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  1. Hi Serrac 

    BiF shots how to :- 

    You want the light and the wind if any at your back as the birds will fly into the wind and spread wings more comfortably. 

    Get your camera, lens on a sturdy tripod. 

    Bait the perch to catch coming straight in or they perch up on aother branch/perch near to it's your call as it can get a little busy at one feeding spot. 

    Pre focus in manual mode just behind the designated perch I normally observe for a while then set up, once focus obtained make sure everything is locked down. No image stabilizer required as the shutter speed will be fast and no camera shake. 

    Camera settings in Manual Mode 


    Shutter speed 2500 minimum  

    ISO as low as I can go.  

    I use a remote trigger in bursts of 30 frames a second on pre capture. 

    On this shoot I was using a Canon r5 mk ii Canon EF lens 300 f/2.8 

    Fisoli carbon tripod and Jobu mk iv Gimble head. 

    Of note if I have to go high with the ISO then I use Pure Raw 3 to clean the image and then straight into Photoshop latest version. 

    Hope that helps GG 


    1. serrac


      Ha! I knew you knew what you were doing!
      I've just been getting back into photography in the last couple of years after a long lay off.
      Hopefully I'll have more time when I retire in 2026.
      I'm mostly interested in portraiture but always interested in what others are doing.
      Thanks for taking the time to reply - appreciated.


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