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Posts posted by Stonepark

  1. 13 minutes ago, wildfowler.250 said:

    Central Scotland . There doesn’t seem to be many shops up this way. Easy enough to find gun shops but a decent airgun shop, I don’t think we have one.

    If they are still open, Livelines in Armadale are airgun specialists.

  2. 52 minutes ago, oowee said:

     Meanwhile Russia stokes the flames of discontent. 


    The only people sowing discontent are as Milei puts it are the "left-tards" and they got given more than an inch and have in effect destroyed the Western countries.

    Another older saying is you cut your coat according to your cloth

    No so called progressive government has done that in tha last 50 years, hence the doodoo we are in now.

    Unfortunately, most lefties (and even most centralists) can't see any further than more taxes to pay for more benefits, instead of the opposite, less taxes (on inputs especially such as energy, gas, coal, electricity, diesel, food, etc etc etc) to allow the economy to grow and compete on the world stage.

    Why is the US economy still holding up?, they are reasonble self sufficient in oil, gas and electricity and they do not tax those inputs as the European countries have done, as such they allow people to afford things and businesses to produce things and therefore the economy grows.

    Why is the Russian economy on the up and up? No longer paying a tithe to the Western companies and banks thanks to the sanctions, supposedly to punish Russia but instead sheltering Russia form Western markets, cheap electricity, oil and gas for Russians but making energy expensive for Europe (including the UK) and industires are closing down and moving out and people wages go on energy and tax.

    Money is effectively a store of work (or energy), inexpensive energy means a productive and competative economy, inexpensive energy is and always has been the key to modern civilisation.

  3. If you recieve a notice through post and you have the ticket, when you write back to them you should include a photocopy/scan of the ticket but also a note stating that should they continue to pursue this matter, you will be seeking full cost recovery at the rate of £250 per hour for any further time they cause you to spend on this incident.


    That is the last you normally hear from them.

  4. 1 hour ago, Conor O'Gorman said:

    There has been lots of research providing evidence for birds suffering ill effects from eating lead shot as grit in the UK and worldwide. That's a key issue and if you are interested to find out more a good place to start looking at the evidence is the GWCT website.

    I wonder what the long term effects of birds using rusty squared off (sharp)  iron shot and broken bits of oxidised bismuth are....... all heavy metals in their bio absorbitive form (usually oxides) are poisonous and hard metals cause internal damage whilst passing through.

    For instance......

    Large chunks of iron can cut your internal organs, and high concentrations of microscopic iron can cause iron poisoning.   The symptoms of iron poisoning are fever, headache, dizziness, low blood pressure, fast/weak pulse, shortness of breath, fluid in the lungs, grey/blueish/jaundice skin, and/or seizures. Iron poisoning can eventually cause death by liver failure or circulatory system shock.


    As there have not been comparative studies, the PTB have no idea if lead shot, bismuth shot, tungsten or iron shot are any better than each other. There simply has been a focus on getting rid of lead.

  5. 34 minutes ago, BobbyH said:

    So just looking into home loading .410/12 bore for steel shot.

    looking on the sites I have found the following for .410

    5kg #9 Steel shot £19.50

    500 cork wads £13.50

    2.2kg powder £45

    300 primed 65mm cases £46.98


    So without the cost of the reloading dies and the setup, can I reload 300 rounds of .410 for under £100 or am I missing something?

    But I’m guessing all clay grounds don’t allow home loads?

    Missing Over Powder Card to act as seal behind cork wad and if RTO finish, Over Shot Card - I also assume you mean 1/2kg powder for £45.

    But no you aren't missing much.


    With regards equipment, Powder measure (I use a Lee Perfect Powder measurer), ramming dowel, electronic 100g 0.01g max min balance/scales and RTO tool are all you need if you have a drill press and are using primed cases.


    With regards using homeloads at clay grounds, they are banned in competition but who is going to tell them if you are out shooting a round?

  6. It is the horse owners responsibility to fence their animals in, in a way that they cannot cause damage to others property as owners, they are liable for any damage caused.

    Make them aware that the cost of replacing the damaged saplings is X  in writing and that you expect them to pay for it if it continues.

    If they are friendly neighbours, they should respect you and run their own top wire electric fence, problem solved.

  7. 2 hours ago, Rewulf said:

    The 'anything is better than Trump' camp would rather see a reincarnated adolph hitler in the White house :lol:


    They want Stalin or Mao.........  apparently Hitler didn't kill enough of his own countrymen....... 😮

  8. More ISSF enforced ******** based on nothing more than prejudice.

    There are generally no unsafe guns, merely unsafe shooters.

    17 hours ago, Scully said:

    He was using a Beretta auto he said he’d ‘built’ himself, although I didn’t ask him what that entailed. 

    Custom springs recoil/magazine, larger controls, re-worked trigger, on a gas gun.. enlarged ports, polished magazine slide, polished internals including bolt, bolt slide, stronger extractor, custom stock/foreends, custom loading gate,  etc and then normal extended forcing cones, custom chokes, possibly re-ribbed, custom bead sight, etc

    There is quite a lot you can play about with.

  9. 1 hour ago, oowee said:

    ^^^^^^ This. Not sure Putin's demise will be enough looking at the FSB grooming of replacements.

    The attrition of Russian cannon fodder is unreal and it's clear that that much of the munition fire rate (apart from artillery) is limited to production rates. Maybe there is hope from within Russian society standing together against their own slaughter. 

    The only good we can hope from this is that we are seeing a far stronger European commitment to self defence. 



