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Posts posted by Stonepark

  1. And where was the outrage for Gonzo Lira (American journalist died in Ukranian prison after being falsely imprisoned last year and died a few weeks ago) or Julian Assange (Austrailian journalist falsely imprisoned) held in UK prison for 5 years and potentially due to be Exported to USA tomorrow having commited no crime?

    Nalveny was a Neo nazi thug, not a journalist, not unfairly imprisioned and whilst it is unfortunate he has died (until the autopsy is confirmed) all the Western media are simply jumping to conclusions.

    If Putin had wanted him dead, he would have had an accident asap (just like Epstein), and how many pontificated over his timely death?

    As it was, Putin was making an example of him to others who sought to overthrow the legitimate government of Russia, where treason is still a thing.

  2. 34 minutes ago, Vince Green said:

    What the antis said is completely 100%  true

     You can be sure they did their homework very carefully before they acted. A formal complaint would have been submitted to the police stating chapter and verse how the licence is being breached. The police are then bound to act.

    You cannot act in advance of a perceived future risk

    You are only allowed to shoot a pigeon in order to protect a crop from that pigeon at that time

    No crop no General Licence.  The same applies to over stubble. No crop at risk.

    Decoying gets a bit grey too because you are luring them in rather than dealing with an on going actual problem.  All stuff that the antis can exploit

    This has been  done several times on different forums over the years and although many contributors have been totally outraged by the suggestion that it is not their god given right to shoot any pigeon they can draw a bead on actually its not.

    Another area I am sure the antis will be focusing on to is paying for permission to shoot pigeons. Everybody that I know who shoots pigeons pays for the privilege.  Often quite a big sum.  £200 a day has been mentioned in the home counties to the North of London. Cash in hand of course.

    Couple that to the fact that permission forms appear to be routinely sent out with SGC applications and renewals  now.

    The man who runs our Club clay pigeon section is constantly being asked to sign these permission forms. He has given up saying "No you don't need this for a SGC " it just pees off the member trying to get his renewal or application processed.  Probably fighting a battle with his doctors surgery as well.

    Yet another concern for people in rented accommodation is that their tenancy agreement is a cut and paste download agreement from an external  agency. Virtually all these agreements say no guns no ammunition no inflamable or explosive goods, no toxic substances etc. No holes to be drilled in the walls.

    And the police are asking to see tenancy agreements now. I wonder why?

    He is protecting the tree buds from being nipped by the pigeons which affects the trees growth!

  3. 2 minutes ago, ditchman said:

    i dispair at what woke is doing to our country.....i got gated then expelled from private skool and ended up in a secondary modern school............

    they go on about kids MENTAL HEALTH.....yeah..we had metal problem children....they were called "NUTTER"   and were part of everyones life...we didnt care they were nutters they were our mates....

    also when we got to 5th or 6th form we went on school trips  remember we were all traipsing over the Blythburgh marshes watching the eel migration....there were 10's of thousands of them............then the highlight of school visits was a visit to Ipswich or Norwich abbertoir....alll the boys and girls...and we would watch with facination the pigs being electricuted ..whinched up and having their throats cut and watching all the blood gush down the gully to the blood tank...then we would watch the cattle having a bolt gun to their head ...they dropped like a sack of poo..then they ran a flexy steel rod in the hole in the head and run it up and down the inside the spine.....

    then we would move on and watch them poor ole chickens get topped...swear to god they were still alive as they went thro the plucker....

    we were all open mouthed.....it didnt put us off meat...we didnt need councilling...and we ate the school sarnies at lunch

    can you imagine that happening now............the kids would all end up in mental institutions

    big girl blouses the lot of them.......they go into meltdown if they forget to charge their phone

    no wonder people walk all over us ...........we have gone soft

    Bring back school trips like that....... :)

  4. 2 hours ago, Conor O'Gorman said:

    Should we try to get woodpigeon on to the quarry list, while retaining the species on the general licences for bird pest control?


