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  1. thanks for all the advice cheers for all the quick reply's happy shooting
  2. thanks, this is what im not sure about, i have permission, just didnt want to turn up, its very hard to find an answer
  3. i understand most foxing is done with rifles, my main question is the legality and shooting on land you have been given permission for, basically ive been granted permission to shoot, does that include all firearms calibres?
  4. sorry, should have said, the foxes would be taken with the shotgun, not the air rifle
  5. Evening everyone, apologies if this is not in the correct sub section. i have a valid shotgun cert, and the accompanying shotgun. ive had my shotgun cert for a number of years, so firearm safety or handling is not new to me, BUT ive only ever shot at clays,at the local range, so here is my question. A conversation with a work colleague led to a permission on a local farm, close range air rifle work etc, but the farm owner would like me to have an impact on the local fox population, he lost a lot of lambs last year due to foxes, and does not want a repeat this year. This is totally new to me, can i just turn up at his farm, with permission and fire away?. i'm sure i have read that even though you have permission to shoot on the property, it needs signing off from the local police force to allow certain calibres, any help/advice would be appreciated. kind regards Andy
  6. i completely understand that, i just thought i would have to put in into 'care' of the local rfd until my property had been security checked, but thanks for your verification, its put my mind at rest. its not really something that had crossed my mind until this rushed move. thanks again
  7. Evening guys, to cut a long story short, the wife and i have decided to move, but the problem is, we have to move quick to get the property we want.......as in this coming monday quick. all seemed a good idea until i got home.....the shotguns. From what i can see from a quick search, i can take my guns and cabinet with me, THEN notify the relevant authorities of my move, then they will make an appointment to come and view my security. is this correct? as its different to when i applied for my cert, as they came and inspected my property before hand. im in kent if it makes any difference, as i know some counties differ slightly. thanks in advance.
  8. Hey guys Can anyone point me in the right direction for a custom stock maker? Ive googled but hasnt really helped much, ive tried contacting the guy who has his stocks on xtx air, but with no success. I dont want anything to elaborate, just a nice thumbhole stock for my ultra. Thanks.
  9. Thank you :-) Mag sits fine, just looks unsightly, looking to get it 'tenched' will commission the repairs......
  10. Ive been giving my ultra the once over today, and I noticed something I didnt when I purchased it. looks like at some point the mag has got jammed, and a previous owner attacked it with a screw driver to remove it, and has damaged the surrounding metal work. It doesn't affect the action at all, but now I know its there, its annoying :-/ Can I simply file this down and tidy it up?, or use a dremmel type tool?
  11. Excellent thankyou :-) AA fields have popped up a few times during a few googling sessions. I will certainly be adding those to the list, out of interest, ive also read that the magazine / cycling mechanism of the mk1 ultra can be a bit temperamental, any known issues from using a slightly larger pellet?. Im not sure, but I think the magazines supplied with mine are the 2nd gen version, red in colour? Thanks again :-)
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