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Everything posted by mgsontour

  1. Hi all, just wondering what old fashioned ways people help a dog with itchy ears? Thanks in advance
  2. Hi all, looking for 2 decent front universal car waterproof heavy duty seat covers? I can't seem to get through the amount of cheap poor quality ones available online, can someone point me in the right direction please? Cheers
  3. Great, now the next bit to make your 100% is open another account here https://www.icloud.com/ Then use your gmail account and then DIY or enlist the help of a youngster to make icloud 'back up' your gmail account, then if you ever have problems everything is backed up securely; job done
  4. I've got nice lab bitch, with good working lines and want a big sized stud dog and can't find one I like in my area, is there a forum where to put an advert or find available dogs? Cheers
  5. Icloud mail for Apple mobiles and Gmail for every other mobile; job done, as it's in their interest to provide you with a seamless service. * If your interested why. . . . basically free services are loaded with portals/gates that manufacturers, Government, advertisers, hackers etc can use if they so wish. Paid emails, icloud and Gmail are updated with security patches constantly, paid for via subscriptions or loyalty incentives to stay with that brand. It's complex as big money at stake sir
  6. Iif your decent enough to do it, rename spam folder to sent 'after' you rename your sent folder to ZSENT which will list it below your line of sight and stop annoying you. If you can't do that then 1st rename sent to zsent then make a new folder named sent and add make your outgoing mail to save a copy to it. Hotmail is now considered very old service. I would advise going forward to: Signup for 2 new accounts at icloud and gmail like these: hcatcat@icloud.com and hcatcat@gmail.com start using either as your Primary email /contacts then depending on whether you use an Apple mobile (icloud) or 'any' other mobile (gmail) use the other account as a ' synchronised back of the other' that why your set for the next few years because if you get locked out, forget your password,lose/break your mobile/laptop your covered. If you get stuck ask anyone aged between 12 and 30 to do for you what I suggest and they will sort it without much effort
  7. mgsontour

    Clear Out

    Thanks but no thanks as not what I wanted, but nearly.
  8. mgsontour

    Clear Out

    The slip opened in red, what is the outside made from?
  9. I put myself on the " inform me when back in stock " email list for Flightline decoys months ago, obviously, no products yet in stock I assume resulting from C19 unless anyone has bought recently?
  10. mgsontour

    New to CB radio

    It used to be good fun, as above people used to be mad on it. . . . . I've given thought but recon WhatsApp is the same but better as it's free to use with no barriers and totally secure
  11. There are a couple of critical parts to dealing with air under that kind of pressure and I've seen some nasty situations following a moments lapse of concentration.. . . far easier to go get a bottle filled
  12. It's not as simple *** just buying one and switching it on. . . . unless you know what your doing you run a high risk to your health and property. . . as above just get a bottle filled and a dive centre, there are thousands everywhere throughout the UK
  13. I know Russia injected a few of their natives 2 weeks ago with different concoctions of drugs. . . .just to see what works!!
  14. Best number I've seen is...……...more than 250,000 have recovered from the positive tested patients worldwide...….I recon that's good news; right
  15. Interesting point, that might explain the lack of bargains
  16. I simmer my pork ribs in cider first then sit them in the fridge for a couple of days with the marinade before grilling, seems to work too
  17. Try pigeon and pork with a touch of tyme and your preferred quantity/amount of mustard.....Perfect
  18. Just wondering if anyone has seen any great deals on gear we all use yet? I've looked around and haven't found any star buys yet
  19. We have been doing them for ages as so simple to make and great in your pocket for a boost. . . try dried figs chopped finely with honey ( sharp n sweet )
  20. It's a real shame but we all going nuts I recon
  21. mgsontour


    Like yourself I don't understand the mechanics/underpinning of them, however, I know they are popular and had a big dive like the airlines/insurers/all of my portfolio etc etc however, the youngsters ( mostly involved with Cryptos ) see things differently to us lot that enjoy sitting at the bottom of a field with a gun, SO, I still think it's a good addition to my portfolio as a daft punt ( but maybe not that daft ) but I've looked at buying some and it doesn't seem straight forward to me, a little like which cart/choke to use. . . . if you don't know you don't know but I'm keen to learn if someone can give me the heads up? Cheers
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