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Posts posted by Stonepark

  1. 2 hours ago, Rewulf said:

    The 'anything is better than Trump' camp would rather see a reincarnated adolph hitler in the White house :lol:


    They want Stalin or Mao.........  apparently Hitler didn't kill enough of his own countrymen....... 😮

  2. More ISSF enforced ******** based on nothing more than prejudice.

    There are generally no unsafe guns, merely unsafe shooters.

    17 hours ago, Scully said:

    He was using a Beretta auto he said he’d ‘built’ himself, although I didn’t ask him what that entailed. 

    Custom springs recoil/magazine, larger controls, re-worked trigger, on a gas gun.. enlarged ports, polished magazine slide, polished internals including bolt, bolt slide, stronger extractor, custom stock/foreends, custom loading gate,  etc and then normal extended forcing cones, custom chokes, possibly re-ribbed, custom bead sight, etc

    There is quite a lot you can play about with.

  3. 1 hour ago, oowee said:

    ^^^^^^ This. Not sure Putin's demise will be enough looking at the FSB grooming of replacements.

    The attrition of Russian cannon fodder is unreal and it's clear that that much of the munition fire rate (apart from artillery) is limited to production rates. Maybe there is hope from within Russian society standing together against their own slaughter. 

    The only good we can hope from this is that we are seeing a far stronger European commitment to self defence. 



    Ukraine has lost over 1/2million soldiers so far, Russia is still sub 100,000 and those figure track with the American funded and supported data collection organisation (i.e. not Russian figures but Western).

    Approx 96% of casualties are being caused by bombs, artillary and mines with only 4% being rifle bullets.

    Again for repetition, the Russian aim is not to take ground at this stage, it is to demilitarise ukraine and reduce it's army to a non-capable fighting force by grinding it down and killing large numbers of troops which is what they are doing.

    Russia has something like 300,000 bombs in warehouses , and is dropping 100 plus FAB's (Glide bombs from 1000lb to 6000lb) per day,  Russia is firing up to 20,000 shells a day and hundreds of drones, they are clearly producing sufficient hypersonic and cruise missles that they have no issue in using them liberally as well as long range drones.

    whilst Ukraine is firing up to 3000 shells a day, no bombs and a couple hundred drones, ,  Ukraine has virtually no anti aircraft missles left (or units left to fire them), down to last few dozen stormshadow/scalp missles, few aircraft and fewer and fewer artillary pieces as they are eliminated at a rate of 5 to 10 a day.

    As for the Russian people, they are solidly behind Putin, of whom 40% even think he is being too soft on Ukraine and would sanction using tactical nukes to 'solve' the Ukrainian Nazi terrorist problem permanently.


  4. 4 hours ago, oowee said:

    We have to hope that the current galvanising of the European politicians and the shift to a war time footing, together with the grinding sanctions, will be enough to hold the Russian advance. At least for now until Biden can get additional resources released. 


    The Russians are out producing the entire West on something like a 3 to 1 ratio in artillery shells, 8 to 1 in large missiles and 10 to 1 in drones, not to mention tanks, bombs, aircraft etc

    To do that the Russians have reactivated their mothballed factories and moved current ones to three shifts (24 hour working) all the whilst, the Western politicians are still only trying to persuade businesses to apply for new bank loans to build from scratch new factories to produce more munitions in 2026 to 2028 if at all.

    £61b from USA will not conjure up troops, arms and weapons that do not exist.


    As to Western sanctions, they have simply made Russia wealthier and more self reliant...... how is more of the same going to change matters.

    6 billion people are still trading with Russia and have normal trade relationships with them, Western markets have been replaced to no negative effect.

  5. 3 hours ago, oowee said:

    Balance is what most of us want. Happy with prosperity, happy with profit but not at the expense of those less fortunate, disenfranchised. 

    The country needs labour for balance following the disaster government we currently have. Our political system requires politics to flip as often as possible to maintain some measure of balance. 

