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    The North West

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  1. Net Zero will kill all Manufacturing industry, it is National suicide that none of us can afford and for what?????
  2. The Royal family watch sporting events from the stands. Sunak used to watch Southampton in the stands with no issues and wasn't trying to push through legislation the FA doesn't want. He has a very clear conflict of interest taking freebie boxes.
  3. He has a £300k a year BBC Pension.
  4. Yep the State now exists to destroy our lives not improve them.
  5. Net Zero lunacy I imagine will tip many over the edge, we have some of the most expensive electricity costs in the world so Politicians can virtue signal. Not just pubs all energy intensive industry will relocate or go bust. Thousands of jobs now going under Labour. North Sea Oil with the licence ban and Labour not challenging any court appeals from eco loons on existing licences. Steelworks, the Cumbrian mine and Grangemouth and for what? Absolutely nothing, Tata are building a huge new blast furnace in India as our Govt bungs them £500 million to close ours and lose thousands of jobs. It is total and utter insanity.
  6. It sounds fishy or totally amatuer to me, you couldn't hit a cows **** with a shovel with the barrel resting on a netting fence and if you wanted to take a precision shot at 500 yards an AK47 would be your last weapon of choice.
  7. No, they make very strong money. They have semi pistol gripped stocks and wide file cut ribs. I had one with Pigeon and Wildfowl engraving, they are a work of art.
  8. Have you got a garage, they even get stripped for parts whilst stood round here if they can't be stolen.
  9. There are scammers on Guntrader as I found out to my stupid cost, Guntrader were worse than useless with any assistance. Then their **** security led to me getting hundreds of scam e mails and texts. I wouldn't touch them with a barge pole. I wonder how your buyer found the rifle, he must have chanced upon it.
  10. Scrap the GBE quango that produces nothing and don't give away £12 Billion to help other countries climate change, sorted. BTW there is no £22 Billion black hole it is a bare faced lie to raise Taxation. If you believe taxing carbon will change the climate you are truly bonkers! Just about sums things up.
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