    I have been shouting at this to BASC for years and not a blind bit of notice taken!

    Any species that is or was on the general licence should be registered as game and therefore the general licence only needs to cover the breeding season.


    This is the only way to secure control of those species, given the continual erosion of the GL's.

  5. 5 hours ago, 12gauge82 said:

    I'm fairly sure they recently captured the image of one.

    Nope, they didn't capture a black hole.

    The whole thing is computer generated and.... after "interpreting" the 2\3 pixels they come up with that rendition as below..... It is not a photo but a computer generated representation of what their models think it should look like.




  6. 21 minutes ago, oowee said:

    Change is never so easy.

    Happy New Year to you. I hope too that the opposition gets in. I doubt it will make any difference other than reduce the speed of decline that comes from two terms of either side. 

    If the current opposition get in, brace for the "freefall" as they have almost same position in everything, except worse than the current incumbents.

  7. 8 hours ago, manthing said:

    Not arguing matey but this is the latest one.


    In the grand scheme of things we are about as advanced as kids in a sand box at best when it comes to knowing about things universal.

    I appreciate you are not arguing.

    There was a meme kicking about somewhere in lst few days.. might have been X (twitter) but pointing out that nearly all progress is not being driven by mainstream scientists but those who sit outside it and question the so called "settled science".

    The JW telescope can't be ignored as easily as individuals who have raised these sorts of points previously but told they are conspiracy theorists etc by those who have "settled".

    While clearly there are some processes we understand completely, the reluctance of often the majority to accept factual information and ignore the truth of what we may not fully understand because it doesn't fit their models, theories and simulations is telling.

    Below is a slide showing inputs to the Earths atmosphere that is not accounted for in climate models used by the IPCC.

    Yet these models are treated as predictions and government policy is based on them, yet they cannot and do no model the past or present, so how can they possibly model the future?

    space weather no factored in.jpg

  8. 6 hours ago, 12gauge82 said:

    I do not believe current reactors use highly enriched uranium, somewhere up to about 12%, that term is normally used when describing material for atomic weapons.

    The whole point is that U235 occurs naturally as part of Uranium at a percentage of 0.7%, U238 being the other 99.3%.

    In order to bring U235 up to useable levels for civilian purposes, the method uses the same equipment to bring U235 up to military purposes, you just feed it back through an extra few times, not disimilar to multiple distilled alcohol. U235 decay also produces plutonium as a by product wich is also military capable.

    Nuclear weapons use high grade U235 to minimise the weapon size.

    Low grade nuclear weapons can work with 20% U235, even lower down to 12% could be made but the issue is the size of the device.

    Reactors can "runaway" with 3-4% U235 (civilian grade).

    MSR's lower the risk of nuclear accidents in multiple ways over "conventional" reactors.

  9. 7 hours ago, manthing said:

    And every now and again we are told of things that shouldn't exist in the universe because they don't follow our understanding of physics.

    Maybe we just don't fully understand everything that physics has to show us. 🤷🏻‍♂️

    Things that shouldn't exist? Don't follow the high school level of physics dumbed down so it can be "understood"?

    The problem is that like other things.... people are locked into a narrative or paradigm and fail to look, much less understand, and those who do are often excommucated because they don't agree with the "concensus".


    Well Galileo was right, the earth is a ball and orbits the sun

    Einstein was correct E=mc2

    Robitaillie is correct... the sun is a liquid/semi-sold

    Vogt was right... the sun micro-novas on a 12,000 yearly basis

    Davidson is right... the universe is Electro-magnetic and dark matter doesn't exist


    Bought and paid for follow the narritive/consensus scientists are wrong about other things as well such as :-

    Climate change & global warming & CO2

    COVID virus

    Fusion on earth

    mRNA vaccines

    to name a few


    4 hours ago, ditchman said:

    i believe the ion drive already excists..............basically (im led to understand) it is an electric charge fired thro mecury vapour.....i think NASA are doing experiments with it...it produces a very small ammount of thrust but in space it would be used for probes on long journys as the acceleration would be the time factor...

