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Local lad

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About Local lad

  • Birthday 31/01/1960

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  • Gender
  • From
    Moray, Scotland
  • Interests
    Wildfowling, fishing

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  1. Many thanks, its taken a lot of time and effort, but things moving and progress being made. Will get the last SQ Air target up very soon when the winter competition shooting is finished. Have already started of our next crusade for funding, so hope that delivers. Ultimate goal is a new range that is warm and inviting to new members, but like every other club in the UK, not just shooting clubs, funding is the big sticking point. We have our GOFUNDME page, but that has done nothing with very little interest. The new targets have only been possible by positively seeking funding. Many thanks for all your help and advise.
  2. Well that's one 10m Sports Quantum SQ10 air pistol/rifle and one 25 yard SQ Fire .22 target up and running. Second SQ Fire ready to fit and in use very soon. Check out our Facebook page for more information. https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61556011763668&sfnsn=scwspwa
  3. Been keeping quite for the last few months as have been waiting to see if funding we applied for would come through. The good news is, it did and the club has just taken delivery of 4 electronic target systems. At present have one up and running and will get the rest up soonest. Please check out our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61556011763668&sfnsn=scwspwa GOFUNDME raised some funds and thanks to those who donated, it is much appreciated. Thanks to all on here that donated and offered advise. Will keep banging the drum, as like all grass roots clubs in the UK, we are in a lot of cases, the first step for young shooters to experience and enjoy the sport safely and need funding to offer the best facilities to all.
  4. Been a while but now getting some advise off Stalking Directory member which is really helpful. Actually just talking and knowing other clubs are in the same spot and sharing ideas has helped me push on with this. Cheers
  5. Sorry its taken so long but now registered.
  6. I dropped a line to Stalking Directory as you advised but got no response. Not yet tried ATN but will do this week,
  7. Still banging away trying to source funding without much success. The GOFUNDME page seems to have been a good idea but not generated much cash. Taken the advise of Pigeon Watch members and increased our profile with posters in the local town, a Facebook page and by some of the shooting press helping out (thanks Shooting Times and BASC) We have now made changes to try and cut operating costs, water rates, insurance etc. Looking at improving the heating on the firing points for something more economic. Can anyone advise what they have found as the best option for this. I have been advised infrared heaters but have no experience of these. Any feedback would be welcome. https://www.gofundme.com/f/forres-smallbore-rifle-and-pistol-club Please share on Facebook to spread the word. https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61556011763668&sfnsn=scwspwa
  8. I have taken your advise and been doing this for some time now. Bit of a uphill struggle but will plod away in the hope I strike lucky.
  9. Well usually wouldn't have gone this route but after trying loads of other methods to get funding I am appealing the the generosity of the general public. The lack of donations could also be down to the fact that things are tight money wise at present for all. However I have received a lot of positive kind advice after posting the page which has been really helpful hence my advise above to others.
  10. Good day all. Just for your information, if you are intending to develop a GOFUNDME page to assist your club make sure you read their T and C fully. We have had our page suspended for the past week because I suspect the club name contained the words "rifle" and "pistol" and were also used in the narrative. GOFUNDME have been very helpful and in the process of re-editing.
  11. Afternoon, took your advise and have at last dropped the Stalking Directory a message.
  12. Hi Alan, Have been in contact with a couple of clubs and all finding times hard so I think just a case of pushing and pushing our GOFUNDME site. Will keep banging my drum in the hope that someone out there can help. Basically we are a grass roots club, but a lot of shooters started with air rifles and then moved onto there discipline of choice. I am basically a wildfowler, but still have my "BSA Cadet" from 50 years ago. Can't remember how many of my brothers Airfix models it has destroyed, LOL.
  13. Hi Alan, Sorry for the delay in replying on here. Hope you got my email thanking you from the GOFNDME site just after you donated. If not, them please accept my thanks and the thanks of all the club members for the donation. It is very, very much appreciated and will assist in improving our facilities for all members and future club members. Thanks again Iain
  14. Hi, thanks for your advise. Have at last completed the Lottery funding application and sent off this morning, fingers crossed they can assist. Even with the 1.7K views on here and the Shooting Times being good enough to promote our GOFUNDME page in last weeks magazine this has only generated £90. Not given up and still banging my drum and have been working on increasing our profile locally.
  15. Good day, many thanks for the email. Please can you resend. Opened it and when I went back didn't realise it would be deleted.
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