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Everything posted by mgsontour

  1. I couldn't think of any but guessed there must be a technical reason as opposed to a financial/availability/recoil I assumed more pellets did in fact give a bigger effective pattern area by simple maths?
  2. Assume for a moment these aren't a problem, any other reason? LOL. . . .Another one of life's grey question/answer topic again, fab. . . .what else is at play in the mix?
  3. Hi all, just trying to get my head around a certain point. Let's say I want to shoot lead 6's as an example Q. Why would someone choose 30grms when a 32grm load would give more pellets? Sorry if it sounds a stupid question but if you don't know something then you need to ask the question Cheers
  4. Cheers everyone for your help
  5. Chest 44 to 48 Waist 42 to 46 Cheers
  6. Hi all, can anyone give me the heads up on where to purchase a tweed suit at a good price or on the off-chance if anyone has a nice one for sale/. . . . I'm 6' and XL/XXL ? Cheers
  7. Didn't use dynamite in the end, but they don't need anymore feeding
  8. What calf length waterproof lace up boots are your favourite without breaking the bank? Cheers
  9. Thanks lads, we been out again today and had one pond where only half flew, a quarter we managed to walk out but the rest were well stuck. . . . . we have done the feeding down the fodder beat some way, gave them flying lessons with a rim fire ( which works pretty well ) tried fireworks, dogs, lines across with streamers etc but just wondered what works best for you guys? Even wonder in jest if we could train a fox to heel !!!
  10. Just wondered what inventive ideas keepers have used to 'encourage' the lazy ducks to fly late in the season? Cheers
  11. After a decent amount of research, I've had my 14 year old retriever on 2 drops per day which contains 1.25mg per drop of CBD he was very spacey day 1 and 2 but now seems more settled, I give him them after small breakfast and the only side effects are that he pants for a while after taking them
  12. Above sounds good, but would be nice to hear another idea please
  13. Hi Has anyone got a Lemon chello recipe please? Cheers
  14. The biggest problem you face is that unless you know how to work it out, BT are the only ones that know how much you use and won't tell you. As above plusnet is a no frills BT which also throttle your BB at busy times, BT stand firm that they don't. Virgin is the best but their top service is only in cities/large towns. The rest are all about the same. I would respectfully suggest you Google 'how to monitor your bandwith usage' then in a weeks time will know what you use-ish and will then have the upper hand and with a carefully planned conversation get BT to drop the increase. Black Friday may also pop up some deals
  15. Suppose most of us love a corned beef sarnie. . . but what's the best brand out there?
  16. It's all about the quality of the lens at the end of the day, the other options between models depends on what you want it to do
  17. That's what the keeper said but when I've looked into it there are many strengths and brands, so may I ask what do you buy and where from? Cheers and glad it works for you
  18. I was speaking to an keeper the other day and he uses CBD oil on his old dogs. . . .Is this correct? can someone let me know which one and what's the dosage for a lab? Cheers
  19. Thanks lads, I'll try your ideas and see what works best
  20. In lounge. a little shiney to be honest with lumps in
  21. Not woodchip but recon it's a close cousin!
  22. Hi all, got some old wallpaper which seems to have been done with an old fashioned industrial strength paste. . . . any ideas to remove it with hacking the wall underneath and how to prepare for new stuff? Cheers
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