    Yes, the ion drive already exists but as noted is simple well understood physics.

  10. 47 minutes ago, McSpredder said:

    Almost thirty years ago somebody told me: "Nuclear fusion is the energy source of the future, and always will be".

    What is it predicted to cost?   When Calder Hall opened we were told that electricity would soon be too cheap to meter, but I still get bills every month.

    Is there an estimated date when fusion power stations might be up and running, and coupled to the grid?   Might the inhabitants of East Anglia still be muttering "Norfolk in use" in a hundred years time?





    The current generation of Nuclear (Fission) reactors are as efficent as they can be (using between 5-10% of fuel loaded into them), and most governments are still going down this route, but more complicated and safer, ramping up the price massively.

    Lately a lot has been said about off shore wind asking for cfd strike price rates to be lifted form the £47 per MWH mark to £70ish (2012 prices), Hinkley was set previously at £92.50 (2012 prices)and is rumoured to be asking for £150 per MWH (2012 prices)by the time it comes into operation in 2028, it's build cost having gone from £18billion to £32 billion.

    Rolls Royce modular reactors are just smaller versions of these (but developed from the Navy reactors line) and really most of the development is to work out how to make the future Navy reactors better, only providing the next generation of modular civilian reactors as almost an after thought.

    Top end global private investment (and some governments such as China) is going into (Modular) Molten Salt Reactors (MSR's) which were abondoned in the 60's by the USA as they did not have a military purpose (they do not require the high enrichment of Uranium235 that current reactors use - so no enriched bomb material and no plutonium), even though they are inherently safer (not pressurised and cannot runaway) and more efficent (use between 80% and 100%) of the fuel loaded into them. As a bonus, they can also use fuel from other decay sequences such as the Thorium line, of which there is thousands of years of supplies on the planet and spent material from current reactors.

    Fusion is a boon doggle as our cousins across the Atlantic would say.


  11. 5 hours ago, 12gauge82 said:

    I don't think you can predict the future, all sorts of inventions could materialise. It may be some way off but it could well be possible without your list of requirements.

    It's not my list of conditions, it's physics......

  12. 3 hours ago, amateur said:

    Nuclear fusion has worked quite a few times on Earth. The first time being "Mike" in 1952.

    The major problem is controlling it.

    Nuclear fusion "worked" after setting off a fission bomb "primer" to duplicate the temperatures and pressures inside the sun's core for a few milliseconds, allowing "fusion" to work for a further few milli-seconds.


    Not only did they not have control, they confirmed that they required sun core conditions to release a substantial portion of the "fusion" energy.


    5 hours ago, old'un said:

    There are lots of things from the past that were said to-be impossible.

    And there plenty that still are... We are all subject to the laws of physics....

    2 hours ago, Gordon R said:

    Bit like the "Green" taxes.


  13. 12 minutes ago, 12gauge82 said:

    Where there's a will there's a way.

    Im sure they'll crack it at some point, the only question is when.

    Unless they can duplicate the sun's core temperature, pressure, magnetic fields, gravity etc on earth, it ain't going to work.

    18 minutes ago, ditchman said:

    so why is everybody spending billions on it ?...if that is the case ?

    Because they have spent billions and have no wish to explain that it is not possible to commercialise.... scientists and engineers being fully funded for their entire careers..... on the promise of achieving the holy grail.....

  14. Fusion does not work on earth for more than a few milliseconds even a labratory scale (even with massive inputs) as it cannot keep going as we have the wrong elemental forms, wrong pressures and wrong temperatures.

    The Sun is not a gaseous plasma, except above its surface, below this, all the hydrogen is a form of liquid semi solid, called liquid metallic hydrogen, the fusion happens in the layers where hydrogen is in it's liquid metallic form, not gaseous plasma which we are trying to use on Earth in fusion reactors..



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