    If i recall you were the one that thought Trump and Boris had some merit. 🤣

    It's often not about the colour of the party but the organisation within it. Starmer is making all the right noises to have a decent crack at change. That said he is unlikely to abolish the lords, get rid of first past the post, overhaul the NHS, tackle the war between Russia and Europe, resolve the Brexit disaster (maybe he will try). 

    Meanwhile..... The rest of Europe is moving to a war time footing. 


    Given the tories are not exactly right wing and the Tories/Labour and Libdems all occupy the centre to the centre left, it is funny that your idea of balance is to go further to the left?

    As bad as the Tories are, Labour are worse and will make matters worse. Whether trying to rejoin the EU, Net Zero, DEI, etc etc etc

    5 Years of labour will put not the Tories in charge, but Reform, as people realise they were duped by all the centralist parties, the question is whether there will be a country left to govern at that point.


    If you want a rich country, you need cheap energy, beacuse after all, money is only a fiat store of work(energy). The reason as a country it is going to #### is that none of the centralist politicaians can grasp that fact!


    Reform does to a limited extent and that is growing

  6. 9 minutes ago, oowee said:

    The BBC is the nearest we have to independent, lets keep it that way. The government in power is likely to see BBC bias against it as it is the government in power.


    Actually the closest we have to independant media... is the independants, whether it is Brand, Rogan, Tousi, The Duran, X (Formerly known as Twittter) and others, legacy media with all it's bias is dying or already dead.

    Going forward people are going to listen to those who they believe are trustworthy, the BBC is it not one of them.

    Whilst the BBC might suit very left leaning bias, it alienates over half the country because of it as it is not a genuine organisation reporting openly on the news without bias, otherwise they would have embedded journalists in the Russian military reporting openly on their news, not just parroting the Ukranian proclaimations from journalists based within the Ukranian military.

    The reason the EU and UK immediate shutdown the Russian media organisations at the start of the war was so that the facts supplied by Western bias media could not be questioned or verified easily and the majority of the population accepts them at face value.

    As a result, even when verification is provided, because it does not suit the legacy media narrative, people reject evidence out of hand as they have only been fed #### by the legacy media and have little understanding as to what is actually happening.

    Last year there were (not quite parades) celebrations over the fact that Ukraine was able to keep their electricity grid up and running (because the Russians were attacking the transmission grid which can be repaired relatively easily), this last week Russia is now conducting their 'shock and awe' tactics learned from the West and are now hitting the control rooms of all of Ukraines electricity plants and the grid is going down and cannot be brought back up for months, if not years as the control equipment being destroyed is no longer produced in Ukraine (or the West) - A secondry target was Europes largest gas storage facility - part of a Ukrainian network used by the EU to store gas (almost 30bcm - 1/3 of EU storage) and if that goes offline, EU electricity prices will sky rocket, as will the UKs next winter.

    Russia is now applying the pressure to collapse Ukraine as a functioning society, no electricity, no gas, no water, no trains, etc etc...... Go and try and find that on the BBC.... not a word, instead bleating on about stuff relating to Ukraine that doesn't actually matter.


  7. 4 hours ago, oowee said:

    Russia is exploiting any issue, any point of friction in the west that it can use to its advantage. 

    Its the volume of fake and disinfo that we are unable to deal with. A Classic is Baltimore Bridge. The moment the bridge hit the water posts on x ;  'It would be better to replace the Bridge than line the pockets of Zalensky'. 

    As a democracy (first past the post) we are unable to deal with the fundamental changes needed to modernise our systems for example housing shortage, NHS, migration, climate change and so on. As the issues are magnified by our enemies, we lurch further to political extremes, Le Penn, Trump, Corbyn, Brexit, or whatever in the hope that change may be brought about. Russia is exploiting discontent with a series of systematic attacks through social media and we have no mechanisms to deal with it. 

