We live in a Capitalist society, where everyone has the opportunity to make a good life for themselves and their families.
Save for the unfortunate, who by no reasons of idleness need the help of the state, the rest of society are free to flower, and therefore support the less fortunate.
The less fortunate, for whatever good reason, I am happy to assist.
The idle and work-shy spongers, I am not.
Is it the responsibility of the likes of myself, to create jobs for others? No. But by doing so, I am entitled to make a profit, and am entitled to spend that profit on whatever I choose, be it property, education, Stella or Bling!
Myself, and all of my business friends, have paid obscene amounts of tax, and each and every one, have contributed to this country of ours in many ways.
If the wealth of the Nation were to be equally distributed, within a few years it would probably be back where it is now.
The tracksuit brigade, choose to dress the way they do, they choose to pigeonhole themselves.
They also choose to live the life they do, and I have no respect for anyone who is capable, but unwilling to look after themselves, and to contribute to society, irrespective of how they choose to adorn themselves.
They may not all be bad, but they do have the choice as to how the rest of society perceives them.
I choose not to wear tribal colours.