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Everything posted by Strimmer

  1. I just chuck a fan heater aiming under radiator with the heat turned off. Unsightly but very effective. Learnt that living in a static caravan in 90s
  2. I used to be a keeper that neck of Wales and I gotta be honest and wonder why it took so long for something to escape. I appreciate Borth is a run down town but if you can't keep tabs on one of your star predator attractions you need your licence revoked. I'd be right pi#### off if I was a local farmer
  3. we still on about sweets here?
  4. Strimmer

    NOW TV

    I found it rubbish tbh, promises loads of extra sky stuff but it takes ages for programs to be updated, if they ever get put on at all. Have a go with the free trail, then get rid of it and get Netflix. -A lot better value-
  5. Hi Yea I was thinking a cheek riser cut and rising bolt style as I don't like the slip on ones as I've had those before on my rim fires. I was going to mess about with the butt pad later as I'm having a real go a tweaking with this airgun as I've always had a springer in the collection but I got this so cheap it's good to learn the internals. Plus tbh now the barrel is bedded in its about as accurate as any bsa I've ever had (and I've had a few)! Highly recommend a tbt kit. Got to ask tho, I know the silencer looks like a right piece of -you know what- and feels it, but I've been sat safely down range and it kind of works. Everybody says to take them off? Personally I will leave it on for now unless anybody can convince me otherwise? Thanks for the replys btw Matt
  6. Hi Anybody fitted a metal sliding cheek rising kit of eBay? Just wondering how good they look afterwards as I'm wondering if I should or not. Second part is, one of the many guns I'm refinishing is a remington express xp and has a plastic stock. Has anybody cut into one of these as I'd like to know if it's hollow, honey combed or solid. I'd be finishing the rough edges with resin then sanded Cheers Matt
  7. So all I need to do is notify as well as dorset, dyfed Powys police that I'm here and I should be ok? Btw thanks for the replys I've been worried about this
  8. Hi muckers Moved here from Wales, and with my fac and shotgun licence I wanted to change it to a dorset one so I can go out and find farms to hunt on. I've done the online form about a month ago, but I've had no email/phone reply. Thing is I understand via this forum, that they don't come out and check the cabinets unless your for renewal but seeing as I still travel 'home' to shoot every once in a while I don't want to be pulled up on not having a dorset licence. Plus on top of that I wanna sell a shotgun, could I do that with the dyfed Powys police licence I have as I'm registered (or not) in Dorset? Thanks for reading and any help given P.s looking into christchurch gun club this Sunday morning, any good?
  9. Really awful haircuts my mum used to give me at school term. All my mates said I'd had a fight with a lawnmower and somebody called me strimmer. It stuck. Sad thing is, when back around my old school a few years ago somebody had nicked my title as I heard his mates call him it.
  10. Strimmer


    Can I be well done error I mean can I have it well done. No no the steak *** not my funeral that's your dept
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