    Ukraine has lost over 1/2million soldiers so far, Russia is still sub 100,000 and those figure track with the American funded and supported data collection organisation (i.e. not Russian figures but Western).

    Approx 96% of casualties are being caused by bombs, artillary and mines with only 4% being rifle bullets.

    Again for repetition, the Russian aim is not to take ground at this stage, it is to demilitarise ukraine and reduce it's army to a non-capable fighting force by grinding it down and killing large numbers of troops which is what they are doing.

    Russia has something like 300,000 bombs in warehouses , and is dropping 100 plus FAB's (Glide bombs from 1000lb to 6000lb) per day,  Russia is firing up to 20,000 shells a day and hundreds of drones, they are clearly producing sufficient hypersonic and cruise missles that they have no issue in using them liberally as well as long range drones.

    whilst Ukraine is firing up to 3000 shells a day, no bombs and a couple hundred drones, ,  Ukraine has virtually no anti aircraft missles left (or units left to fire them), down to last few dozen stormshadow/scalp missles, few aircraft and fewer and fewer artillary pieces as they are eliminated at a rate of 5 to 10 a day.

    As for the Russian people, they are solidly behind Putin, of whom 40% even think he is being too soft on Ukraine and would sanction using tactical nukes to 'solve' the Ukrainian Nazi terrorist problem permanently.


  10. 4 hours ago, oowee said:

    We have to hope that the current galvanising of the European politicians and the shift to a war time footing, together with the grinding sanctions, will be enough to hold the Russian advance. At least for now until Biden can get additional resources released. 


    The Russians are out producing the entire West on something like a 3 to 1 ratio in artillery shells, 8 to 1 in large missiles and 10 to 1 in drones, not to mention tanks, bombs, aircraft etc

    To do that the Russians have reactivated their mothballed factories and moved current ones to three shifts (24 hour working) all the whilst, the Western politicians are still only trying to persuade businesses to apply for new bank loans to build from scratch new factories to produce more munitions in 2026 to 2028 if at all.

    £61b from USA will not conjure up troops, arms and weapons that do not exist.


    As to Western sanctions, they have simply made Russia wealthier and more self reliant...... how is more of the same going to change matters.

    6 billion people are still trading with Russia and have normal trade relationships with them, Western markets have been replaced to no negative effect.

  11. 3 hours ago, oowee said:

    Balance is what most of us want. Happy with prosperity, happy with profit but not at the expense of those less fortunate, disenfranchised. 

    The country needs labour for balance following the disaster government we currently have. Our political system requires politics to flip as often as possible to maintain some measure of balance. 

    If i recall you were the one that thought Trump and Boris had some merit. 🤣

    It's often not about the colour of the party but the organisation within it. Starmer is making all the right noises to have a decent crack at change. That said he is unlikely to abolish the lords, get rid of first past the post, overhaul the NHS, tackle the war between Russia and Europe, resolve the Brexit disaster (maybe he will try). 

    Meanwhile..... The rest of Europe is moving to a war time footing. 


    Given the tories are not exactly right wing and the Tories/Labour and Libdems all occupy the centre to the centre left, it is funny that your idea of balance is to go further to the left?

    As bad as the Tories are, Labour are worse and will make matters worse. Whether trying to rejoin the EU, Net Zero, DEI, etc etc etc

    5 Years of labour will put not the Tories in charge, but Reform, as people realise they were duped by all the centralist parties, the question is whether there will be a country left to govern at that point.


    If you want a rich country, you need cheap energy, beacuse after all, money is only a fiat store of work(energy). The reason as a country it is going to #### is that none of the centralist politicaians can grasp that fact!


    Reform does to a limited extent and that is growing

  12. 9 minutes ago, oowee said:

    The BBC is the nearest we have to independent, lets keep it that way. The government in power is likely to see BBC bias against it as it is the government in power.


    Actually the closest we have to independant media... is the independants, whether it is Brand, Rogan, Tousi, The Duran, X (Formerly known as Twittter) and others, legacy media with all it's bias is dying or already dead.

    Going forward people are going to listen to those who they believe are trustworthy, the BBC is it not one of them.

    Whilst the BBC might suit very left leaning bias, it alienates over half the country because of it as it is not a genuine organisation reporting openly on the news without bias, otherwise they would have embedded journalists in the Russian military reporting openly on their news, not just parroting the Ukranian proclaimations from journalists based within the Ukranian military.

    The reason the EU and UK immediate shutdown the Russian media organisations at the start of the war was so that the facts supplied by Western bias media could not be questioned or verified easily and the majority of the population accepts them at face value.

    As a result, even when verification is provided, because it does not suit the legacy media narrative, people reject evidence out of hand as they have only been fed #### by the legacy media and have little understanding as to what is actually happening.

    Last year there were (not quite parades) celebrations over the fact that Ukraine was able to keep their electricity grid up and running (because the Russians were attacking the transmission grid which can be repaired relatively easily), this last week Russia is now conducting their 'shock and awe' tactics learned from the West and are now hitting the control rooms of all of Ukraines electricity plants and the grid is going down and cannot be brought back up for months, if not years as the control equipment being destroyed is no longer produced in Ukraine (or the West) - A secondry target was Europes largest gas storage facility - part of a Ukrainian network used by the EU to store gas (almost 30bcm - 1/3 of EU storage) and if that goes offline, EU electricity prices will sky rocket, as will the UKs next winter.

    Russia is now applying the pressure to collapse Ukraine as a functioning society, no electricity, no gas, no water, no trains, etc etc...... Go and try and find that on the BBC.... not a word, instead bleating on about stuff relating to Ukraine that doesn't actually matter.


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