    The post above this one is another example. 

    https://www.nytimes.com/2024/03/27/world/europe/princess-kate-middleton-russia-conspiracy.html#:~:text=Russian Group Spread Disinformation About Princess of Wales%2C Experts Say,about Catherine and her health.




    Russia does not give two hoots for what our internal issues are, all the above has already been debunked as made up propaganda, just like the propaganda that Russia was interfering in the USA elections last time round.

    The 77th Brigade are certainly hard at work.......................


  8. Keep the insults coming boys, as long as you are insulting me (and Russians or anyone else for that matter), you are merely confirming you have no evidence, proof, argument or the ability to engage in a reasonably civilised debate.


    You should always question what you are told, but unfortunately the ability to critical think things through and to consider all facts appears to be a declining skill.

    lets take the above statement

    "Some would rather believe a dictatorship that cuts of the ears of captives, attacks neighbouring states, commits genocide, kidnaps children, shoots it's own soldiers t=rather than the statements of an accountable democracy."


    Russia who just held open and UN certified presidential Elections or Ukraine where elections and all opposition parties are banned

    Maiming of captives

    Russia who captured proven terrorists and attempted to get information out of them as quickly as possible or Ukraine who kidnaps family members of Russian supporters off the streets and sends them back dead/mutilated?

    Attack neighbouring States

    Russia who held off and warned Ukraine government for 8 years before "attacking" or Ukraine and Nato shelling Donbass civilians for 8 years whilst building up an army to invade Donbass and then being pre-empted by the Russians

    Russia who to UN confirmation has not kiddnapped any children or Ukraine who has kidnapped childen and sent them back dead to parents as a warning

    Russia who operates its arm under military rules of conduct or Ukraine who Nazi battialians rape and pillage as they please


    The truth is, Russia has behaved with and has been seen to have behaved with very high standards compared to Ukraine in tis conflict.


    Given Ukranian Nazi proclivities, those suppporting the Ukranian Government might well want to consider....................





  9. The head of the SBU (Ukranian Secret Police) confirmed in an open interview (available online) just two days ago that Ukraine were responsible for the truck bombing of the Crimean Bridge, assassinaton attempts on Russian citizens (prilepin and Tatarsky) as well as direct reprisals against various Russian appointed officials and their families for the new Russian (Old Ukranian) regions which have now joined Russia.


    Does anyone remember the truck bombing in Oct 2022 when Ukraine denied all responsibility?

    Do you think they have changed and are not responsible or involved in the Crocus attack, when the escape route was Ukraine?

    Oh and BTW....

    Turkey has now arrested 40 individuals inside Turkey on information received from Russia linked to the terrorists.

    Latest is Russian official has now in a statement to a reporter confirmed (when leaving an investigation meeting on the attack) when asked ISIS or Ukraine... has on camera said Ukraine....

    Flattening the SBU building in Kiev with a Zircon Hypersonic missile yesterday was no accident...


    Don't you find it funny that less than an hour after the attack the West can confirm it was ISIS and press on with that narrative even though emerging evidence is completely to the contrary, but after 18 months they still can't confirm who blew up the Nordstream pipelines or rather don't want to admit it was the USA?

  10. 25 minutes ago, Ultrastu said:

    I wonder how precise a very good quality choke has to be on a quality gun to produce excellent patterns that we would expect from cylinder  through to full .in .410 ? 

    Maybe it's just very hard to reproduce pattern size consistency from a .410 compared to 12b ? 


    To get my Khan (Revo) OU multichoke 410 to shoot better, I got Briley extended tubes which were properly sized (originals were horrendously over choked) and have a post choke stability zone. This added about 10% to the pattern.

    Substituting hard lead (high antimony 5%) added another 10%.

    Reaming the forcing cones to 2 1\2 inches added another 5%.





