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Everything posted by johnny

  1. I've got one and love it. Yes it's tiny which I like as is much better it the truck or rtv, really like the bolt to. Only thing I don't like is the amount of misfires but that's the ammo no the gun
  2. I used to shoot that area never found it hat good an area best days where when we swathed the rape. Other than that it was hard even chopped game covers were not great.
  3. Slim I'd say!!! But if you get caught take it like a man not bitch and moan.
  4. Hello where in beds are you please. Cheers kohn
  5. Had a look on Sunday but not out the nest yet can hear them though so shouldn't be long
  6. Will try and get it for you. Cheers John
  7. There is a guy called something Newman in old Harlow that's where my friends take theirs. Cheers john
  8. johnny


    To true.. Here in east Anglia there are 1000s of Eastern Europeans some robbing so sponging but the majority are work bloody hard something are benefit culture spongers will never do...
  9. johnny


    Leeds chimp its now to got the point that its not worth SWMBO actually going to work....took on an extra day...and now works out that we are worse off... Is it the case she earns slightly more working than on benifit but have to work for it or is she getting less in her pocket at the end of the week
  10. johnny


    What I don't get is with people's opions we seem to hate this benefitand no win no fee ****, so why are we in such a **** state. We all know people poncing of us tax payers. Why do we put up with it what can we do? I wonder how many people on here are work shy spongers. Makes my blood boil but what can I do we and are children are screwed as its only going to get worse.
  11. Insane god knows how they get there body's to do that...
  12. I've got a problem with badgers and deer knackering springs on my feeders and was wondering if they can get wheat out of the pan feeders. Cheers john
  13. Thanks I've been to that page but no does it say software update or software anything
  14. I know there are some apple people on here, Ian after some help to upgrade the iOS on my iPhone4. After doing some reading I should have software upgrade button in settings but I don't. Any help Cheers John
  15. Your right I've not pulled the trigger on anyone but some of these people are a site worse than the vermin I do shoot. Why should we keep paying for them all there lives. One in there last night had done 600-700 crimes when's he going learn. Makes my blood boil
  16. Not a problem can't see them coming to anything, how long should we try with these people. Hats off to the police and prison officers for doing their jobs trying to deal with these people.
  17. What is the point of having these people about, the world would be a much better place with out them. If they need someone to pull the trigger give me a shout as I wouldn't need any counselling after that's for sure. Fair enough the ones that keep there heads down and get on with it but the trouble makers just get rid.
  18. Iam on my phone so can't see your location. Could you give me some more details as in make and effective range. Cheers john
  19. Have read a bit about this and thought it must be rare but in the last fortnight both me and my mate have had it where the bullet gets stuck up the barrel. he's had his 2yrs and I've had mine nearly a year we both use horhdy ammo. Do other brands still suffer the same. Cheers john
  20. johnny

    Coffee machine

    Thanks for the replies budget don't really want to spend more tham 100. Cheers john
  21. I want a coffee machine the type that takes capsules- pods, anyone recommend one as the choice seems huge. I like a latte and cappuccino's cheers john
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