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Everything posted by johnny

  1. Don't know if its any good to anyone but wj peacocks in Bedford how a gun room for auction.
  2. I thought it was really funny got to love them good old American boys
  3. Iam looking for someone to do some corn cart would suit either someone not working or retired, this is a paid job but also will come with some shooting permission. Just north of cambridge. No experience necessary as its not rocket science but you will need to be able to drive. Pm if interested Cheers John
  4. Just how stupid are these people for going on the tele and getting canned while trying to justify all this money they get. Also don't get why people who don't like the benefit system are meatheads and blinkered. I would say you need to get out more and have a look round
  5. I saw this and thought all that money she'd have a nice house. What a doors kicked in **** everywhere, so where's she spending the money or is she pilling it in the back for a rainy day.
  6. That's what I thought. We put a big bale in are club lake.
  7. johnny

    Channel 4 - Skint

    I like'd the bit with the loverly lady and daughter shouting at the bloke's in the park drinking for leaving rubbish on the floor, when she's just shut the door on her old house looking like a right sh1thole. who's going to tidy that up.
  8. johnny


    When calling foxes how long do you tend to call for a few seconds or minutes and which call do you find most effective Cheers john
  9. Sorry he sent the tickets fine but has not givens the refund after it was cancelled last year after saying he would
  10. Brought some game fair tickets off him last year and am still waiting for my refund. He's stopped coming on here with this name just wondering if he's started up under another. Wasn't a large amount of money more the principle that he has stiched me up. Cheers john
  11. Went here for the first time the other week really good clay ground. I don't really shoot clays but a friend ask me to go, loads of different disciplines but I found it really hard. I'm no aa but can manage 60/70% shot a disappointing 27 from 75, still enjoyable.
  12. johnny


    Yes let's brush it under the carpet then it won't be happening. Lets have more threads about chokes, cartridges and when should I shoot the field etc. this is pw after all
  13. johnny

    Channel 4 - Skint

    Quote of the series last night, you don't get nowt for owt. Then. The trailer for next week he say he needs £500-600 a week from a job to get off benifits. They are not all bad though that guy who got the forklift job was up for working after looking for 7months.
  14. johnny

    Channel 4 - Skint

    Sorry yes you should address a problem. As for poverty to me that means having no money so no drink fags mobile phones etc. I now it will take a lot of money but we need to do something as its only going to get worse
  15. johnny

    Channel 4 - Skint

    When it comes to taking kids off idiots they just get pregnant and have another kid. They didnt look after the kid the first time and are too stupid to change so you will just have a constant string of kids going into care. Iam not so sure they would kept having babies if there was no gain to be had
  16. johnny

    Channel 4 - Skint

    No lets, how on earth do you find out if someone is a scrounger and those who are disadvantaged? It's easy you help the can doers and leave the cant doers. Henry so far you have said nothing about how to help the problem just pick at anyone's else's suggestions. Iam wondering wether your living on benefits and are worried about losing them
  17. johnny

    Channel 4 - Skint

    Now that's a job I would like. From what I see on the tele they any every where, even in the village I live so shouldnt be to hard to sort the wheat from the chaff
  18. johnny

    Channel 4 - Skint

    Atlast thats what the benefit should be for. Not people who don't want to work
  19. johnny

    Channel 4 - Skint

    If the parent/s can are working and can support them. But take the 21 year old she has 5 kids now twenty years time how many will there be and how much will it cost the tax payer if they get in the same mindset that living on benefits is ok
  20. johnny

    Channel 4 - Skint

    I admit it won't be cheap but hopefully in the long run the kids would learn that sitting on your **** smoking drinking and watching Jeremy Kyle doesn't pay the bills, but also if the wasters thought there is no gain to having kids they might be a bit more carefull, so less babies
  21. johnny

    Channel 4 - Skint

    Would it be better for social services to look after the babies until the parents until can prove they can look after them without benefits. Surley that may even give the kids a better upbringing rather than be dragged down by the parents. May be this way the money that would be given as benefits would actually be spent on the kids
  22. johnny

    Channel 4 - Skint

    So Henry what should we do about the problem? Sure they are not all like it and some have had a rubbish life. But they still no what is right and wrong, the problem keeps getting brushed under the table the trouble with that is they keep having more kids as more kids means more money. Then those kids have kids and the whole thing gets worse. The fact is if people want work it's out there you just have to get out there. Trouble is they get to much money for not working. I agree if you don't have kids it's harder as you won't get as much money, but these houses are full of luxuries. I clear £1800/m after tax and ni for a fifty hour week. So it's not like iam raking it in but a least I've earnt it not like these lazy ****
  23. johnny

    Channel 4 - Skint

    Have these people never thought about relocating to somewhere that has jobs. East Anglia is full of Eastern Europeans most of them seem to find work. But these good for nothing sponging **** want it all for nothing. Thank god the older bloke has had the snip so he won't be breeding anymore. As for the girl of 16 did feel for her a bit but can't help think her baby is better of somewhere else. They all seem to smoke drink and do drugs they don't need to go to work as I do and will pay for them.
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