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Dean k

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    Shooting, Scuba Diving, Off Road in my Hilux Surf 2.4 "92
  1. Hello all, Whilst being in the same room as the wife last night (23/05/11) who was watching "Made in Chelsea" on E4, I heard them talking about going clay shooting and watched to see how they got on. There was numerous incidents where little to no gun hadling safety was thought about and then they decided two of them would have a best of 10 comp. Spencer was seen to load the shotgun with 2 cartridges (whilst commenting abiut what he had chosen to wear!!) and then close the gun with his finger on the trigger causing it to discharge into the ground a few feet away, in shock he then moved the (still loaded) gun without making it safe in any way through the line of camera man and the small group of people standing around who were laughing!! I was horrified to see this type of dangerous use of guns again on prime time tv, as always many are let down by the few!! I have noted that the incident was at approx 14mins 30sec into the programme for those who want to view it without having to watch the whole programme. Dean
  2. Hi folks, My friend has a Purdey .300 Rook rifle (very nice) and is down to his last few bullets! I have tried to find some ammo for him as a suprise, but to no avail. There has been some ammo online but this is for collectors and is in excellent boxes and value of around £250 for 50 bullets, that is £5 a shot Does anyone on here reload this round or know someone who does, even if its around the same price as above the round will not be 40 years old if not older!! Thanks in advance for your help, Dean
  3. Nice rifle, but where is that persons feet standin behind it!! Dean
  4. Dean k


    Always who you know, not what you know!! Hope I can have the same influence for my kids one day Dean K
  5. Sparkie - I have had fun with mine for ages, even got a 50shot mag from the states can empty it as quick as can pull the trigger. Savage HMR - Just be careful they can jam quite often and it does get very annoying. If you got a new one and kept it clean you should be ok?? Dean
  6. When I go out with my dad he always gives me a 2 way radio, evry time he radios me I pick it up and reply he will then tell me pigeons/crows are heading my way as they fly over me!!! Also when my mobile rings they are all over the sky!! Just one of those things, Dean
  7. The rifle I assume you are pictured shooting (the raider)! Dean
  8. What scope have you got on the rifle? I am picking up my (new to me) FN19 lighthunter and will be looking to change the Hawke scope that it has now, and yours looks the buisness. Thanks, Dean
  9. Thanks for that grasshopper I have a few questions for anyone with knowledge on the subject. I am after a NV that I add on to my normal scopes via some kind of fitting, which one do you get for this and at what price are they? I don't want a NV scope as do as much in the day as night and the NV would be more of experiment unless starts to get serious results etc. Thanks all, Dean
  10. What sort of price would you be looking at for an archer? Have been looking online and can't find ****** all!!
  11. Get a trail camera set on the hole, this is where they come into their own!! Or a slighly primative idea of putting some tape on the roots hanging in the hole so that it gets some hair as the animal passes, not used it myself but have heard people that have in this situation?? Dean
  12. Shooting hares and wild Boar!!
  13. No mate not at all, I don't even have knowledge of the story!! Just added the comment as a taster, you know what forums are like!! It does always reads the same on these subjects though, normally started by some getting a ticket and writing that a warning would have been better!! There must be someone out there that had a good service and result after being burgled but that is not a good topic "the police were helpful", and it never gets documented. Like in all subjetcs including shooting the good stuff just does not make the news, just the bad. Dean
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