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Posts posted by Mice!

  1. Hi, have you thought about using cage traps? Having a few in the traps could even encourage the others to come back out when you drive up, have a brew in the motor couple of shots empty the traps and away you go?


    Mice 😁

  2. Hi Laird, this might help but could just be a fluke. My pup doesn't so much as pull as wants to be at the end of the lead to get where we are going quicker a quick check puts him back by my side but not for long.


    Couple of weeks ago he stepped over the lead so it was coming up under the arm pit I was going to move it but for some reason he stays better by my side with the lead there so been doing it deliberately on and off so he is where I want him without me having to do anything forcefully, then just changing direction lots as other people have said to you.


    Hope this helps

  3. Thanks Danger mouse, he looks the part just need to help him act the part


    I could probably do with a slap sometimes lakeside1000 the not loosing it when he doesn't do something is definitely a good shout


    Thanks for the comments plenty to work on.



  4. Hi walker570 and gaffertoo,

    Thanks for your comments nice to know other peoples dogs have been doing the same thing, I have noticed that he only tends to do the head between the legs thing if we are going slowly with the old dog or kids when its just me and him doesn't do it often.



    Leaving the gun at home isn't a problem I don't have one, unless you count my Rapid 7, planning on applying for my sgc in the new year. Definitely want the well-behaved dog you can be proud of, I'll post a pic of him when I figure out how.


    Thanks again




  5. Hi termin8r,

    That was what I was thinking he is a sensitive thug so didn't want to be stopping him doing something if I could use it to my advantage.


    He is my first Gsp, the old dog is a gwp I worked him for a few years but he was hunting before he was listening all my fault, so hoping to avoid that this time round.


    I don't have that book so will take a look for it


    Thanks Mice!

  6. Hi everyone I have finally registered instead of just reading and enjoying,


    I have a couple(for now) of questions regarding my pup, 9 month gsp dog named Jet, two things he does when on the lead I want to know if I should be somehow be using them to my advantage or nipping them in the bud.


    The first is walking with his head between my legs will just do this sometimes when he is meant to be by my side, will happily walk along like this until I step off him?


    The second is playing with the lead, he tends to do this when excited or when we come off the grass back onto the path and he knows we are heading home, he prances by my side and I only stop him if he starts pulling too much on the lead.


    My old dog is 14 now so the difference between him plodding along and Jet whizzing by is quite a shock that's for sure.


    Look forward to hearing your suggestions



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