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Posts posted by Stonepark

  1. Over the first 6 months of this year, electricity prices paid to generators have averaged something like £79/MWh or 7.9p/KWh.

    Currently my electricity bill is 23.76p/KWH and standing charge is 58.18p per day, meaning realistically on an average day the actual price per KWH is 28.75p.


    The normal electricty rate should be about 11p/kwh as it would have been back pre 2020, but since then climate levies, emergency costs etc have been heaped onto consumer bills and never removed once the emergency ended........


  2. 8 minutes ago, udderlyoffroad said:

    Genuine, non-snarky question; How big an issue is Putin/Russia/Ukraine with the electorate, really?  I think it scores pretty low outside London. 

    The reality is, what happens in Ukraine is determined by the occupant of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave, not 10 Downing St.

    Incidentally, don't forget Tice was driving in an 'aid convoy' to Ukraine a few months back, for which he got much stick (rightly IMHO).

    🤣  First electoral mandate she's had.



    It is low as most people have no inteest in wars funded by USA/Nato and the hype thrown about by Government and MSM is made to look like Russia is going to invade the whole of Europe, when in truth they are not the country with 160+ military bases spread throughout the world and who move offensive missle systems and soldiers right up to other countries borders!

    Ukraine has been determined by the occupant of 1000 Colonial Farm Road, Langley, Fairfax County, Virginia, since 2013 when they threw over $10billion at minority nationalist element to overthrow the democratically elected Russian friendly government.

    Yes, Tice got a lot of stick both internally and externally and backed off from doing similar again!


  3. 2 hours ago, oowee said:

    I read that three more Reform candidate's have come out in support of Russia. Maria Zakharova also endorses Farage today (Russian Defence ministry), an illuminating endorsement. 

    How convenient that Reform is not set up as a political party and as a company can hide its income. 

    A vote for Farage looks more like a vote for Putin everyday. 


    The truth is Oowee, the average Reform UK candidate has life experience, common sense and an above average appreciation of world affairs, as they generally don't rely on the MSM to spoonfeed them the propaganda that the elites wish passed on .... something it appears you could learn from......


    Reform UK being set up as a company is a non-issue... better a registered company that submits annual accounts to HMRC as well quarterly/monthly accounts to the Electoral Commission (which incidently approved the company set up)........than all the secretive labour/cons committees which operate behind closed doors and then get overridden by central party again doing things in secret and not in the open.


    A vote for Farage is a vote for Farage.... if you want to vote for Putin, you will need to move to Russia to be able to do so......


  4. 21 minutes ago, ditchman said:

    we will be entering another ice age ..FACT...the northern hemisphere gets warmer...the ice melts...the salinity of the ocean gets less the warm current that looks after the UK will divert as a result ...and it will start to cool in the north.....


  5. 3 hours ago, 12gauge82 said:

    Climate change denier. Wrong

    Man made climate change denier... Correct


    Humans are not causing climate change, neither is the CO2 we produce...


    Every climate change model, every single one of them, is a simplified version of reality which does not replicate reality and therefore cannot replicate current or past climate, never mind the future.


    The models do not even include all the energy inputs from the sun, which is the main driver of climate change and which we can do nothing about!

  6. 4 hours ago, Raja Clavata said:

    The IFS analysis of the reform manifesto is pretty bleak reading.

    The IFS analysis, doesn't even cover everything that Reform Uk has put forward, half a page, barely scratching the surface... not exactly stellar output from those who claim to be the leading analysis group in the UK.......

    2 hours ago, Gordon R said:

    So you won't be voting for those nice Labour people. 🙂 To answer your previous points:-


    This is my take on Farage:

    He basically wants us to leave everything, even things we’re not members of - that is just a silly throwaway remark and wrong.

    He’s clearly a Trump fan boy - what is the problem with that? It is better than creepy Joe Biden. 

    He’s a Putin apologist - if you read properly what he said, he didn't like the man.

    He’s a climate change denier - I think I must fall into the David Bellamy camp. No-one argued against him, but he was just dropped from TV.

    He fronts a party which naturally attracts some pretty unsavoury characters with pretty extreme views - David Lammy, Angela Rayner, Jeremy Corbyn, Diane Abbott and many more.

    He displays traits which I would personally associate with being based on various forms of racism - If you think he is a racist - spit it out and show us the evidence. 

    So I understand why Labour is popular here - NOT..


  7. 1 hour ago, Raja Clavata said:

    Thanks for your reply.

    Which of their top 3 policies do you think will make the biggest positive impacts

    1 - Lifting income tax exemption to £20k

    2 - Cutting fuel duty initially by 20p\l and more in the future and cutting NetZero levies from electricity costs

    3 - Achieving NetZero or negative immigration to give services and housing time to catch up.

  8. 18 minutes ago, jeffgg said:

    Thats the reason i asked how the cable was going to be run. I would be running  a cable 6mm minimum fed via a 32a rcbo braker

    Agreed, given the effort of running the cable in the first instance, the small increase in cost in oversizing the cable, is normally more than justified later when additional load is required, even if it isn't anticipated at present.

  9. 3 minutes ago, 12gauge82 said:


    Indeed they are, everyone goes on about non-existant far right extremists As the biggest risk but historically it the far left, not the far right that have been responsible for the majority of the violence, in effect it is a form of projection by the left to justify their actions, whether antifa, anti this or that, throwing milkshakes and cement at Farage etc etc.... when they have no rational argument to respond.

  10. Will need to rezero for stingers. On my cz, stingers group about 8 inches out at 100 yards from subs zero (up and left).


    If your gun is a tack driver with ammo you have, it is likely stingers will be worse.


    My gun is zeroed at 100 yards with eley subs and is about 2 inch high at 50 yards.


    Learn your trajectories.