  11. 2 hours ago, Ultrastu said:

    So a new utube vid out today .field sport with speed.   He choke tests a kofs .410 from skeet to full at 30 yds and finds there is no difference in pattern size at all between them .confirming exactly  what I said above  .but hey I know nothing eh ? .hull high pheasant  18 grm no7 fibre  exactly the same cart I prefer to use .


    As noted above in worse case scenario......., Kofs gun (inexpensive) with short forcing cones, high pressure cartridges, soft lead and very short multi chokes with no stabilisation zone, damages pellets and sprays patterns, hence changing chokes making little difference as no matter the choke the pellets are already ******** so patterns are poor and inconsistent across the board

  12. 5 hours ago, old'un said:

    But who were their pay masters?

    The CIA/Mossad has spent over £30billion protecting and funding ISIS in Iraq and Syria as well as other coutries they wish to destabilise over the last 20 years to try and control Iraq (and prevent Iranian influence taking over) and trying to unseat Assad in Syria where ISIS was the official western supported opposition and were given training and weapons as well as money by their Western sponsors.

    Victoria Nuland (main deepstate organiser of the anti-russian must control Ukraine neocon faction and also deeply involved in Syria) got canned on the 5th March out of the blue, various nebulous warnings were issued by USA/UK/Mossad on 7th of March about an imminent attack in Moscow.... but nothing happened.....

    By their own confessions, on the day of the 7th and the day before the previous concert on the 8th (and before the Russian election), one of the attackers (photographed) recon'd the site but the security for that day was heavy so apparently they called it off and instead opted to wait for the next concert and we all know what happened then... including the run to safety in Ukraine where apparently (again by their own confessions) they had a contact to get over the border and safety where others were awaiting them.


    The Russians have 4 of the shooters alive and have arrested over a dozen others in connection with them, and as noted above are not allowing lawyers to interfere with getting to the bottom of this.

    I don't expect Russians to openly run to the UN and raise issue out loud, but the life expectancy of anyone who had fore knowledge of this event and can be proved beyond reasonable doubt, will be somewhat shorter as by authroising and paying for this, they stepped over the line and became Outlaws and Russia does not apply civilised rules to Outlaws.


    11 hours ago, welsh1 said:

    You are Vladimir Putin and i claim my £5.00



    I just follow the independant, international media which tends to be minutes to hours ahead of the MSM as they don't have to spin the news to make it fit a narrative........ they just report the news...

  13. 4 hours ago, Ultrastu said:

    Well that's the theory at least  

    The reality is somewhat different  .

    A .410 has all its pellets stacked in a long thin column in the cartridge  and there are probably around 6 pellets across the width of it  .compare that to a 12 b where you have maybe 20 - 25 pellets across the width in the cartridge  and hence in the bore as it passes through the choke  the choke constriction  helps force these 25 pellets together holding them together for a longer range  .the same doesn't work so well with the 6 pellets across in the .410 choke  .this is why the constriction  difference between full and cylinder  in .410 is very slight  and much more in 12b as it works much better in 12 than .410  .


    Choke is a nominal constriction of the bore to produce a certain pattern width and density on a pattern plate at a certain range.

    Full choke, whether 12b, 20b, 410 or otherwise is a constriction of approximately 11% in area of the bore.

    In 12b this equates to approx 40thou, in 410 it equates to approx 22 thou.

    The nominal choke does not care about the number of pellets!


    The best patterns are produced by round pellets which are stable as they exit the muzzle. If this stability is disturbed by damaged pellets or unstabilised pellets, you get #### patterns.

    How a gun chokes is not just due to the constriction of the choke, the pressure, forcing cones, lead hardness,  choke constriction, choke length, choke stabilisation area all have an impact.

    Unlike the 12 bore where the large diameter bore (in relation to the shot diameter) means constriction is often the most important and the others are less significant, in the 410 due to the small bore to shot diameter ratio, these others come into play and can be significant.


