make it more difficult for yourself to use it all the time.

    Put a skin on a dummy and use that or find something she likes to pick up and only use that for retrieves, don't give her too many options.


    If you use treats to reward her for the retrieve, don't worry too much about her dropping it at this stage, you can correct it later on. Sit on the floor and let her jump on you with the retrieve and don't rush to take it off her, you need to get her confident in coming to you with the retrieve.


    Remember she's a pup and there is no need to rush her!





    Andrew - i know shes young mate i,m not trying to rush honestly , shes just not got that keen-ness of my other springer . i had hoped by now she would of shown me something to work with like using her basic instinct etc .

    Anyway -- i,ve skinned a rabbit today and going to wrap a couple of tennis balls with the skin when its dried out a bit , shes interested in certain dummies but wants to keep them for herself :good: and would rather run off and chew them up than give them to me :) .

    i think this may of stemed from her 1st experiences of playing with her syblins before i got her . the owner/ breeders wife thought playing tug with them was great fun :good:


    i took her to the s.notts hunt kennel open day this afternoon and walked through the woods at the back of the kennels , for the 1st time she actually looked like she was hunting up a scent a couple of times while romping in the undergrowth :lol:

    thanks mate


    lads keep the ideas coming always open to critisisum


    one more question :- because shes not too keen --- do you think shes too young to be shown or associate scent with what it actually comes from , ie. if she accidently flushes say


    cheers a rabbit would it be better to let her give chase after the scent at this stage or get out there and stop her.

  2. this morning , had her retrieve in the narrow ally way agin using tennis ball , dummy then a cold rabbit ( just 3 retrieves of each ).

    suprisingly she retrieved all 3 and came back towards me , but would not give up any :) she is very very possesive and tried constanly to get around me .


    i,ve never snatched from her , dont know why shes so reluctant to give them up.


    i tried treats at one stage , but that just made her either drop the dummy or not even bother at all and just stood there looking at me waiting for a reward :good: for doing absoloutly nothing :good:

  3. i,ve got 2 springer bitches one is 22 months now and is coming on ok , a few problems but getting there


    the other is 7.5 month old pup and try as hard as i might i can not get her interested in any thing ;)

    ok i know shes young but most dogs give you feed back and something to work with , this one just wants to eat grass :)


    shes not too bad at healing , recall , stop whistle BUT will not have anything to do with retrieving and hunting, just finding it really hard to progress with her ???


    because shes not keen on retrieving its impossible to start to teach her anything else related such as , hunting for dummies etc , directions , get backs , memories etc , nothing intense of course shes only a pup , but just the general beginings of basic stuff .


    she will 50% of the time run out for the dummy and start to bring it back , but then either drops it and does her own thing or holds it and trys her hardest to get past me / round me . i,ve tried the back to the wall and jogging backwards but shes not falling for it :D


    if i can get her to retrieve the dummy back to me i may have something to work on , so please give me some tips , my other bitch is retrieve mad so there was no probs with her.


    thanks :no:

  4. I have an x reg commercial version of the same truck- get the injectors done if nothing else is my advice- oh and the cam belt too every 60,000 miles


    Ive had mine 2 years and its been trouble free apart from an alternator needed replacing



    Les :good:


    heres mine-6 months MOT 6 months Tax and up for sale if anyone wants a great shooting bus




    lez - are your rear windows painted or filmed , diy or factory

    i,d like to block out my rears and wonderd about painting the glass rather than the black out stuff :good:

  5. looks good , how much did you pay ?


    the biggest probs on the 3.0l troopers are the injectors etc , there have been loads of recalls on these vechiles.

    the best thing you could do if you have no history is to call isuzu uk and provide them with your VIN number , they will tell you whats been done and whats still outstanding.


    go to itocuk loads of info on there :crazy:

  6. I have a mate that works in the factory of a well known top end dried dog food.


    The stuff is full of ****. This particular brand uses the waste from chocolate bars as a bulking agent!


    Last time I checked dogs were not meant to eat waste coco and sugar. It always amuses me when people tell you in a condasending manner "I feed such and such blah de blah" The dog would probably be better eating the contents of the house bin!!!


    which company was it mate , give us a clue :blink:


    i,ve been told CSJ is getting more popular , but hard to find

  7. BB-- used F&T puppy for a couple of bags , pup stomach was a bit iffy , so went on to JWB pup , shes been ok.

    now shes gone totally off the JWB pup and the junior , i think the pup food is too high in protein anyways at 29% for a 7 month .


    now shes a bit older and maybe a more settled stomach , i,m going to try skinners again but looking at there web site they dont do a junior feed . shes a big bitch with lots of bone and big joints in fact shes bigger than my 22 month old springer in size and weight ( but not fat ).


    i dont know wether to keep her on high-ish protein ( 23 - 29% ) or go straight to adult feed ( 18 - 23% ) :look: plus the differing oil contents


    Re feeding -- was 3 times per day but dropped down to 2 now , but shes not even finishing that , maybe its near time for her 1st season but sign as yet

  8. pups now 7 months old and as completely gone off the JWB pup and junior foods.


    so looking around again for the next bag of feed


    for a 7 month old springer what would be the optimun protein and oil content to go for .


    was thinking of one of the muslie's type maybe ruff n ready or field n trial just for a change , but the protein and fats on these are pretty low-ish


    what do you think and what do you feed your juniors




    ps. also feed a spoon of raw tripe or mince with the dried

  9. why oh why :unsure: do dogs eat grass ,

    i,ve had various dogs over the last 30 years ( i,m 45 ) , and non have done this to this extent where i,m sure my pup things its a cow :yes:


    my 6 month old springer pup would rather go off and eat grass than play with me :hmm:


    i can send her for a retrieve , she'll run out pick it up drop it and start munching on the grass.

    even if we are out walking she heads straight for the grass and starts eating , same at home in the garden .


    why is she doing this , is a blade of grass more interesting than me :) is it a pup thing


    shes cant be hungry , she as JWB pup/junior and raw tripe twice a day


    she eats that much grass that it comes out in her poo sometimes making it difficult to pass :welcomeani:


    any one really know

  10. well thats crazy , who can afford to pay such amounts , theres no way i could lay my hands on that sort of money, obvisously i know you have to pay the eccess but the whole lot :unsure: whats the point of paying for insurance :hmm:




  11. got one with more than and looking to insure the second


    re morethan -- i,m a bit worried now after ready that you have to pay the vet before he will claim the money back :yes: are you sure ??


    theres no way i could find the money up front , thats why i pay for the insurance in the first place :lol:


    can anyone confirm this



  12. i got a good deal from argos.com beleive it or not .

    not a bad policy either .no restiction on working dogs


    how much was Argos insurance , looking for a quote for my 2nd springer but the web page was playing up or only half working .


    did,nt see anything about working dogs though



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