  11. I think we can conclude this is organised chaos as Macron has just pulled a Sunak and called early elections in France.


    And now also the Belgian prime minister.... Some see it as allowing voters to confirm their intentions, in reality the rats are abandoning the ships.

  12. People are regulary quoting Farage as a "one man band" and that there is not team behind him, I would beg to differ.

    Nigel, is however the only one who gets 'Airtime', all the rest, the mainstream media ignores unless someone finds a less than flattering "tweet", as they actively seek to disenfranchise voters.

    Currently Reform UK have 619 candidates standing, full set of organisers/agents, support staff albeit running on a shoe string budget and more supporters joining every day.

    Reform UK is still not invited to most hustings, tv debates, etc as we have no "track record", well 10 million of the 17 million Brexit voters, potentially voting for Reform this time, might just change that.


    I personally think the pollsters have yet to catch up on what is happening (remember they poll normally people already on their data base who are interested in politics), instead like Brexit, a ground swell of non-political normal people who just want to get on with their life and have government and councils do what they promised are signalling they will be voting for Reform UK.

    Pollsters still seem to be thinking that the right of the Tory party who are being abandoned are somehow going to vote Labour and Libdem instead of Tories, looking at the polls, Conservatives down, Labour up, yet the Tory left (equivalent of Blairite rihgt in Labour) and represented by Sunak and co is going down in flames as true conservatives leave in droves.

    The Tory right who are disenchanted are going to vote for Reform UK.


  13. 5 hours ago, harrycatcat1 said:

    Can you please explain to me how the hot/cold cycles work in a cold water cistern causing it to crack that wide 🙏

    If you have a small hairline crack that lets water into the porous element of the ceramic, every time you go through a flush cycle,  fresh cold water is introduced into the cistern and that crack will slowly get bigger, it may have been doing so for years, though at some point the pressure of the water in the porous ceramic leads to a sudden failure.

    If it has been hit on the night of failure, their will be evidence of fresh damage on the crack as the impact would cause a shockwave along which the crack would propagate (think of using a chisel to crack glass, the glass does not crack randomly but from the impact point). Looking at the photo, there is no evidence from that angle of someone taking a chisel or hammer etc to the ceramic as the crack is clean, with no impact damage.

    5 hours ago, harrycatcat1 said:

    Is there a government model before September 2014?

    There was, you should have a copy of the lease and be able to check exactly what the terms are and the signed lease is always is the guide for liability.

    If the lease is silent on the tenant insuring the carpets, then they should be insured under the landlords policies.

  14. 4 hours ago, harrycatcat1 said:


    That's why I asked about the lease, if you used a government "model" lease as the basis the terms are as follows:-



    Section 😧 Landlord’s obligations
    4.1 The Landlord must insure the Property against fire, flooding and other risks
    usually covered by a comprehensive insurance policy and must use all
    reasonable efforts to arrange for any damage caused by an insured risk to be
    remedied as soon as possible.

    👉The Tenant is responsible for arranging insurance of the Tenant’s own belongings.👈

    4.2 The Landlord must provide the Tenant with a copy of the insurance policy at the
    request of the Tenant.

    4.3 Where the Property is uninhabitable because of damage caused to the Property
    by an insured risk then, unless the damage was caused by the Tenant’s
    negligence or failure to comply with the Tenant’s obligations under this
    agreement, the Tenant shall not be required to pay rent until the Property is fit
    for occupation and use.


    Google is not your friend in this instance......


  15. 29 minutes ago, harrycatcat1 said:

    Does this mark look like it's hit with something 🤔 


    That looks like an expansion crack, where a hairline crack caused by hot\cold cycles has eventually let go.

    There is no sign of an impact crack on the fracture edges.

  16. Does the lease have a condition that the tenant insure the landlords fittings and fixtures?

    If the property was let with carpets, these are landlords fittings and would normally fall under landlords insurance, unless there is a specific provision in the lease saying otherwise.


  17. 8 hours ago, oowee said:

    None of the parties have set out a clear believable plan on controlling migration although they have some ideas. Farage is setting an even higher target of zero, but with even less content as to how it will be achieved. 


    Reform has set out the policies, leave the ECHR, reduce visa's and escort illegal immigrants back to where they came from.

    Farage is doing nothing of the sort, Reform Uk has been calling out the NetZero immigration nonsense since it started......more straight out lies.......

  18. 3 hours ago, oowee said:

    I think maybe the politics of reform are on the fringe. Whilst moving that way will win votes that has to be balanced with the loss of Liberal moderates.


    Reform Uk are so much on the fringe, a very quick look at their policies.......


    personal taxes should be fair and the worse off protected (eg £20k income tax excemption),

    NetZero is a waste of money and time, get rid of

    Men are born Men and Women are born Women,

    paedophiles should be jailed and castrated,

    mass immigration destroys a nations culture, 

    NHS is adequately funded but hugely mismanaged,

    NHS waiting lists are avoidable

    we need a proper professional army to protect eh Uk but not enter into overseass American regime change wars,

    veterans should be properly supported

    we should look after our own people first before tending to those overseas,

    anyone sex changing a child should be prosecuted, for child abuse

    teachers should concentrate on teaching and not preaching ideologies

    we should expolit our own energy resources for energy security

    we should control our own fisheries

    we shuld support our own agriculture

    we should abolish the house of lords

    first pst the post should be changed for proportional representation to better reflect the publics will

    low taxes for business to promote growth

    remove fuel duty from both petrol and diesel to promote growth

    prevent homelessness by support and rehabilitation


    Reform Uk represents probably to a large extent a very large number of people and whilst it may take a few elections, Reform UK MP's are coming.

    In support numbers it took UKIP 20 years to get to the stage Reform Uk are now approaching after only 3 years.


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