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  1. I think their 5 year transition away from Lead has concluded so they must be using Steel.
  2. 3 Million including me signed a Petition to get Labour out, how do you think that will go?
  3. The HSE recommendations almost say Steel is **** for Clays in allowing the Top Clay Shooters to keep on using Lead which is in itself scandalous.
  4. There is an agenda and it belongs to the WEF and Starmer and the King fully support it. https://www.weforum.org/stories/2024/01/migration-model-sustainable-development/
  5. What other choices were there? Train British people to satisfy our employment needs. Apprenticeships are few and far between these days, encourage them financially for employers and penalise those who go straight to Foreign Labour . Stop foreign students bringing their family with them, that is farcical. They only started restrictions on this in 2024, why was it ever allowed but it still is under certain conditions. Minimise what family Foreign workers can bring. Huge low skilled immigration does not benefit the country in any shape or fashion, it puts huge pressure on Schools, Prisons, the NHS, Housing etc etc the list goes on and on.
  6. I am talking about the huge rise in legal immigration not the boats.
  7. We didn't get Brexit though did we, ask our Fishing Fleet and Northern Ireland. We got BRINO and a spiteful rise in Immigration to punish people for voting to leave.
  8. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-14193593/Keir-Starmers-surrender-squad-Brexit-PM-Whitehall-unit-Brussels.html
  9. I have had 6 Cockers and in my humble opinion the desire to hunt is in the dog and not something you can teach. I gave away one, a lovely dog with no desire to hunt at all no matter what I tried.
  10. I left when John Swift tried to sell us down the river many years ago but now that task has been completed so no doubt he will be popping a cork tonight as well. Turkeys voting for Christmas springs to mind.
  11. No way of telling I guess as they have no choice, saw a 29 Stone Gorilla getting a tooth abscess sorted today! https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-14192621/gorilla-dentist-chair-treatment-tooth-abscess-binga-pretoria-national-zoo.html
  12. I have been looking at Steel on JC, I have never bought any but at face value it is twice the price of Lead. Clay Shooting is very expensive as it is, this could be the straw that breaks the Camels back and the ban is a total farce. I have shot up at Kelbrook many times which has been going for decades and there is plenty of Wildlife up there and water birds on the lake. Not sure why Shooting Orgs back this agenda it may very well put them out of business.
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