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    The North West

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  1. A married couple have 500k each to leave before IHT kicks in if the main property is left to their offspring. If one dies the 500k allowance is passed to the survivor.
  2. Yep but no doubt more will appear!
  3. They seem to protect BASC don't they, not sure why as they deserve all they get. The OP does BASC absolutely no favours.
  4. You do some great stuff with your Airgun and very discreet to boot.
  5. You would realise far more money stripping it and selling the none FAC parts seperately and just sell the block as FAC.
  6. This absolutely. I listened to a drive on a Commercial shoot last season and was sickened by the number of shots, it was a slaughter on a grand scale. I have been a member of 3 small shoots for 30 years but recently gave up my SGC / FAC. The farm I Pigeon shot on for years had a Commercial shoot on it and hated it.
  7. You are obviously more knowledgeable then the two Financial Advisers I dealt with.
  8. It all depends on circumstance. If you need say £1500 a month from a medium risk SIPP and your whole pot might just return that @ 6% per annum average then taking 25% out will scupper that totally. Blanket advice of it being a no brainer is simply wrong, I have been through the process with two different financial advisers and needed to leave enough in the fund to give the return I needed so I didn't take the 25%. If you have millions in a pot then yes take the 25%.
  9. Very good advice, I i took it and acted accordingly. The 25% is obviously appealing but if you need a pot for a return ill advised.
  10. If you want a return from your pot that is extremely bad advice.
  11. And will be supporting a ban on all Firearms Licensing 🤣
  12. Yes but don't do it if you don't need to as you are lessening the pot to give you returns. I took 12% to pay off my mortgage and give my daughter a house deposit and legal fees. The rest is needed to give me a monthly return.
  13. AFAIK Zelensky hasn't signed up to Trumps rare earth deal.
  14. John Swift and BASC honoured him with a life time award, says all you need to know about the organisation.
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