    A 410 with a high pressure loading, shooting soft lead with short, rough forcing cones, short choke with no stabilisation area, may indeed pattern like #### and it may not matter if it is cyl or full choked because 100% of the shot will be damaged by pressure, forcing cones and choke and spray out of the gun.

    On the other hand a 410 operating at reasonable (high 12b but moderate 410) pressure, with hard shot, 3 inch forcing cones, and good chokes which have at least 1 inch of post choking stabilisation  will produce excellant patterns no different in quality from a 12 bore.



    7 hours ago, Ultrastu said:

    The main difference  in 12 /20 and .410 is that choke makes a bigger difference  on the bigger bores .

    So when you swap the choke from cylinder to full on a 12 b there is a huge pattern spread difference at your chosen range . With a.410 there is virtually  no difference  hence why multi choke .410s aren't so common, and the guns that do have them are mainly for show .

    This really is the worst post I have seen regarding the 410 and should be removed for it's complete inaccuracy!

  14. 7 hours ago, Gungoesbang said:

    So I have a few 12 bores of different guises, and a 20 bore o/u. However, I have an itch for a tiny, light 410 or 28 bore side by side. I don’t find the 20 bore too much worse than the 12 - maybe 10% lower scores on average. However, seen there are 410 championships and seen people struggling online - just worried I won’t hit anything at all! Would I be better off just getting a 20 sxs? 
    Also is 28 bore going to be able to cope with steel shot, as in my understanding 410 won’t really? 


    No matter what bore you have choke serves the same function. As choke is a measurement based on the percentage of pellet strikes within a 30 inch circle at a chosen range.Full choke for a 12 bore will give a pattern spread exactly the same as a full choke 410, likewise 3\4, 1\2, 1\4, Cyl.


    What is different is pattern density as 12 bore (28g no 7.5) starts off with 400 pellets, whilst the 410 (18g no7.5) starts off with 256 pellets.


    The secret with 410 is to realise that as you are limited by total load, you need to keep the pellets small to maintain density.  No7 is the largest pellet you need (bar certain specialist loads) and 18g of no7 will kill to 35 yards, clays, vermin or game.


    The reason most struggle is using too large a pellet and then too tight a choke to try to compensate for the lack of pellets.

  15. So ignoring the Russiaphobia, we now know this was a paid job for the terrorists and that they had permission to cross into Ukraine with a Ukrainian team meant to meet them as they crossed.

    So take your pick on who is responsible for this one, Mossad, CIA, MI6 or SBU or all of the above, however they all knew about it (Victoria Nuland just got canned last week out of nowhere and this could be why) and CIA, MI6 and Mossad all issued vague warnings about an attack somewhere in Russia at same time.






  16. Ukraine since week before elections was attacking Belgorod region of Russia putting troops into Russia across the Border.

    Last terrorists were killed\captured 200 miles Southwest of Moscow heading for Ukrainian border.

    If Ukies did slip the team in during the attacks on Russia prior to last Sunday's election, Russia is going to take the gloves off just like they did in Chechnya.

  17. If you can send a spare choke to Teague, they can duplicate it or make others to fit.


    Not the cheapest but doable.

    NB what is the bore size at the rear of the choke?


    I think we also need to see the proof and manufacturers markings on the flats and barrels.

  18. 2 hours ago, TIGHTCHOKE said:

    I strongly believe there are NO bad shells these days.

    Not quite true, but since good shells number 99% and the average game shooter misses 50% of the time, the chances are you would never notice an individual poor shell (that still functions), unless you get a slab of them and notice the continual variance in your performance. 


    There is also the question of what is poor, a complete dud? Or doesn't meet expected tolerances but still kills everything within 40 yards?

    Again there are shells out there that make a Full choke gun shoot a half choke or even quarter choke pattern (which I regard as a poor shell) but which most people would not notice or even claim they are great shells as they bring down everything due to the wider pattern that they are not aware of.

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