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  1. Totally agree, I’m not new to the shooting element, just the hunting part. I’m an outdoor person anyway. Just looking for easy reference as I begin.
  2. New to the shooting game, well The hunting game. So are there any easy reference guides for quarry, and general shooting matters?
  3. Done me ok the last couple of years to be fair. I get it done in Tesco it adds at the pharmacy
  4. If I was closer I would have this. Do you travel south at all?
  5. Apologies, haven't logged for a while been away quite a bit. Got my FAC now, I have a number of .22 LR and .17HMR on there, the FEO upped the ammo limits without asking so buying ammo was cheaper.
  6. I have said in other comments that you can be identified by the police etc for that purpose. Plus even if you hide your IP you cannot hide your computers GUID, so you can still be identified.
  7. You will possibly find you are targeted now for tire sales, the price wont be the cheapest either. Clear your cookies and unplug your router for a few mins, you will get a new IP address and they wont know you have looked at them
  8. @grrclark Are you a tech type of guy? I think the state of firearms licensing its unlikely they will invest in an area that simply isn't an issue at present quite unlikely, but not impossible. I think most people do not realise how much data they consent to being released through agreeing to terms and conditions of websites, forums and social media.
  9. Don't use the trigger words, MI5 may be watching I apologise if I didn't answer part of your question, it certainly wasn't intentional. My comment on the number of police officers was a rebuke to the claim the police monitor the internet, monitoring and research are very different things. Plus firearms licensing isn't crime and therefore prevents use of surveillance or covert action. You are quite correct, the police employ intelligence analysts/researchers for much of the internet stuff, but officers do carry out minor open source research for minor offences. I think the last I was informed there is 1 Civil Servant to 2 Police Officers, I don't know how true that is, but I am guessing its not far off. I would argue the covert claim, as the police don't tell suspects they are gathering evidence, this isn't covert as far as the police definition goes, this is due to the fact that any monitoring or targeting falls within the surveillance category. But I accept the dictionary definition. Very valid points, but do we think a firearms licensing department, who are under manned are using AI? You raise a very good point, Experian have a massive database non of us can escape. You conspiracy theorist
  10. My realistic assessment of the ability of the Police, because you don't agree doesn't make it an invalid opinion. I have already said that social media is looked at but not 'monitored' as some people claim. I by no means have a closed mind on the subject, and I would like people to engage and express what they think. Some already have.
  11. Do you think regular Police Officers are the ones trawling the internet for information 'just in case'? I think someone is sensationalising the ability of the Police to monitor the goings on of the internet.
  12. How would Jeremy Kyle still be in work if it wasn't for teenage brained adults fighting over Doris calling them names over social media if they didnt have Facebook.
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