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  • From
    The North West

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  1. How can you do a Poll on something that hasn't happened?
  2. Our extortionate Energy costs are very probably a large factor, why would any company invest with Milliband driving the costs through the roof.
  3. I don't have one but surely they have been deemed illegal retrospectively after previously being legal so compensation should be paid?
  4. Utter insanity, Solar was delivering less than 1% of our needs recently for days on end and Wind about 10%. In the depths of Winter when we need the most energy Wind and Solar are worse than useless in this countries climate.
  5. You have priced them well, they both look to be in superb condition. Bryan is a keen Winchester collector.
  6. Did you raise the Snaring ban making effective Fox Control in certain areas virtually impossible due to the vegetation?
  7. I saw this in the paper and was truly shocked at the absolutely appalling lack of any Police response, truly disgusting. Amazing how a post on X can get you Jail within a day but this lot get off Scott free! Welcome to Starmer's Britain.
  8. Thanks for posting, every day is a school day!
  9. Weihrauch17


    He hates Starmer like the rest of us and is probably just biding his time before he stitches him up big time.
  10. How does that affect the zoom ring tension??
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